Realizing unpleasant realities
By mpersianis
IMF, Troika and the Austerity
Consensus has it, the
austerity drive has been harmful for economies in the European South. Indeed,
this conclusion is so widely held by so many reasonable people, that one can
hardly cast doubt on it. Mistakes made -sometimes silly ones, other times infuriating
ones- are being admitted and they are slowly being ticked off in the “lessons
learnt” list.
But at the same time, there is
a lot to be asked about the effectiveness of PIGS’ programs. The latest
discussions, in Cyprus and elsewhere, draw a dreadful picture.
1) Productivity was the
problem, it is said, but internal devaluations and wage cuts didn’t do anything
for exports and GDP growth. Worse, unemployment is still growing.
2) States were told they
couldn’t borrow, and they moved into austerity mode. This, in its turn, put
pressure on GDP and on fiscal revenues, essentially backfiring.
3) Another point made, is
that, as programs are being implemented, gini coefficients worsen and economies
are becoming more unfair.
None of this is strictly
speaking wrong. Even in Ireland, the “success story” that others hope to
emulate, the “end of the crisis” has come at immense suffering among the
country’s citizens.
But there something more to be said here: How certain are we that the above conclusions are about “the Program” itself?
First, wages are declining,
but employment is not recovering. Of course they are- you’re in the middle of a
crisis. Banks are deleveraging, businesses are facing severe dislocations,
imbalances are being corrected, the bubble (usually in real estate) is bursting
and the credit crunch is squeezing investment. So how of this is because of
“the Program”? Declining employment, falling wages, increasing productivity
(due to unemployment levels) and a drop in GDP are all natural outcomes in
crises –IMF or no IMF.
Second, austerity is putting
pressure on the GDP, which in turn is squeezing fiscal revenues. Of course it
is- you’re in a crisis. The state isn’t borrowing because it can’t afford to.
This was the very reason you went into a program to begin with. Fiscal revenues
are declining because the underground economy is getting bigger and because tax
evasion, always rife, is now even more widespread. All of this is natural in a
crisis –IMF or no IMF.
Finally, income inequality is
getting worse since going to an MoU. Of course it is- you’re in a crisis; most
people are watching their net worth decline as stock exchange values are
dropping, as real estate and land prices are declining and as wages are falling
while unemployment is rising. All of this is normal in a crisis –IMF or no IMF.
We simply can’t know how much
of this is because of the crisis as opposed to the program. This
is an important first point to make. (I don’t know of any analyses or
regressions out there that quantify results under IMF-style bailouts/MoUs
versus other “non-assisted” crises, but any references would be welcome.)
Second, what you do is half
the story- the other half is how you do it. Austerity in one
country is rationalization of expenses in another.
But thirdly, Programs are
supposed to end the “crisis”, lifting a country out of a state of emergency.
They aren’t supposed to make us as rich as before. Crises, at least in the
European South were caused by the fact that we were living beyond out means and
because of an unsustainable growth “model”.
Coming out of this crisis (or
going through a correction) while maintaining previous income levels or net
worth, would be a fantasy. Programs aren’t there to restore wealth, but to
place our countries on a sustainable path.
None of this absolves the IMF
and the Troika more generally for the sometimes bemusing mistakes they are
making- but perhaps the debate should steer towards a qualitative analysis of
mistakes made, rather than arguments based on effects that would have been
there even without a bailout. Most of all, unless we start realizing these
unpleasant realities, we can’t do what the entire exercise of the correction is supposed to
do- get the country on a mild growth path that, unlike the last few years, at
the least, will be sustainable.
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