Sundown in America is well-nigh unavoidable
by David A.
The median U.S. household income in 2012
was $51,000, but that’s nothing to crow about. That same figure was first
reached way back in 1989--- meaning that the living standard of Main Street
America has gone nowhere for the last quarter century. Since there was no prior span in U.S. history when real household
incomes remained dead-in-the-water for 25 years, it cannot be gainsaid that the
great American prosperity machine has stalled out.
Even worse, the bottom of the
socio-economic ladder has actually slipped lower and, by some measures,
significantly so. The current poverty rate of 15 percent was only 12.8 percent
back in 1989; there are now 48 million people on food stamps compared to 18
million then; and more than 16 million children lived poverty households last
year or one-third more than a quarter century back.
Likewise, last year the bottom quintile of
households struggled to make ends meet on $11,500 annually ----a level 20
percent lower than the $14,000 of constant dollar income the bottom 20 million
households had available on average twenty-five years ago.
Then, again, not all of the vectors have
pointed south. Back in 1989 the Dow-Jones index was at 3,000, and by 2012 it
was up five-fold to 15,000. Likewise, the aggregate wealth of the Forbes
400 clocked in at $300 billion back then, and now stands at more than $2
trillion---a gain of 7X.
And the big gains were not just
limited to the 400 billionaires. We have had a share the wealth movement of sorts--- at least among the
top rungs of the ladder. By contrast to the plight of the lower ranks, there
has been nothing dead-in-the-water about the incomes of the 5 million U.S.
households which comprise the top five percent. They enjoyed an average income
of $320,000 last year, representing a sprightly 33 percent gain from the
$240,000 inflation-adjusted level of 1989.
The same top tier of households had
combined net worth of about $10 trillion back at the end of Ronald Reagan’s
second term. And by the beginning of Barrack Obama’s second term that had
grown to $50 trillion, meaning that just the $40 trillion gain among the very top 5
percent rung is nearly double the entire current net worth of the remaining 95
percent of American households.
So, no, Sean Hannity need not have fretted
about the alleged left-wing disciple of Saul Alinsky and Bill Ayers who
ascended to the oval office in early 2009. During Obama’s initial four years,
in fact, 95 percent of the entire gain in household income in America was
captured by the top 1 percent.
Some other things were rising smartly
during the last quarter century, too. The
Pentagon budget was $450 billion in today’s dollars during the year in which
the Berlin Wall came tumbling down.
Now we have no industrial state enemies
left on the planet: Russia has become a kleptocracy led by a thief who prefers
stealing from his own people rather than his neighbors; and China, as the
Sneakers and Apple factory of the world, would collapse into economic chaos
almost instantly---if it were actually foolish enough to bomb its 4,000
Wal-Mart outlets in America.
Still, facing no serious military threat
to the homeland, the defense budget has risen to $650 billion----that is, it has ballooned by more than
40 percent in constant dollars since the Cold War ended 25 year ago. Washington
obviously didn’t get the memo, nor did the Harvard “peace” candidate elected in
2008, who promptly re-hired the Bush national security team and then beat his
mandate for plough shares into an even mightier sword than the one bequeathed
him by the statesman from Yale he replaced.
Banks have been heading skyward, as well. The top six Wall Street
banks in 1989 had combined balance sheet footings of $0.6 trillion,
representing 30 percent of the industry total. Today
their combined asset footings are 17 times larger, amounting to $10 trillion
and account for 65 percent of the industry.
The fact that the big banks led by
JPMorgan and Bank America have been assessed the incredible sum of $100 billion
in fines, settlements and penalties since the 2008 financial crisis suggests
that in bulking up their girth they have hardly become any more safe, sound or stable.
Then there’s the Washington DC
metropolitan area where a rising tide did indeed lift a lot of boats. Whereas the nationwide real median income, as we have seen, has been
stagnant for two-and-one-half decades, the DC metro area’s median income
actually surged from $48,000 to $66,000 during that same interval or by nearly
40 percent in constant dollars.
Finally, we have the leading growth
category among all others----namely, debt and the cheap central bank money that
enables it. Notwithstanding the eight years of giant
Reagan deficits, the national debt was just $3 trillion or 35 percent of GDP in
1989. Today, of course, it is $17 trillion, where it weighs in at 105 percent
of GDP and is gaining heft more rapidly than Jonah Hill prepping for a Hollywood
casting call.
Likewise, total US credit market
debt---including that of households, business, financial institutions and
government--- was $13 trillion or 2.3X national income in 1989. Even back then
the national leverage ratio had already reached a new historic record,
exceeding the World War II peak of 2.0X national income.
Nevertheless, since
1989 total US credit market debt has simply gone parabolic. Today it is nearly $58 trillion or
3.6X GDP and represents a leverage ratio far above the historic trend line of
1.6X national income---a level that held for most of the century prior to
1980. In fact, owing to the madness of our rolling national LBO over the
last quarter century, the American economy is now lugging a financial albatross
which amounts to two extra turns of debt or about $30 trillion.
In due course we will identify the major
villainous forces behind these lamentable trends, but note this in passing: The
Federal Reserve was created in 1913, and during its first 73 years it grew its
balance sheet in turtle-like fashion at a few billion dollars a year, reaching
$250 billion by 1987---at which time Alan Greenspan, the lapsed gold bug
disciple of Ayn Rand, took over the Fed and chanced to discover the printing
press in the basement of the Eccles Building.
