In Robert Heinlein’s famed ‘Future History’ he constructed an elaborate
timeline of thing to come, to provide a structure for his short stories.
Looking forward from the year 1940, when the timeline was first formed, it
was reasonable, even conservative guesswork to predict the moonlanding by the
1980’s, since the first powered flight by the Wright Brothers had been forty
years earlier. Heinlein’s Luna City founded in 1990 a decade or so later, with
colonies on Mars and Venus by 2000. Compare: a submersible ironclad was written
up as a science romance by Jules Verne in 1869, based on the steam-powered
‘diving boat’ of Robert Fulton, developed in 1801. In 1954 the first
atomic-powered diesel submarine—all three boats were named Nautilus—put to sea.
The gap between Verne’s dream and Rickover’s reality was eight decades, about
the time separating Heinlein’s writing of “Menace from Earth” and its projected
Looking back from the year 2010, however the dates seem remarkably
optimistic and compressed. We have not even mounted a manned expedition to Mars
as yet, and no return manned trips to the Moon are on the drawing boards.
One prediction that was remarkably prescient, however, was the advent of
“The Crazy Years” described as “Considerable technical advance during this
period, accompanied by a gradual deterioration of mores, orientation, and
social institutions, terminating in mass psychoses in the sixth decade, and the
He optimistically predicts a recovery from the Crazy Years, the opening of
a new frontier in space, and a return to nineteenth-century economy. Full
maturity of the human race is achieved by a science of social relations “based
on the negative basic statements of semantics.” Those of you who are A.E. van
Vogt fans will recognize our old friends, general semantics and Null-A logic
cropping up here. Van Vogt, like Heinlein, told tales of a future time when the
Non-Aristotlean logic or “Null-A” training would give rise to a race of
supermen, fully integrated and fully mature human beings, free of barbarism and
Here is the chart. Note the REMARKS column to the right.
What Heinlein failed to predict was that the Crazy Years would simply
continue up through 2010, with no sign of slackening. Ladies and gentlemen, we
live in the Crazy Years.
While Heinlein (as far as I know) supplied no rationale for the advent and
the recession of the craziness in the Crazy Years, A. E. van Vogt was freer
with is speculations: insanity, either of individuals or of peoples, in van
Vogt’s stories (and perhaps in the theories of I. B. Korzybski, who discovered
or invented General Semantics) is caused by a fracture or disjunction between
symbol and object. When your thought and the thing about which you think do not
match up on a cognitive level, that is a falsehood, a false belief. When the
emotions associated with the thought do not match to the thing about which you
think, that is a false-to-facts association, which can range from merely a
mistake to neurosis to psychosis, depending on the severity of the disjunction.
You are crazy. If you hate your sister because she reminds you of your mother
who beat you, that association is false-to-facts, neurotic. If you hate your
sister because you have hallucinated that you are Cinderella, that association
is falser-to-facts, more removed from reality, possibly psychotic.
The great and dire events of the early Twentieth Century no doubt confirmed
Korzybski in the rightness of this theory. Nothing prevents a race of people
from contracting and fomenting a false-to-facts belief: the fantasies of the
Nazi Germans, pseudo-biology and pseudo-economics combined with the romance of
neo-paganism, stirred the psyche of the German people for quite understandable
reasons. From the point of view of General Semantics, the Germans had divorced
their symbols from reality, they mistook metaphors for truth, and their emotions
adapted to and reinforced the prevailing narrative. They told themselves
stories about Wotan and the Blood, about being betrayed during the Great War,
about needing room to live, about the wickedness of Jewish bankers and
shopkeepers, about the origin of the wealth of nations—and they went crazy.
The Russians, earlier, and for equally psychological and psychopathic
reasons told themselves an admittedly more coherent story about history and
destiny, taken from a Millenarian cultist named Marx, and they were, on an
emotional level even if not on a cognitive level, convinced that shedding the
blood of millions would bring about wealth as if from nowhere. And, because
they used the word “scientific” to describe their brand of socialism, they
actually thought their play-pretend neurotic story was a scientific theory that
had been discovered by rigorous ratiocination—and they went crazy.
