Creating and Solving Our Economic Problems
By Patrick Cox
If you read today's headlines, the issues that are driving the current
political strife and confusion may appear to be separate from those driving the
economic problems. In fact, though, the debt, the deficit, and healthcare costs
are all consequences of something that has no historical precedent. That is the
"demographic transition," which is dramatically reducing the
worker-to-beneficiary (WtB) ratio, the number of people paying into
entitlements systems compared to the number of recipients.
We hear incessantly that we must learn from history to avoid repeating the
mistakes of the past. While there is some truth in this adage, the really
spectacular mistakes come from assuming that the past is a reliable guide to
the future. It's not.
The truly new, even if it is essentially positive in
nature, almost always creates massive disruption. Economist Joseph Schumpeter
called this "creative destruction" and described the process whereby
established institutions resist change but are eventually replaced.
The demographic transition, driven by improvements in technologies that
increase human lifespans while reducing birthrates, is one of the biggest
changes ever to hit human societies. Moreover, it is not only ongoing, it is
In the short run, this means that the dynamics that have created fiscal
crises globally will continue to worsen. At some point, however, these same
scientific and technological forces are going to win out over the old
institutions and create a far better world. I'll get to that in a bit.
Human Lifespans Are Still Increasing Rapidly
To review: For most of human history, life expectancies were relatively
constant except during periods such as war or pandemic disease. Over the
centuries, average lifespans increased so slowly that the improvements were
largely unnoticeable. In modern times, however, it has become obvious that the
very gradual increases in lifespans were actually the first stages of
exponential growth.
In just over a century, average Western life expectancies have nearly
doubled. Just as importantly, birthrates have plummeted. In America, they are
about half what they were in 1920. The same trends are evident throughout the
developed world and continue to spread across the globe.
Demographers and some policy makers have finally begun to acknowledge the
depopulation problem. Low birthrates and swelling older populations are
inverting the "demographic pyramid." The ancient and reliable status
quo – populations with many young people and relatively few older people – is
being flipped on its head.
Birthrates are already well below replacement level in many countries,
including Austria, Canada, Germany, Italy, Korea, Poland, Portugal, Russia,
Spain, and Switzerland. Less-developed countries are behind the curve but
catching up rapidly, which means they will not be able to supply the immigrants
to make up for the First World's depopulation problems, as they have done in
the past.
Academic and Media Blindness
Given that the media and high-level academics such as Paul Ehrlich have
been proclaiming imminent overpopulation doom for as long as I can remember,
you might think that the flipping of the demographic pyramid amounts to some
unforeseeable "black swan" event. Let's dispense with that drivel
Sociologist Warren Thompson and other demographers were already measuring
the impact of improvements in medical and other health-related technologies a
hundred years ago. Thompson forecast the demographic transition in the 1920s,
using relatively simple mathematical extrapolations of trends that had been
obvious for some time.
You might assume, therefore, that the demographic transition, with its
predictions of falling birthrates and populations, is a minor theory. On the
contrary, Thompson's book Population Problems was the major
demographic text until the 1960s. The truth was known but was ignored, starting
in the 1970s, by a younger generation that looked backwards and insisted that
historical birthrates would continue forever.
The Worker-to-Beneficiary Ratio Quandary
For policy wonks like me, the bottom line is the falling
worker-to-beneficiary ratio. Simply put, it means that fewer and fewer younger
people are being asked to support more and more older people.
In 1950 America had a WtB ratio of about 16 to 1. Today, there are about
3.3 workers for every beneficiary, and that number continues to fall. Transfer
payments to the aged, however, are rising.
Veronique de Rugy of the Mercatus Center at George Mason University points
out that over 35 percent of federal spending today, when we include Medicaid,
goes to the elderly. That's the biggest component of the federal budget and
twice as much as defense spending. In 1970, federal spending on the elderly
accounted for only about 20 percent of the federal budget, though income
disparity between young families and the more wealthy aged population was much
less severe at the time.
Today, however, the basic worker-to-beneficiary dynamic is straining
budgets internationally. This is why much of the world is struggling with
unsustainable debt, deficits, and healthcare costs.
Science the Villain
The irony is that the demographic transition and the subsequent decrease in
the WtB ratio were brought about by welcomed improvements in medical and other
health-related technologies. Some of the advances that improved health were
general improvements in quality of life, such as better agricultural, water,
and sanitation technologies. The really big advances, however, have come in
biotech and medical technologies. Antibiotics and modern vaccines alone account
for two to three decades of increased life expectancy.
It is important to understand that scientific progress is at the root of
our current budget and political challenges, because the strains on our current
institutions caused by shifting demographics are not easing. Even if we adjust
to the current situation, the biotech progress responsible for the reduced
worker-to-beneficiary ratio is increasing at an exponential rate. This trend is
far from over.