Alas, the Fed’s balance sheet is now
nearly $4 trillion, meaning that it exploded by sixteen hundred percent in the
last 25 years, and is currently emitting $4 billion of make-believe money each
and every business day.
So we can summarize the last quarter
century thus: What has been growing is the wealth of the rich, the remit of the
state, the girth of Wall Street, the debt burden of the people, the prosperity
of the beltway and the sway of the three great branches of government which are
domiciled there---that is, the warfare state, the welfare state and the central
What is flailing, by contrast, is the vast
expanse of the Main Street economy where the great majority has experienced
stagnant living standards, rising job insecurity, failure to accumulate any
material savings, rapidly approaching old age and the certainty of a Hobbesian
future where, inexorably, taxes will rise and social benefits will be cut.
And what is positively falling is
the lower ranks of society whose prospects for jobs, income and a decent living
standard have been steadily darkening.
I call this condition “Sundown in
America”. It marks the arrival of a dystopic
“new normal” where historic notions of perpetual progress and robust economic
growth no longer pertain. Even more crucially, these baleful realities are
being dangerously obfuscated by the ideological nostrums of both Left and
Contrary to their respective talking
points, what needs fixing is not the remnants of our private capitalist economy
---which both parties propose to artificially goose, stimulate, incentivize and
otherwise levitate by means of one or another beltway originated policy
Instead, what is failing is the American state
itself----a floundering leviathan which has been given one
assignment after another over the past eight decades to manage the business
cycle, even out the regions, roll out a giant social insurance blanket, end
poverty, save the cities, house the nation, flood higher education with
hundreds of billions, massively subsidize medical care, prop-up old industries
like wheat and the merchant marine, foster new ones like wind turbines and
electric cars, and most especially, police the world and bring the blessings of
Coca Cola, the ballot box and satellite TV to the backward peoples of the
In the fullness of time, therefore, the
Federal government has become corpulent and distended---a Savior State which can no longer save
the economy and society because it has fallen victim to its own inherent
short-comings and inefficacies.
Taking on too many functions and
missions, it has become paralyzed by political conflict and decision overload.
Swamped with insatiable demand on the public purse and deepening taxpayer
resistance, it has become unable to maintain even a semblance of balance
between its income and outgo.
Exposed to constant raids by powerful
organized lobby groups, it has lost all pretenses that the public interest is
distinguishable from private looting. Indeed, the fact that Goldman Sachs got a $1.5 billion tax break to
subsidize its new headquarters in the New Year’s eve fiscal cliff bill---
legislation allegedly to save the middle class from tax hikes--- is just the
most recent striking albeit odorous case.
Now the American state----the agency which
was supposed to save capitalism from its inherent flaws and
imperfections----careens wildly into dysfunction and incoherence. One
week Washington proposes to bomb a nation that can’t possibly harm us and the
next week its floods Wall Street speculators, who can’t possibly help us, with
continued flows of maniacal monetary stimulus.
Meanwhile, the White House pompously
eschews the first responsibility of government---that is, to make an honest
budget, which is the essence of what the Tea Party is demanding in return for
yet another debilitating increase in the national debt.
To be sure, the mainstream press is
pleased to dismiss this latest outburst of fiscal mayhem as evidence of
partisan irresponsibility---that is, a dearth of “statesmanship” which
presumably could be cured by stiffer backbones and greater enlightenment.
Well, to use a phrase I learned from Daniel Patrick Moynihan during my
school days here, “would that it were”.
What is really happening is that Washington’s
machinery of national governance is literally melting-down. It is the victim of 80 years of
Keynesian error---much of it nurtured in the environs of Harvard Yard---- about
the nature of the business cycle and the capacity of the state---especially its
central banking branch--- to ameliorate the alleged imperfections of free
market capitalism.
As to the proof, we need look no further
than last week’s unaccountable decision by the Fed to keep Wall Street on its
monetary heroin addiction by continuing to purchase $85 billion per month of
government and GSE debt.
Never mind that the
first $2.5 trillion of QE has done virtually nothing for jobs and the Main
Street economy or that we are now in month number 51 of the current economic
recovery--- a milestone that approximates the average total
duration of all ten business cycle expansions since 1950. So why does the Fed
have the stimulus accelerator pressed to the floor board when the business
cycle is already so long in the tooth----and when it is evident that the
problem is structural, not cyclical?
The answer is capture by its clients, that
is, it is doing the bidding of Wall Street and the vast machinery of hedge
funds and speculation that have built-up during decades of cheap money and
financial market coddling by the Greenspan and Bernanke regimes. The
truth is that the monetary politburo of 12 men and women holed up in the Eccles
Building is terrified that Wall Street will have a hissy fit if it tapers its
daily injections of dope.
So we now have the spectacle of the
state’s central banking branch blindly adhering to a policy that has but one
principal effect: namely, the massive and continuous transfer of income and
wealth from the middle and lower ranks of American society to the 1 percent.
The great hedge fund industry founder and
legendary trader who broke the Bank of England in 1992, Stanley Druckenmiller,
summed-up the case succinctly after Bernanke’s abject capitulation last week.
“I love this stuff”, he said, “…. (Its) fantastic for every rich person. It’s
the biggest redistribution of wealth from the poor and middles classes to the
rich ever”.
Indeed, a zero Federal funds rate and a
rigged market for short-term repo finance is the mother’s milk of the carry
trade: speculators can buy anything with a yield----such as treasuries notes,
Fannie Mae MBS, Turkish debt, junk bonds and even busted commercial real estate
securities--- and fund them 90 cents or better on the dollar with overnight
repo loans costing hardly ten basis points.