Berlin was bombed into submission during the Second World War, and the
Berlin Wall collapsed along with the Soviet Empire at the end of the Cold War.
But the modern methods of erecting false-to-facts dramas appealing to mass
psychology, once discovered, did not fall when their practitioners fell:
scientific socialism, naziism, fascism, communism, all have in common the subordination
of word-association to political will. All these doctrines have a common
ancestor, which is the social engineering theory of language: if you change the
connotation of word, so the theory runs, you change the connotations of
thoughts. General Semantics says that if an individual, or whole people en
mass, adopt deliberately false beliefs, supported by deliberately manipulative
word-uses, he or they will have increasingly unrealistic and maladaptive
behaviors. Introduce Political Correctness, ignore factual correctness, and the
people will go crazy.
The main sign of when madness has possessed a crowd, or a civilization, is
when the people are fearful of imaginary or trivial dangers but nonchalant
about real and deep dangers. When that happens, there is gradual deterioration
of mores, orientation, and social institutions—the Crazy Years have arrived.
Craziness can be measured by maladaptive behavior. The behavior the society
uses to solve one kind of problem, when applied to an incorrect category, disorients
it. When this happens the whole society, even if some members are aware of the
disorientation, cannot reach the correct conclusion, or react in a fashion that
preserves society from harm. As if society were a dolphin that called itself a
fish: when it suffered the sensation of drowning, it would dive. But a dolphin
is a mammal, a member of a different category of being. When dolphins are low
on air, they surface, rather than dive. Putting yourself in the wrong category
leads to the wrong behavior.
I will mention two headlines for today.
“NEW YORK (Reuters) – The criminal case against the first detainee transferred from Guantanamo Bay for trial in a U.S. civilian court should be thrown out because he was denied the right to a speedy trial, defense lawyers argued on Monday.” May God have mercy on us, I am not making this up (
This is an example of institutional false-to-facts association. The state,
the military, the court system, is treating a Gitmo terrorist like a criminal
defendant rather than like a prisoner of war. The dolphin that calls itself a
fish dives rather than surfaces for air. The West is treating the danger from
the Jihad as a minor danger, to be solved by normal legal law-enforcement
processes. If the West has mis-categorized the nature of the danger, the
response will be counterproductive: terrorism will rise rather than fall.
It is not as if the individuals involved do not know their institutional
actions are crazy. They know full well they cannot and should not release an
enemy soldier back into the world to go blow up more trains and planes and
nightclubs and Jews. But the legal processes in America were designed to solve
a specific problem: the problem of intrusive English tyranny. To safeguard
citizens from overzealous police, omnipotent kings and overbearing Parliaments,
trials were made to be speedy and public and governed by a jury of peers, and
so on. Extended these safeguards to a POW during wartime displays an inability
to apprehend which is the greater danger, or what is the appropriate response.
However, our laws and customs leave us no choice: a prisoner confined for five
years, once granted the legal rights of a US citizen under the Constitution, is
Constitutionally permitted to demand release on the ground that he was denied a
speedy trial. Future generations of Americans will be preserved from the threat
of King George locking them in goal without charge. But more airplanes and
skyscraper will be bombed without warning by mad suicide-bombers. The lesser
danger is averted and the larger danger embraced.
All the individuals involved are sane; but the institutional result is
false-to-facts. A POW is not a criminal defendant. Treating him like one is
“Reid Continues to Apologize for Racial Remarks.”
Note the aorist infinitive. He had not merely apologized once and yet
again, but the action is ongoing, perhaps without end. Again, I am not making
this up. I am only a science fiction writer: I am not that imaginative. (
Here we find another example of institutional false-to-facts association:
The danger facing the West from racism is, historically speaking, smaller today
than any time in human history. The proposed solution for racism is an
extensive social mechanism of nonsense words known as Political Correctness.
Because the proposed solution aggravates rather than minimizes the problem (and
because the practitioners of this solution also have a complete false-to-facts
narrative of belief to explain away inconvenient facts, such as the
counterproductivity of their efforts) therefore the problem absorbs a
disproportional amount of institutional and public attention. In other words,
when dolphin that calls itself a fish dives rather than surfaces, making it
more panicky and more out of breath, not less, in response it dives deeper yet,
seeking water to breathe.
