Al Gore Tickled Pink
Pater Tenebrarum
After 15 years of no
'warming', even while CO2 in the atmosphere has increased by one third (from
about almost nothing to still almost nothing), what is left to do for those
whose livelihood and professional pride depends on keeping the doomsday story
For the scientists among them
it would be a good time to ponder the validity of their models, which have
consistently made predictions wide of the mark since they were first created.
It may be a good time to have a dialogue with the many scientists who have long
proposed alternative theories of the planet's climate cycles (that these cycles
do exist and that we have been in a warming cycle for thousands of years
is not denied by anyone) – alternatives to 'AGW', or 'anthropogenic global
warming' that is.
However, as Thomas Kuhn
pointed out in the 1960s, science tends to work within 'accepted paradigms'
that are not necessarily progressing toward the truth. Revolutionary theories
that are not in keeping with the accepted paradigm may be rejected for a long time,
until their correctness can no longer be denied. One should not even blithely
assume that all 'later' science is necessarily better than 'earlier' science.
At times valuable knowledge even gets lost and must be rediscovered (economics
is a case in point).
Anyway, many supporters of the
AGW theory appear eager to shut off dialogue with opponents altogether. A
friend pointed us to a tweet by Al Gore in this context, in
which Gore informs us gleefully that:
The @latimes no longer prints letters
that deny manmade global warming. Why? Because they're "factually
In other words, the LA Times
seemingly believes itself to be in possession of the scientific 'truth' and
those not accepting the 'facts' it has ascertained beyond doubt have hereby
been excommunicated. The 'truth' you see, needs to be protected from naysayers.
The Arbiters of 'Truth'
The LA Times letter editor's
arrogant and patronizing attempt at explaining his decision can be read here. We want to just pick out one
sentence that requires instant rebuttal. In an accusing tone he thunders:
“Many say climate change is a hoax, a scheme by liberals to curtail personal freedom”.
The 'liberals' (which really
should be called leftists or socialists for the sake of precision) are mainly
what Lenin would have referred to as 'useful idiots' in this case. Most sure
have swallowed the AGW story hook line and sinker.
Speaking of 'factual
inaccuracies', can you spot the factual inaccuracy in what the LA Times
letter editor wrote?
Again, absolutely no-one is
denying that there is 'climate change'. The planet's climate has changed since
day one about four billion years ago and will never crease doing so.
What is at issue and is
definitely up for debate is if there is such a thing as 'man-made global
warming'. That is obviously a big difference. That proponents of the AGW
theory (among them virtually every government) want to 'curtail our freedom' is
undeniable. Economic freedom is just as important an aspect of freedom (in our
opinion possibly the most important) as other aspects of it.
The fact that they insist that
we need to be subjected to a plethora of new taxes and extremely costly
regulations on account of a theory that can no longer even be supported by what
is surely the most important piece of evidence (namely, actual temperature
change…) may well appeal to leftist sentiments.
After all, if all these
demands were fulfilled, there would be economic stagnation, eventually followed
by decline – and the left probably hates nothing more than the economic
progress created by the market economy. Its entire redistributionist philosophy
is based on the notion of a stagnant economic pie. Its penchant for central
planning proceeds from the assumption of a static economy. So yes, the AGW theory
is popular with the left due to its authoritarian implications, the
expansion of government power it promises to bring and the economic stagnation
that will as a result of 'battling climate change at all costs' come within
hailing distance.
The actual main proponents of
the theory (as opposed to the hangers-on) can probably be divided into two
camps: There are those who are convinced – because they are working inside the
currently accepted scientific paradigm – that they are right, no matter how much
countervailing evidence assaults their senses or how persuasive alternative
theories may sound. Their life's work may well be at stake after all, and
scientists have egos too (in fact, quite a few have probably big egos).
The second camp consists of
those who couldn't give a flying (insert flying object of your choice) about
'freedom', 'truth' or whatnot, but have discovered that they could board a
gravy train of truly immense proportions. Note that prior to 1980, climatology
was a tiny branch of science continually starved for funding. Today AGW
scaremongering is keeping legions of people in clover. It is one of the
greatest rackets out there, and almost entirely tax payer funded (a source of
funding that is considered a bottomless well).
Lastly, how anyone can still
say the following with a straight face in the wake of 'Climategate' is beyond
“[...] when deciding which letters should run among hundreds on such weighty matters as climate change, I must rely on the experts — in other words, those scientists with advanced degrees who undertake tedious research and rigorous peer review.”
The implicit assertion that
among the opponents of AGW there are no “scientists with advanced degrees
who undertake tedious research and rigorous peer review” is either
completely misguided or a flat-out propaganda lie. That there exists in fact a
vigorous scientific debate over the merits of AGW theory can be easily
ascertained by visiting Anthony
Watts' famous 'denier' site. As Ross McKittrick notes in a recent article:
“Everything you need to know about the dilemma the IPCC faces is summed up in one remarkable graph. The graph dramatically shows that every UN IPCC climate model over the past 22 years (1990-2012) predicted that average global temperatures would be as much as 0.9 degrees C (1.6 degrees F) higher than they actually were! This is hardly surprising, considering how defective the models are, and how heavily they depend on the notion that carbon dioxide is the primary driver of global warming.
What is commonly dismissed as the ‘skeptical’ or ‘denier’ view coincides with real-world observations.”
(emphasis added)
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