Not only do speculators laugh all
the way to the bank collecting this huge spread, but they sleep like babies at night
because the central banking branch of the state has incessantly promised that
it will prop up bond prices and other assets values come hell or high water,
while keeping the cost of repo funding at essentially zero for years to come.
If this sounds like the next best thing to
legalized bank robbery, it is. And dubious economics is only the half of it.
This reverse Robin Hood policy is also an open affront to the
essence of political democracy. After all, the other side
of the virtually free money being manufactured by the Fed on behalf of
speculators is massive thievery from savers. Tens of millions of the latter are
earning infinitesimal returns on upwards of $8 trillion of bank deposits not
because the free market in the supply and demand for saving produces bank
account yields of 0.4 percent, but because price controllers at the Fed have
decreed it.
For all intents and purposes, in fact, the
Fed is conducting a massive fiscal transfer from the have nots to the haves
without so much as a House vote or even a Senate filibuster. The scale of the
transfer---upwards of $300 billion per year----causes most other Capitol Hill
pursuits to pale into insignificance, and, in any event, would be shouted down
in a hail of thunderous outrage were it ever to actually be put to the people’s
representatives for a vote.
To be sure, all
of this madness is justified by our out-of-control monetary politburo in terms of a specious claim that
Humphrey-Hawkins makes them do it---that is, print money until unemployment
virtually disappears or at least hits some target rate which is arbitrary,
ever-changing and impossible to consistently measure over time.
In fact, however, this ballyhooed statute is a wholly elastic and content-free
expression of Congressional sentiment. In their wisdom, our legislators
essentially said that less inflation and more jobs would be a swell thing. So
the act contains no quantitative targets for unemployment, inflation or
anything else and was no less open-ended when Paul Volcker chose to crush the
speculators of his day than it was last week when Bernanke elected (once again)
to pander obsequiously to them.
In truth, the Fed’s entire macro-economic management enterprise is a
stunning case of bureaucratic mission creep that has virtually no statutory
mandate. Certainly
the author of the Federal Reserve Act, the incomparable Carter Glass of
Glass-Steagall fame, abhorred the notion that the central bank would become a
tool of Wall Street.
To that end, the Fed originally had no
authority to own government debt or to conduct open market operations buying
and selling treasury securities on Wall Street. And Carter Glass would be
rolling in his grave upon discovery that the Fed was rigging interest rates,
manipulating the yield curve, providing succor to financial speculators by
propping-up risk asset markets, placing a Put under the S&P 500 or
bragging, as Bubbles Ben did recently, that he had levitated an
ultra-speculative stock index called the Russell 2000.
Summing up a wholly opposite Congressional
intent in the early 1920s, Senator Glass was almost lyrical: “We cured this financial cancer by making the regional reserve banks,
not Wall Street, the custodian of the nation’s reserve funds… (And) by making
them minister to commerce and industry rather than the schemes of speculative
adventure. The country banks were made free. Business was unshackled.
Aspiration and enterprise were loosened. Never again would there be a money
Except…except….except that the Fed
eventually strayed from its original modest mandate to be a “banker’s
bank”----and in due course we got the crashes of 1929, 1974, 1987, 1998, 2000,
and 2008, to name those so far. In the
original formulation, however, these cycles of bubble and bust would not have
happened: the Federal Reserve’s only job was the humble matter of passively
supplying cash to member banks at a penalty spread above the free market
interest rate.
In this modality, the Fed was to function
as a redoubt of green-eyeshades, not the committee to save the world. Central
bankers would dispense cash at the Fed’s discount window only upon the
presentation of good collateral. Moreover, eligible collateral was to originate
in trade receivables and other short-term paper arising out of the ebb and flow
of free enterprise commerce throughout the hinterlands, not the push and pull
of confusion and double-talk among monetary central planners domiciled in the
nation’s political capital.
Accordingly, the Federal Reserve that
Carter Glass built could not have become a serial bubble machine like the rogue
central banks of today. The primary reason is that under the Glassian scheme
the free market set the interest rate, not price controllers in Washington.
This meant, in turn, that any
sustained outbreak of speculative excess---- what Alan Greenspan once warned
was “irrational exuberance” and then promptly hit the delete button when Wall
Street objected---would be crushed in the bud by soaring money market interest
rates. In
effect, leveraged speculators would cure their own euphoria and greed by
pushing carry trades---that is, buying long and borrowing short---to the point
where they would turn upside down. When spreads went negative, the bubble would
promptly stop inflating as overly exuberant speculators were carried off to
meet their financial maker---or at least their banker.
And, yes, Carter Glass’ Fed did function
under the ancient regime of the gold standard, but there was nothing especially
“barbarous” about it----J. M. Keynes to the contrary notwithstanding. It
merely insured that if the central bank was ever tempted to violate its own
rules and repress interest rates in order to accommodate speculators and
debtors, more prudent members of the financial community could dump dollar
deposits for gold, thereby bringing bank credit expansion up short and aborting
incipient financial bubbles before they swelled-up.
Needless to say, a central bank which
could not create credit-fueled financial bubbles could not have become today’s
monetary central planning agency, either. Indeed,
the remit of the Glassian banker’s bank did not include managing the business
cycle, levitating the GDP, targeting the unemployment rate, goosing the housing
market or fretting over the rate of monthly consumer spending.