Of course, there is an upside. Our lifespans will continue to improve in
both length and vigor. We're not talking about tacking on years of frailty to
the end of people's lives. Rather, we will delay senescence and extend healthspans, the
fully functional, robust part of life, dramatically. Already, many of the
conditions that have been assumed to be the inevitable effects of aging can be
reversed, restoring vitality and health.
Thus, the demographic transition is a two-edged sword, and we're going to
be forced to wield it to our advantage. We have no choice.
Science the Hero
One way to counter the demographic transition is to establish a massive
cloning program, which would produce millions of babies using my DNA for the
male half of the population. Obviously, I'm joking, but the jest has a point.
Most people think that human cloning is possible only in science fiction.
In fact, a paper was published in the journal Cell only a
few months ago, documenting a successful cloning procedure that would have
produced human babies if pursued to its end. Other animals, including monkeys,
are routinely cloned; but scientists at the Oregon Health & Science
University found that the human cells used in the cloning procedure needed a
shot of caffeine to start down the path to life. I know the feeling.
Based on my conversations with leading stem cell researchers, I believe the
technical problems involved in cloning humans have actually been solvable for
some time. Few stem cell scientists, however, would engage in such a
controversial endeavor. I bring it up, though, for a reason. Though successful
human cloning is an indisputably historic event, it remains virtually unknown
to the general public.
This gulf between the actual state of biotechnology and public awareness of
its rapid advances is typical. Similarly important but equally unknown
scientific developments are occurring every day. They will, in fact, have an
enormous direct impact on your life.
Fixing the Worker-to-Beneficiary Ratio
So clone farms are clearly out of the question, but we could increase the
birthrate using significant tax incentives and subsidies. Given current fiscal
deficits, however, this idea, too, must be relegated to the domain of science
fiction. Moreover, it would take decades for the babies produced by either
strategy to reach the job force. We need solutions much sooner if we are to
avoid serious pain.
Fortunately, there is another way to increase the worker-to-beneficiary
ratio. We can't increase the number of young workers quickly, but we can extend
working careers significantly. Essentially, older workers can work longer,
paying for their own healthcare and building larger retirement accounts.
Raising the age of eligibility for entitlement programs is not, of course,
politically popular. Nevertheless, we are already seeing retirements put off
due to the degradation of pensions and savings accounts. Polls show that most
older workers expect to continue working past their retirement eligibility. This
is possible because lifespans have been growing as retirement ages have fallen,
increasing the average length of retirement from about eight years in 1950 to
almost twenty today.
This is not the whole story, though. I'm not suggesting that those older
people who enjoy unemployment give up their dreams of leisurely "golden
years." I'm suggesting that we remove the barriers to biotech progress to
rapidly extend healthspans, the active and robust portion of life. Biotech
advances could quickly allow people to work a decade longer and still have
active retirements that exceed current expectations. Simply put, we can extend
healthspans and careers by a decade or more, solving our entitlement problems.
This is not just possible in theory. Many of the advances we need already
exist. Even more dramatic breakthroughs are only a few years away if they get
sufficient funding. These are not hypothetical breakthroughs that need billions
in grants to validate, either. Practical but largely unknown biotechnologies
exist that could contribute to dramatic increases in healthspans almost
Allow me to give you just a few examples of technologies that are wading
through the molasses-filled regulatory labyrinth now. Yes, that's a badly mixed
metaphor, but I guarantee it's justified.
The Topic of Cancer
It's difficult to know what our most expensive diseases really are.
Measuring direct costs is hard, but indirect costs and lost productivity are
even harder to gauge. Moreover, the shift in demographics is changing the
medical cost picture rapidly. Because Alzheimer's and obesity rates increase
with age, dementia and diabetes are moving their way up the hit parade of
expensive killers. Liver disease is also a mover.
Cancer costs America about $100 billion per year for treatments, with
indirect costs in excess of $150 billion. Alzheimer's, the actual
"brain-eating zombie plague," has lower direct costs, because there
are no sufficiently effective approved treatments; but its indirect costs,
including unpaid care by family, are incredibly high. Heart disease actually
kills more people at this time, and productivity losses put it in the same
quarter-trillion-dollar range.
Traditionally, however, cancer has been viewed as the most expensive
disease, so let's talk oncology. Curiously, there's not a lot of optimism about
finding real cures for cancer, or other major diseases, outside the research
community, where I regularly talk to scientists who are quite literally giddy
about their work.
This public pessimism is probably due to legacy attitudes about drug
development. The public doesn't understand that new and spectacularly effective
biotech tools have emerged in the last decade, accelerating the pace of
research by orders of magnitude. Everything that most people think they know
about drug discovery is actually yesterday’s news, not today’s reality.
Today, drug candidates are exploiting biological systems that weren't even
discovered until a few years ago. Also, we have a far better understanding of
what the full impact of drugs will be, so less time and money is being wasted.
As a result, I'm tracking at least half a dozen drugs that together could end
the threat of cancer as we know it today.
