Political spectra are often designed to make a
“center” appear reasonable
A circle is sometimes a useful image, but not in the way it’s often used to
depict the political spectrum. Above is an example I found on the Internet of
what I’m referring to.
You’ve got the Left and the Right at opposite sides of the circle such
that, as you move to down and to the left from the Right and down and to the
right from the Left—that is, away from their propensities—you end up at a kind
of equilibrium point between the two. But moving up and to the left from the
Right or up and to the right from the Left, you not only wind up farther from
the reasonable “center” but at—gasp—unstable anarchy!
I learned this metaphor in high school. The lesson as I recall was
something like “all extremes will eventually meet,” so the reasonable place to
be is at the moderate “center.” The metaphor’s continued use reflects a
continuing muddle in political discourse, especially in the mainstream media.
Does a Circle Have a “Right” or “Left” Side?
I saw a good specimen of such “circular thinking” on television when Edward Snowden, via Glenn Greenwald,
revealed that an arm of the U.S. government, the National
Security Agency, has been tracking foreign and domestic
emails and phone conversations. Remember? It
happened before the distraction of the President’s let’s-please-bomb-Syria
campaign. (And while we’re at it, let’s remind ourselves of the abuses earlier this year of the
Internal Revenue Service.)
Now, I watch MSNBC about as much I watch Fox News (i.e., almost never)
because of the particularly dismal (and usually loud) level of discourse on
both channels. Not long ago, a paid “political expert” on the former remarked
how puzzling it was that “libertarians,” whom he described as representing
"the extreme right wing" of the political spectrum, were making
common cause with the "Left" on the Snowden affair.
(Apologies for all the scare quotes in this column, but these terms are
used so loosely in political blather that it’s dangerous to take them at face
For that commentator the paradox emerged not so much from the fact that both
progressives (at least some of them) and libertarians were upset about the
breathtaking, unprecedented, and ongoing NSA violations of our civil liberties.
The circle metaphor does after all put extreme Left and Right on the same spot.
No, the mystery lay in the metaphor itself: It describes the situation without
providing any underlying logic. What is it exactly that’s being measured around
the circle? Apparently the point is simply to characterize “the center” as a
reasonable ideological point of balance.
Means Versus Ends
I’m not sure that a single image can capture all of the important factors
that go into locating a particular doctrine with respect to others. For
instance, while socialism and fascism share political means, they each have
different political ends. Moreover, look at how many varieties of socialism
there are! That goes for fascism and capitalism, too.
I do think, though, that a political/doctrinal spectrum that looks at a
single relevant dimension can clear up a lot of confusion. Although not his
idea, Hayek put it well in The
Road to Serfdom:
Nearly all the points which are disputed between socialists and liberals concern the methods common to all forms of collectivism and not the particular ends for which socialists want to use them.
Now, writing in the 1940s for a British audience, Hayek used the term
“liberal” to mean something like modern-day libertarians. So what he’s saying
is that we can treat the ends of the
various political doctrines as given and locate them relative to one another in
a fairly straightforward way using the methods they
each propose.
The method that all brands of collectivism (the
doctrine that an individual’s ends are always subservient to those of the
group) uses is political power (the use or
threat of violent physical aggression and intimidation) to achieve whatever announced
end collectivists are aiming at. For fascism the announced end may be national
hegemony; for socialism it may be a more equal distribution of wealth. I say
“announced end” because collectivism in practice usually turns out quite
different from collectivism in theory. In any case, collectivism relies on the
unrestrained use of political power to achieve its objectives.
I couldn’t find a clean image that exactly matched this simple yet useful
metric of political ideology. Here is one that comes close, though I don’t
necessarily agree with all the reference points on the image or endorse the
position of the group I’m borrowing it from.
The political power spectrum resolves the paradox that libertarians and
progressives can unite to fight for civil liberties. To the extent that they
share a suspicion of State authority, libertarians and progressives can make
common cause against the NSA. Similarly, conservatives who oppose high taxes
are the allies of libertarians. But when conservatives demand to make it
illegal to smoke marijuana or when progressives want to make it illegal to
smoke cigarettes—both of which extend political power and shrink individual
autonomy—they part company with libertarians.
From the libertarian perspective, of course, opposing State intervention
into our private affairs, economic rights, or civil liberties is just being
consistent. Those who continue to think in circles will remain confused.
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