Certainly it did not involve
worrying whether the inflation rate was coming in below 2 percent---the current
inexplicable target of the Fed which Paul Volcker has rightly pointed out
amounts to robbing the typical laboring man of half the value of his savings
over a working lifetime of 30 years.
In short, in
the Glassian world the
state had no dog in the GDP hunt: whether it grew at an annual rate of 4
percent, 1 percent or went backwards was up to millions of producers,
consumers, savers, investors, entrepreneurs and, yes, even speculators
interacting on the free market. Indeed, the so-called macroeconomic
aggregates----such as national income, total employment, credit outstanding and
money supply----were passive outcomes on the market, not active targets of
state policy.
Needless to say, no Glassian central
banker would have ever dreamed of levitating the macro-economic aggregates
through the Fed’s current radical, anti-democratic doctrine called “wealth
Under the latter, the 10 percent of
the population which owns 85 percent of the financial assets---and especially
the 1 percent which owns most of the so-called “risk assets” managed by hedge
funds and fast money speculators---are induced to feel richer by the deliberate
and wholly artificial inflation of financial asset values.
In the case of the Russell 2000 which is
Bernanke’s favorite wealth effects tool, for instance, the index gain from 350
in March 2009 to 1080 at present amounts to 200 percent and that is for
un-leveraged holdings; the Fed engineered windfall actually amounts to a 400 or
500 percent gain under typical options, leverage and timing based strategies
employed by the fast money.
In any event, feeling wealthier, the
rich are supposed to spend more on high end restaurants, gardeners and Pilate’s
instructors, thereby causing a “trickle-down” jolt to aggregate demand and
eliciting a virtuous circle of rising output, incomes and
consumption----indeed, always more consumption.
Having been involved in another radical
experiment in “trickle down”----the giant Reagan tax cuts of 1981----I no
longer believe in Voodoo economics. But at
least the Gipper’s tax cuts were voted through by a democratic legislature. The
Greenspan-Bernanke-Yellen version of “trickle-down”, by contrast, is a pure
gift from a handful of central bank apparatchiks to the super-rich.
Nevertheless, the more virulent form of
“trickle-down” being practiced in 2013 is rooted in the same erroneous
predicate as the mistake of 1981----namely, the Keynesian gospel that the free
enterprise economy is inherently prone to business cycle instability and
perennially under-performs its so-called “potential” full employment growth
rate. Accordingly,
enlightened intervention---if that is not an oxymoron--- by the fiscal and
monetary branches of the state is claimed to be necessary to cure these
existential disabilities.
The truth of the matter, however, is that
Keynesian monetary and fiscal stimulus has never really been needed in the
post-war world. Among the ten business cycle contractions
since 1950, two of them were unavoidable, self-correcting dislocations
resulting from the abrupt cooling down of hot wars in Korea and Vietnam.
The other eight downturns were actually
caused by the Federal Reserve, not cured by it. After the Fed first got
carried away with too much stimulus and credit creation in 1971-1974, for
example, it had to trigger a short-lived inventory correction to halt the
resulting inflation and speculative excesses in financial, labor and commodity
markets. But once these necessary inventory corrections ran their course, the
economy rebounded on its own each and every time.
To be sure, the Reagan tax cut
intervention of 1981 came in a quasi-libertarian guise. By getting the tax-man
out of the way, GDP growth was supposed to be unleashed throughout the economic
hinterlands, rising by something crazy like 5 percent annually--- forever and
ever, world without end.
But in practice, “supply-side” was just
Keynesian economics for the prosperous classes---that is, it
ended-up being a scheme to goose the GDP aggregates by drawing down Uncle Sam’s
credit card and then passing along the borrowings to so-called “job creators”
thru tax cuts rather than to dim-witted bureaucrats thru spending schemes.
Indeed, the circumstances of my own
ex-communication from the supply-side church underscore the Reaganite embrace
of the Keynesian gospel. The true-believers---led by Art Laffer, an economist
with a Magic Napkin, and Jude Wanniski, an ex-Wall Street Journal agit-prop man
who chanced to stuff said napkin into his pocket--- were militantly opposed to
spending cuts designed to offset the revenue loss from the Reagan tax
They called this “root canal” economics
and insisted that the Republican Party could never compete with the Keynesian
Democrats unless it abandoned its historic commitment to balanced budgets and
fiscal rectitude, and instead, campaigned on tax cuts everywhere and always and
a fiscal free lunch owing to a purported cornucopia of economic growth.
So supply-side became just another campaign
slogan---a competitive entry in the Washington beltway
enterprise of running-up the national debt in order to perfect and improve upon
the otherwise inferior results of the free market economy. In the fullness of
time, of course, supply-side economics degenerated into Dick Cheney’s fatuous
claim that Reagan proved “deficits don’t matter”.
From there came two giant unfinanced tax
cuts and two pointless unfinanced wars under George W. Bush. And then there
arose, finally, the GOP’s descent into fiscal know-nothingism during the Obama
era--- wherein it refused to cut defense, law enforcement, veterans, farm
subsidies, the border patrol, middle class student loans, social security, Medicare,
the SBA and export-import bank loans to Boeing and General Electric, among
countless others--- while insisting that no tax-payer should suffer the
inconvenience of higher taxes to pay Uncle Sam’s bloated bills.