Of course, you have every right to be skeptical, but I was recently told
the same thing by Dr. Cameron Durrant, who participated along with the esteemed
George Gilder in a virtual seminar that John Mauldin and I arranged. (Click
here to register to watch this special event when it
airs tomorrow.) Durrant was a top executive at several Big Pharma
companies but left to participate in more scientifically productive startups.
Biotech insiders know Durrant as the man who accurately warned Big Pharma that
it was wasting billions pursuing amyloids as the cause of Alzheimer's.
Durrant is also on the board of a remarkable private company, Bexion
Pharmaceuticals. I introduced our host Monsieur Mauldin to Bexion several years
ago, and he subsequently invested in the company.
Bexion's technology uses two cellular components, both large molecules,
found naturally in our bodies to form a nanovesicle. This nanovesicle homes in
on phosphatidylserines (PSs) that are present on all cancers and the blood
vessels they use to grow.
Normally, PSs exist inside the cell wall and appear only
when it’s time for the cell to commit suicide (apoptosis) and be replaced.
Cancers, however, turn off the apoptotic functions and move PSs to the outside
of the cell to play a variety of roles useful to cancers.
Bexion's nanovesicles have no impact on normal cells. In the acidic
environment of cancers, however, they restore the PSs' ability to induce
programmed cell death, resulting in wholesale cancer suicide. Humanized animal
and human cell studies show that the nanovesicles are effective against
virtually all cancers, including blood and brain cancers. Fortunately, Bexion
just won an unprecedented National Cancer Institute grant that will enable
human trials next year. (See
Other technologies that are in or near human trials include a harmless
plant sugar that allows the immune system to pierce the lethal cloaking shield
that cancers use to protect themselves from T-cells. Those T-cells then
communicate with the immune system to produce specific killers able to destroy
Another drug candidate restores apoptosis in cancer cells by fixing DNA
repair mechanisms that cancers shut down. Yet another candidate is a remarkably
effective DNA vaccine technology that trains immune systems to detect and kill
specific types of cancer cells. Additionally, a new cancer diagnostic is headed
shortly into clinical trials that will give us the ability to detect cancers at
the earliest stages, allowing far more effective treatments.
Killing the Other Killers
Just as cancers are about to pass from deadly to irritant status, the days
of virus-borne diseases are also numbered. A new generation of vaccines as well
as nanotech virus killers are queuing up to conquer some of humanity's most
ancient and feared enemies, from lethal influenzas to herpes and HIV.
Liver disease, even in the advanced stages, can now be reversed using
nontoxic carbohydrate drugs. In fact, all fibrosis diseases, which play a major
role in half of all organ failures, are on their way to joining the catalog of
easily treated ailments.
Several treatments that will significantly delay if not actually cure
Alzheimer's disease in many of the afflicted are headed to clinical testing.
One, in fact, is available in an over-the-counter form now.
Even diabetes has real cures in sight. One underfunded Israeli company,
Orgenesis, has shown that it can reprogram a patient's own liver cells to
behave as pancreatic islet cells, by means of a treatment that can be used in
the extensive existing network of transplant clinics. The result, for both
type-1 and type-2 diabetics, will be lives free from drugs, insulin injections,
and the ravages of diabetes.
Moreover, the pace of progress is just about to ramp up yet again as genome
sequencing becomes cheaper, widespread, and useful to individuals on a daily
basis. In the same seminar I mentioned earlier, I interviewed Dr. Eric Schadt,
who has come from the bio-mathematics field to upend the entire field of
genomics. Schadt is Director of the Institute for Genomics and Multiscale
Biology at Mt. Sinai. For an overview of his impact on genomics, as well as a
picture of him riding his BMW S1000 RR, read the Esquire magazine
article "Adventures
in Extreme Science."
Adapt or Die Poor
All these technologies are going to push healthspans even faster up the
exponential curve. They can't be stopped, no matter what American regulators do
or say, because world-class health tourism clinics are already providing
top-quality therapies to Americans at bargain prices. Most will also throw in
cocktails and pedicures.
Then there's regenerative medicine. Mostly, I've talked about curing
disease to prevent accelerated aging, but we also have the ability to begin
reversing the aging process. The first true regenerative-medicine therapy will
likely use patients' own rejuvenated iPS cells to create endothelial precursor
stem cells. These cells, when transfused back to the donor, will effectively rejuvenate
the patient's entire cardiovascular system.
These world-changing biotechnologies could, however, be accelerated even
further. I'd like to see the proposal by Dr. Andrew von Eschenbach, ex-head of
the FDA and the American Cancer Association, to eliminate phase-3 drug testing
implemented. The entire regulatory regime needs an overhaul.
The solution to the demographic transition is not to be found in piecemeal,
temporary adjustments. The solution is more, not less, demographic transition,
delivering even longer and healthier lives so older people will have the
strength and time they need to stop depending on the young.
It will happen because it has to; the only question is when. It could
happen very soon, if enough people want to save the lives of the people they
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