As a fanatic partisan for the Republican Party it pains me to have to turn
on my own, but, seriously, the Republican and the conservative commentators on
Talk Radio have taken up residence in the town of Stupidestville,
D’Ohio—Population, GOP—by trying to make the use of the word “Negro” into a
lynching offense. Worse, they have fallen into a prepared trap.
For those of you not familiar with this news item, thank the stars that
shined o’er your nativity. It is surely one of the least consequential stories
ever to agitate the airwaves. Harry Reid, the Democrat Majority leader,
described then-candidate Obama as electable, because he was a light-skinned
black man with no trace of a Negro dialect. (A correct assessment, as far as I
can tell.)
The Republicans naturally wondered why Reid was not to be forced out of
office according to the standard set in the case of Trent Lott, who paid Strom
Thurmond the compliment that the nation would have prospered had he been
elected president in 1948. This compliment was interpreted (with less than
Jesuitical logic) to be a racist remark, on the grounds that Thurmond ran as a
segregationist Democrat in 1948. Lott then apologized with much humiliating
For a full Chinese kowtow, by the way, one must fall to his knees from a
standing position, and bang the head three times against the floor, rise, and
fall to the knees twice more, for a total of three bows of the knee and nine
self-inflicted bangs of the head.
The display of self-abasement of Lott was insufficient, and he was forced
from office.
But the Pro-Republican commentators were not content merely to point out
the hypocrisy of the Dems, no, they had to go into full-blown huffy and weepy
mode, moaning how uncivilized and unrepeatable Mr. Reids’ use of the word
“Negro” was!
He was guilty of wordcrime!
Follow Republicans, just between you and me, are you truly that stupid? I
mean, I know you are stupid, as a party, but are you that egregiously,
intractably, unteachably stupid?
Why adopt a Democrat tactic, when (a) the Democrats can do faux-outrage so
much better than you and when (b) if you succeed in condemning someone for
doubleplusungood wordcrime, then you have established Political Correctness as
an unimpeachable dogma with no grounds for opposition?
It is well known that Democrats, and other forms of invertebrate life,
being unable to understand the negative basic statements of semantics (whatever
the Null that means), or to adhere to the basic rules of honesty and civility,
will lynch people for using inoffensive words to refer to real things in the
real world, but until now this has been a witchhunting mob behavior exclusively
practiced by the Left.
Why? Because the Left operate almost entirely by verbal formulas and verbal
For example, when Karl Marx was called upon to analyze market place forces,
and to solve the (insoluble) problem of economic calculation in a socialist
commonwealth, instead of actually analyzing anything, he merely renamed them.
Marx called inoffensive things, like wage-earning, by an offensive name, like
wage-slavery, and called offensive things, like totalitarianism, by inoffensive
names, like dictatorship of the proletarian. (You must recall that in the time
when he wrote, the word ‘dictator’ referred to some of the more able of Roman
generals during their Republic, who assumed power only for the duration of an
emergency, and then yielded power back to the commonwealth—it was a term of
admiration and respect, not yet darkened by Marx and his Communist and Fascist
The point of such deadly nonsense is to bypass the rational faculty, that
is, to change the listener’s emotional reaction to the topic being discussed
without changing any reasoning about it. One never attempts to argue the
justice, logic, or decency of, for example, a legally recognized union between
sodomites; one merely agitates for “marriage equality.” One does not argue about
the real meaning of the equality of women, one merely sniffs scornfully at
anyone using the pronoun “he” formally or the word “girl” informally. One does
not argue about killing babies in the womb, one merely sneers that those who
call the object of discussion “a baby” rather than “a fetus” are uninformed,
or, worse yet, Christians.
(And then, the moment the pro-abortion discussion is over, you ask the next
pregnant mother you see if she can feel the baby kick, or if the baby has a
name yet. These verbal tricks, like the massy arms and gear of a soldier, are
only used in battle or drill, never when off-duty. Note that Reid above spoke
not in the elliptical nonsense of PC when off-duty, alone with his familiars,
not when before mikes. He relaxed and spoke normally, the same way a soldier
shrugs out of his harness and kit after drill. Likewise, no one calls a baby a
fetus outside of pro-abort discussions. ‘Fetus’ is a technical term used to
refer to a stage of (human) development, not to a species of (nonhuman) being.)