We thus ended up with the New Year’s Day
Folly of 2013. Save for the top 2 percent of taxpayers who were being
generously taken care of by the Fed already, all of America got a huge
permanent tax cut----amounting to $2 trillion over the coming decade alone.
Never mind that the Democrats had spent
the entire prior decade denouncing the Bush tax cuts as fiscal madness. Now,
the tax bidding war which had started in the Reagan White House in May 1981
became institutionalized in the Oval Office.
The so-called Progressive Left was in
charge of the veto pen, of course, but the latter was found wanting for ink and in that
outcome the nation’s fiscal demise was sealed. There was no progressive case
whatsoever for extending the Bush tax cuts because, as Willard M. Romney had so
inartfully taught the nation during the Presidential campaign, the bottom 47
percent of households don’t pay any income tax in the first place!
In short, the
most left-wing President ever elected in America was showering the upper
middle-class with trillions in extra spending loot for no reason of
policy----except to ensure that they would buy more Coach Bags and flat screen
The fiscal end game---policy paralysis and
the eventual bankruptcy of the state---thus became visible. All of
the beltway players----Republican, Democrats and central bankers alike----are
now so hooked on the Keynesian cool-aid that they cannot imagine the Main
Street economy standing on its own two feet without continuous, massive
injections of state largesse.
Indeed, the lunacy of the Fed’s trickle-down-to-
the-rich was justified last week by Bernanke himself on the grounds that the
minor fiscal pinprick owing to the budget sequester was keeping the GDP from
growing at its appointed rate.
Based on the same logic the GOP’s most
fearsome fiscal hawk, Congressman Paul Ryan, proposed a budget which actually
increased the deficit by $200 billion over the next three years on the grounds
that the economy was too weak to tolerate fiscal rectitude in the here and now.
In the manner of St. Augustine, the Ryan budget got to balance in the
by-in-by---that is, in 2037 to be exact--- pleading “Lord, make me chaste---
but not just now”.
In other words, the entire fiscal and
monetary apparatus of the state has become a jobs program. Progressives
pleasure households earning a quarter million dollars annually with tax cuts so
that they will hire another gardener; conservatives support modernization of
our already lethal fleet of 10,000 M-1 tanks to keep the production line open
in Lima, Ohio----notwithstanding that no nation in the world can invade the US
homeland and that the American people are tired of invading the homelands of
innocent peoples abroad.
In the same vein, by all accounts the
US income tax code is a disgrace--- a milk-cow for the K-street
lobbies, a briar patch of screaming inequities and the leakiest revenue raising
system ever concocted.
But it also amounts to 70,000 pages of
jobs programs. None of these can be spared, according to
the beltway consensus, so long as GDP and job growth is not up to snuff---that
is, as long as they fall short of the American economy’s so-called full
employment potential. The latter is an ethereal number known only to the
Keynesian priesthood, led by the great thinker’s current vicar on earth,
professor Larry Summers, who during his tenure in the White House turned Art
Laffer’s napkin upside down and wrote “$800 billion” on the back.
That was the magic number which, when
multiplied by another magic number called the fiscal multiplier, would generate
an amount of incremental GDP exactly equal to the gap between actual GDP in
early 2009 and potential GDP, as calibrated by the vicar.
This might be called the bath-tub theory
of macroeconomics because according to Summers and the White House, it didn’t
matter much what was in the $800 billion package----the urgent matter was
to get Washington’s fiscal pumping machinery operating at full-tilt.
Accordingly, once the magic number
had been scribbled on the White House napkin, the nation’s check-writing pen
was handed off to Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, who conducted the most
gluttonous feeding frenzy every witnessed along the corridors of
In exactly twenty-two days from the
inauguration, the new administration conceived, drafted, circulated, legislated
and signed into law an $800 billion omnibus package of spending and tax cutting
that amounted to nearly 6 percent of GDP. I had been part of a new administration
that moved way too fast on a grand plan and had seen the peril first hand. But
the Reagan fiscal mishap did not even remotely compare to the reckless,
unspeakable folly conducted by the Obama White House.
In fact, the stimulus bill was not a
rational economic plan at all; it was a spasmodic eruption of beltway larceny
that has now become our standard form of governance.
Stated differently, the stimulus bill was a Noah’s ark which
had welcomed aboard every single pet project of any organization domiciled in
the nation’s capital with a K-street address. Most items were boarded without any
policy review or adult supervision, reflecting a rank exercise in political
log-rolling that proceeded straight down the gang planks to the bulging decks
Indeed, the true calamity of the Obama
stimulus was not merely its massive girth, but the cynical, helter-skelter
process by which the public purse was raided. At the end of the day, it was a
startling demonstration that the power of a bad idea----the Keynesian
predicate----when coupled with the massive money power of the PACs and K-Street
lobbies, has rendered the nation fiscally incontinent.
This unhinged modus operandi undoubtedly
accounts for the plethora of sordid deals that an allegedly “progressive” White
House waived through. Thus, the homebuilders were given
“refunds” of $15 billion for taxes they had paid during the bubble years;
manufacturers got 100 percent first year tax write-offs for equipment that
should have been written off over a decade or longer; and crony capitalist
investors got $90 billion for uneconomic solar, wind and electric vehicle
projects under the fig leaf of “green energy”.
