In a republic, there are things we have no right to vote on
Increasingly, limited government is
illegal in America. What are you going to do about it?
We’ve had decades to observe statism vs.
market capitalism, to compare central planning with entrepreneurial freedom.
We’ve had centuries to ponder the fruits
of power hungry, lawless and dictatorial politicians, in contrast to our often
smeared founders.
Unfailingly, excesses of the state were
and are grotesque.
And yet here we are in the 21st Century
with Obamacare’s futility characterized as “glitches” and “hiccups” by the Washington Post and
Those aren’t “glitches.”
They are, as one title by the great Ludwig von Mises put it, an inevitable manifestation
of the impossibility of Economic Calculation
In the Socialist Commonwealth.
In modern America, this abomination should
never have even been suggested, let alone enacted.
In this showdown over Obamacare in the
continuing resolution and debt ceiling debate, we are continually reminded by Barack Obama that
the public “voted” for the law, particularly via his re-election.
This being the same law that Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-California)
famously said we had to pass so we could see what’s in it.
Yet, she wasn’t quite right.
Obamacare must fail so
we can see what’s in it, which is the path to even more complete government
control of health “care.”
Unlimited government threatens our health
care system and our very way of life–and the media is talking about national
parks being closed.
It was Iowa Democratic Sen. Tom Harkin who
recently said today’s contentious politics are ”Every bit as dangerous
as the break-up of the Union before the Civil War.”
It’s not that bad.
But even Harkin must recognize that about
the only form of cultural diversity not celebrated by elites is the
practice of limited government.
Not only are “the silken bands of mild government” not celebrated; we are told we may not
practice that lifestyle without penalty.
A constitutionally limited republic
recognizes boundaries. It respects the dignity of the individual. It rejects
unchosen obligations and servitude.
In a republic, there are things we have no
right to vote on.
Rule of law rather than of men, cultural
commentators used to say.
One must not plunder one’s neighbor; and
more crucially, one may not gain power by promising to do so.
That is what people like Harkin do not
see. So Harkin is right in thinking there exist irreconcilable views regarding
governance in this unique country.
The people who want to live by limited
government are increasingly marginalized.
Even the young folks who voted for Obama
are aghast that they are being used as means to others’ ends.
MoveOn admitted, “[I]f younger, healthier people don’t participate, then
costs will skyrocket and Obamacare will fail.”
Government schools did not prepare young
Americans for this icy wake-up call.
Individual rights exist precisely to
protect individuals from the majority doing to them what they are now
experiencing. They rarely hear that in school.
That’s not an accident. Government funded
state education in America largely consists of instructing kids that the state
can do anything it wants, as long as the majority votes. I have four kids and I
know this to be the case.
Sadly, charter and private schools are not
the solution to this grave philosophical problem. A highly educated media that
acts as campaign staff for the coercive utopianism of political progressives
illustrates that.
Just look at the new cover of Time magazine, with its dramatic scratching
out of “Majority Rule,” as if that is the sum of legitimate government.
“The vote,” over-delegation of power to
bureaucrats, and Congress’ own assumption of unlimited powers–like forcing
someone to buy an insurance product–substitute for rule of law.
Even the Supreme Court affirmed
Obamacare’s core, as if it even mattered that Obamacare’s penalty is deemed
technically a “tax.”
The nucleus of human freedom, and the
antidote to tyranny, hinges upon the premise that we cannot routinely delegate
to lawmakers powers that we do not possess ourselves; that we cannot compel others.
The school of hard knocks, not government
schools, is where one must learn that democracy and individual rights can be
Alas, democracy is unstable and probably
temporary, in the historical context, unless someone stops the majority’s increasing plunder and
institutes a limited constitutional republic.
This is why the modern philosophical war
Men organize into society–a voluntary
association of individuals–because there are benefits to be had from doing so.
But there seems increasingly less
tolerance in America for people who prefer life under a system of limited
Many cannot accept that state of affairs.
We yearn for society, but must oppose coercive utopia and the loss
of basic liberties. That is why the government shut
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