Likewise, insulation suppliers got a $10
billion hand-out via tax credits to homeowners to improve the thermal
efficiency of their own properties; congressman on the public works committees
got $10 billion earmarked for pork barrel water and reclamation projects in the
home districts; and the already corpulent budget of the Pentagon was handed
another $10 billion for base construction it most definitely didn’t need---to
say nothing of a new headquarters for the insanely bloated and
incompetent Homeland Security Department
Moreover, the big ticket stuff was far
worse. Nearly $50 billion was allocated to highway construction---much of it for
repaving highways that didn’t need it or building interchanges where the
traffic didn’t warrant it; and, in any event, it should have been paid for with
user gasoline taxes, not permanent debt on the general public.
Still, the real pyramid building gambit
was the $30 billion or so for transit and high speed rail. Forty-five years of mucking around with the abomination know as Amtrak
proves unequivocally that cross-country rail can never be viable in the US
because it cannot compete with air travel among the overwhelming majority of
Presently, every single ticket sold on the
Sunset Limited from New Orleans to Los Angeles, for example, requires a subsidy
that is nearly double the cost of an airline ticket, and is indicative of why
we pour $1 billion down the drain each year subsidizing the public transit myth
---a boondoggle that will become all the greater owing to the distribution of
billions of high speed rail “stimulus” funds which were not subject to even a
single hour of hearings.
Then there was $80 billion for education
but the only rhyme or reason to it was the list of K-Street lobbies that had
lined-up outside Speaker Pelosi’s door: to wit, the National Education
Association, the school superintendents lobby, the textbook publishers, the
school construction industry, the special education complex, the pre-school
providers association, and dozens more.
In a similar manner, the nursing
home lobby, home health providers, the hospital association, the knee and hip
replacement manufactures, the scooter chair hawkers and the Medicaid mills were
all delighted to pocket an extra $80 billion of Federal funding, thereby
relieving pressures for reimbursement reductions from the regular state
Medicaid programs.
Finally, there was the Obama “money drop”
whereby $250 billion was dispersed in helicopter fashion to 140 million tax
filers and 65 million citizens who receive social security, veterans and other
benefit checks. But there was virtually no relationship to need: tax filers
with incomes up to $200,000 were eligible, or about 95 percent of the
And among the beneficiary population
receiving a $250 stimulus check, less than 10 percent were actually
means-tested--- while millions of these checks went to affluent social security
retirees happy to have Uncle Sam pay for an extra round or two of golf.
Indeed, there was no public policy purpose
at all to Obama’s quarter trillion dollar money drop except filling the
Keynesian bath-tub with make believe income, hoping that citizens would use it
to buy a new lawnmower , a goose-down comforter, dinner at the Red Lobster or a
new pair of shoes.
Yet ensnared in the Keynesian delusion that society can
create wealth by mortgaging its future, the stimulus-besotted denizens of the
beltway blew it entirely on the one true domestic function of the state---even
under the regime of crony capitalism that now prevails. That imperative is to maintain and
adequately fund a sturdy safety net to support citizens who cannot work due to
age or health, and to supplement the incomes of families whose marketplace
earnings fall below a minimum standard of living.
Yet notwithstanding the feeding frenzy on
K-Street to fill-in the Keynesian vicar’s $800 billion blank check in a
record twenty-two days, only 3.8 percent of the total----a mere $30
billion---was allocated to means-tested cash benefits which actually fund the
safety net for the needy. Yet with $17 trillion of national debt on
the books already, and the certainty that will double or triple in the decades
immediately ahead, indiscriminately filling the Keynesian bathtub with borrowed
money is not only reckless, but also a cruel insult to any reasonable standard
of equitable justice.
The fiscal madness of the Obama era cannot be
excused on the grounds that the nation was faced with Great Depression 2.0. We weren’t and the widespread
belief that we were so threatened is almost entirely attributable to Ben
Bernanke’s faulty scholarship about the Fed’s alleged mistake of not
undertaking a massive government debt buying spree to counter-act the Great
The latter, in turn, was borrowed almost
entirely from Milton Friedman’s primitive quantity theory of money which was
wrong in 1930 and ridiculously irrelevant to the circumstances of 2008.
Nevertheless, it was the basis for Bernanke’s panicked flooding of Wall Street
with indiscriminate bailouts and endless free liquidity after the Lehman event.
But what was actually happening was that
the giant credit and housing bubble, which had been created by the
Greenspan-Bernanke Fed in the wake of the bursting dotcom bubble, which it had
also created, was being liquidated. Most of the carnage was happening within
the gambling halls of Wall Street because it was the wholesale money market and
the shadow banking system that was experiencing a run, not the retail banks of
main street America.
The so-called financial crisis, therefore,
consisted first and foremost of a violent mark-down of hugely leveraged,
multi-trillion Wall Street balance sheets that were loaded with toxic securities---
that is, the residue of speculative trading books and undistributed
underwritings of sub-prime CDOs, junk bonds, commercial real estate
securitizations, hung LBO bridge loans, CDOs squared---- and which had been
recklessly funded with massive dollops of overnight repo and other short-term
wholesale money.
This was just one more iteration of
the speculator’s age old folly of investing long and illiquid and funding short
and hot.
By the time of the frenzied bailout of AIG
on September 16th, led by Bernanke and Hank Paulson, the most
dangerous unguided missile every to rain down on the free market from the third
floor of the Treasury building, it was nearly all over except for the
shouting. Bear Stearns, Lehman and Merrill Lynch were already gone because
they were insolvent and should have been liquidated----including the
bondholders who have foolishly invested in their junior capital for a few basis
points of extra yield.
Likewise, Morgan Stanley was bankrupt,
too----propped up ultimately by $100 billion of Fed loans and guarantees that
accomplished no public purpose whatsoever, except to keep a gambling house
alive that the nation doesn’t need, and to rescue the value of stock held by
insiders and bonds owned by money manager who had feasted for years on its
reckless bets and rickety balance sheet.
Indeed, at the end of the day the
only real purpose of the September 2008 bailouts was to rescue Goldman Sachs
from short-sellers who would have taken it down, had not Paulson and Bernanke
bailed out Morgan Stanley first, and then outlawed the right of free citizens
to sell short the stock of any financial company s until the crisis had passed.
The case for bailing out AIG was even more
sketchy. It had around $800 billion of mostly solid
assets in the form of blue chip stocks, bonds, governments, GSE securities and
long-term, secured aircraft leases, among others.
So the great global empire of dozens
of insurance and leasing companies that Hank Greenburg had built over the
decades wasn’t really insolvent: the problem was that its holding company,
which had written hundreds of billions of credit default swaps, was illiquid.
It couldn’t met margin calls against
the CDS it had written because state insurance commissioners in their wisdom
had imposed capital requirements and dividend stoppers on AIG’s far flung
insurance subsidiaries----precisely so that policy-holders couldn’t be fleeced
by holding company executives and Boards needing to fund their gambling debts.
In short, virtually none of the AIG subsidiaries
would have failed; millions of life insurance policies and retirement annuities
would have been money good, and the fire insurance on factories in Peoria would
have remained in force.
The only thing that really happened
was that something like twelve gunslingers based in London, who sold massive
amounts of loss insurance on sub-prime mortgage bonds to about a dozen
multi-trillion global banks, would have had to hire protection on their lives
in the absence of the bailout. These CDS policies issued by the AIG holding
company, in fact, were almost completely bogus and would have generated about
$60 billion in losses among Goldman, JPMorgan, Barclays, Deutsche Bank, SocGen,
BNP-Paribas, Citi bank and a handful other giants with combined balance sheet footings
of $20 trillion.
So the loss would have been less than
one-half of one percent of the aggregate balance sheet of the global banks
impacted---that is, a London Whale or two, and nothing more
But by dishing out around $15
billion of bailout money to each of the above named institutions, the American
taxpayer kindly protected the P&L of these banks from a modest one-time
hit, and kept executive bonuses in the money, too. It also left AIG
under the care of unreconstructed princes of Wall Street whose claims to
entitlement know no bounds, as exemplified by Mr. Benmosche’s recent stupefying
inability to distinguish between a lynching and the loss of undeserved bonuses.
But as they say on late night TV, there’s
more. We were told that ATMs would go dark, big companies would miss payrolls
for want of cash and the $3.8 trillion money market fund industry would go down
the tubes.
All of these legends are refuted in
the section of my book called the Blackberry Panic of 2008----the title being a
metaphor for the fact that the Treasury Department of the US government was in
the hands of Wall Street plenipotentiaries who could not keep their eyes off
the swooning price charts for the S&P 500 and Goldman Sachs flickering red
on their blackberry screens.
But just consider this. Fully
$1.8 trillion or 50 percent of total money market industry was in the form of
so-called “government only” funds or Treasury paper. Not a single net dime left
these funds during the panic and for the good reason that treasury interest
payments were never in doubt.
Likewise, the other half of the
industry consisted of so-called “prime” funds which included modest amounts of
commercial paper along with governments and bank obligations. About
$400 billion or 20 percent of these holdings did leave these “prime” funds.
Yet, the overwhelming share of these
withdrawals---upwards of 85 percent---simply migrated within money fund
companies from slightly risky “prime” funds to virtually riskless “government
only” funds. In effect, the much ballyhooed flight from the money market
funds consisted of professional investors hitting the “transfer” button on
their account pages.
Worse still, the only significant investor
loss in this $4 trillion sector, which was supposedly ground zero of the
meltdown, was on about $800 million of Lehman commercial paper held by the
industry’s largest operation called the Reserve Prime Fund. The loss
amounted to 0.002 percent of the money market industry’s holdings on the eve of
the crisis.
In a similar vein, the $2 trillion
commercial paper market was said to be melting down, but this too is an urban
legend fostered by the nation’s leading crony capitalist, Jeff Imelt of GE.
Unaccountably, the latter did manage to secure $30 billion of Fed guarantees
for General Electric’s AAA balance sheet, thereby obviating any need to do the
right free market thing---that is, to make a dilutive issue of stock or
long-term debt to pay down some cheap commercial paper that could not be rolled
during the crisis.
Accordingly, GE
Capital’s practice of funding long-term, sticky assets with short-term hot
money should have caused shareholders to take a hit, and the company’s
executives to be brought up short on the bonus front.
Instead, the bailout of GE’s commercial
paper gave rise to the urban legend that companies could not fund their
payrolls, when the truth is that every single industrial company that had a
commercial paper facility also had back-up lines at their commercial bank, and
not a single bank refused to fund, meaning no payroll disbursement was every in
What actually shrank, and deservedly so, was the $1 trillion
asset-backed commercial paper market---a place where banks go
to refinance credit card and auto loan receivables so that they can book the
lifetime profits on these loans upfront---literally the instant your card is
swiped--- under the “gain-on-sale” accounting scam.
Consequently, the subsequent sharp
decline of the ABCP market has been entirely a matter of bank profit timing. It
never prevented a single consumer from swiping a credit card or obtaining an
auto loan.
In short, by the time of TARP and the
massive liquidity injections into Wall Street by the Fed------when it doubled
its 94 year-old balance sheet in seven weeks thru October 25, 2008---the
meltdown in the canyons of Wall Street had pretty much burned itself out.
Had Mr. Market been allowed to have his way with the street,
a healthy purge of decades’ worth of speculative excesses would have occurred. Indeed, the main effect would be that
perhaps a half-dozen “sons of Goldman” would be operating today, not the
vampire squid which remains----and they would be run by chastened people who
would have lost their stake during the free market’s cleansing interlude.
In a similar manner, the one-time hit to
GDP and jobs which resulted from economically warranted collapse of the
housing, commercial real estate and the consumer credit bubbles was actually
over within nine months.
The ensuring rebound that incepted in June
2009 reflected the regenerative powers of the free market, and not the Fed’s
mad-cap money printing or the Obama fiscal stimulus. The Fed did lower
interest rates to zero, and thereby it revived the speculative juices on Wall
Street. But the plain fact is that household and business credit continued to
contract on Main Street long after the June 2009 bottom, and for good
reason: both sectors were massively over-leveraged after three decades of
continuous, pell mell credit expansion.
The household sector, for example, had $13
trillion of debt which represented 205 percent of wage and salary
income---compared to the historic ratio of under 90 percent which had prevailed
during healthier times prior to 1980. So the Fed’s massive balance sheet expansion
did nothing to cause higher borrowing, spending, output or employment on Main
Street, even as it put the hedge funds back into the carry-trade business---now
with essentially zero cost of funds.
By the time the rebound began in June 2009
not even $75 billion of the stimulus bill—that is, one-half of one percent of
GDP---- had hit the spending stream, meaning, again, that the recovery
already underway was self-generating.
As it happened, the initial wave of
business inventory liquidation and labor-shedding triggered by the Wall Street
meltdown had burned itself out quickly during the first nine months after the
Lehman crisis. Thus, business inventories totaled $1.54 trillion in August
2008, and dropped by a total of $215 billion or 14 percent during the course of
the recession. Yet fully $185 billion of that liquidation occurred before June
2009, and inventories started to actually rebuild a few months later.
The story was similar for non-farm
payrolls. Nearly 7.6 million jobs were shed during the Great Recession but
fully 6.6 million or 90 percent of the adjustment was completed by June 2009.
Indeed, the idea that this short but sharp recession had anything to do with
the Great Depression is essentially ludicrous, and fails completely to note the
vast structural differences between the two eras.
During the early 1930, the US was
the great creditor and exporter to the world, with 70 percent of GDP accounted
for by primary production industries----agriculture, mining and
manufacturing--- which have long pipelines of crude, intermediate and finished
By the time of the 2008 Wall Street
meltdown, however, the primary production sector had become a mere shadow of
its former self, accounting for only 17 percent of GDP.Accordingly, when recession hit the
American economy this time, the downward spiral of inventory liquidation was
muted----with the total inventory liquidation amounting to 2 percent of GDP in
2008-09 compared to 20 percent in the early 1930s.
Indeed, the inherent recession dynamics of
the contemporary US service economy--- with its massive built-in stabilizers in
the form of transfer payment and huge government payrolls--- militated against
the entire scare story of a Great Depression 2.0.
During the nine months thru June
2009, for example, government transfer payments for foods stamps, unemployment
insurance, Medicaid, cash assistance and social security disability soared at a
$300 billion annual rate, thereby more than off-setting the $275 billion drop
in total wage and salary income.
Likewise, government wages and
salaries actually rose during the period, and the vast US service sector
payrolls were tapered back modestly, rather than going dark in the form of
traditional factory shutdowns. Aerobics class instructors, for example, experienced
modestly reduced paid hours, but unlike factories and mines, fitness centers
did not go dark in order to burn off excess inventories; they stuck to burning
off calories at a modestly reduced rate.
In fact, by 2008 China, Australia and
Brazil had become the world’s new mining and manufacturing economy---that is,
the US economy of the 1930s. When upwards of 50 million Chinese migrant workers
were sent home from idle Chinese export factors, the villages of China’s vast
interior became the “Hoovervilles “of the present era.
In short, Bernanke’s depression call
was reckless and uninformed. The real challenge facing the American
economy was to get off the massive credit binge which had bloated and inflated
output, jobs and incomes for more than two decades.
Instead, Washington poured gasoline on the
fire, thereby re-igniting an even great bubble that will ultimately end in
state-wreck—that is, in the thundering collapse of the financial markets. Indeed,
the nation’s rogue central bank will eventually be engulfed in the Wall Street
hissy fit it fears---undone by waves of relentless selling when the monetary
politburo finally loses control of panicked day traders and raging robo trading
Likewise, the Federal budget has become a
doomsday machine because the processes of fiscal governance are paralyzed and
broken. There will be recurrent debt ceiling and shutdown crises like the
carnage scheduled for next week, as far as the eye can see.
Indeed, notwithstanding the assurances of
debt deniers like professor Krugman, the honest structural deficit is $1-2
trillion annually for the next decade and then it will get far worse. In fact, when you set aside the Rosy Scenario used by CBO and its preposterous
Keynesian assumption that we will reach full employment in 2017 and never fall
short of potential GDP ever again for all eternity, the fiscal equation is
Under these conditions what remains of our
free enterprise economy will be buckle under the weight of taxes and crisis.
Sundown in America is well-nigh
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