For the partisan of deadly nonsense, the person on the other side is
neither right nor wrong, since rightness and wrongness are never to be
discussed: the person on the other side is merely a jackass, a bigot, ignorant,
uninformed, pathetically stupid, Neanderthal, reactionary, bitter, a yokel, a
class-traitor, and racist, racist, racist, and racist.
If you are arguing with someone, say, who has a better education than you,
a higher I.Q., with perhaps a doctorate in law and a career as a journalist and
a published series of books on his resume, that does not matter. The mere fact
that he comes to different conclusions than the Party line indicates that he is
stupid uneducated Nazi bigot, and a stupid bigoted fascist racist moron.
This is argumentum ad cloaca—ratiocination via refuse. Whatever the loudest
donkey laughs loudest at, you take to be untrue. Since that was the way (admit
it!) you yourself were convinced, O ye of little mind, it is the first, usually
the only means, to which you resort to convince others: the volume and clamor
is what matters, not the content.
The reason for the inadequacy of these condemnations, the reason why they
are so unimaginative, is because of the paucity of the moral vocabulary of the
Left. They do not have words to express outrage, so they sneer and yodel. They
are like creature struck dumb, and only able to act out their condemnation by
means of antic pantomime.
The more closely they follow Marx, the more impoverished their moral
vocabulary becomes. You cannot call someone evil once you accept the
proposition that all standards of good and evil are merely
genetically-determined group survival behaviors, or merely culturally
determined artifacts, or merely ideological superstructures meant to promote
class interests. Your concept has lost its referents: it can be used only
metaphorically, or ironically.
Likewise, you cannot call someone damned if you don’t believe in damnation.
There is no such thing as blasphemy if there is nothing sacred, supernatural,
or divine.
Likewise again, you cannot call someone illogical if logic is no longer the
standard used to separate self-consistent from self-contradictory statements:
because then you would have to argue the merits of the case, and rely on
reason, like Adam Smith, rather than on verbal fetishes, like Karl Marx.
Our Progressive detractors have to call the object of their scorn a racist
(or a parallel word, such as sexist, lookist, homophobe, capitalist, colorist,
agist, whateverist) because that is the only arrow in their quiver. That is the
only thing they have to shoot, so they shoot, and do not care how short of the
target the dart falls.
I thought it mildly interesting that when I myself was exposed to a
Two-Minute Hate by the powers of political correctness (the complaints for the
most part came from cronies of the Democratic Underground website, as far as I
can tell, not very many from Science Fiction fans), no one called me ‘evil’
even though I was propounding something that must be, by their lights, not
merely evil (for I conceived an injustice against a sacrosanct designated
victim-group) but a sacrilege, because I likened sacred things (one type of
sexual perversion) to things they damned (other types of sexual
perversion) and scoffed at them for their pretensions. I was speaking above my
station in life, offending my noble superiors.
But the Left has no words for things like evil, injustice, sanctity,
sacrilege, damnation, nobility, superiority, and so on, or at least not that
they can use such words without a quirk of the smile or a quirk of the eyebrow.
So the Howler Monkeys had to condemn me using the only linguistic formulas
their non-condemnatory non-discriminatory non-judgmental philosophy allows: one
person said I had psychological difficulties (in which case, one would think I
should be cured, rather than condemned?), another said that I was not a science
fiction writer, a third said I had no sense of humor, a fourth one said that I
was a racist and a misogynist, and they all agreed that I was unreasonable,
uneducated and ill-informed (In which case, one would think merely informing me
of the error in my reasoning or supplying the deficiency in my data would
suffice) and stupid, stupid, stupid (In which case, one would think they would
feel compassion to someone of retarded mental ability).
Not one of them used the word ‘evil.’ (Or not that I recall. I did not do
them the courtesy of reading each and every comment.)
Why in the world would they not condemn me as evil when I had done what
they clearly think to be a grave evil? I gored the most sacred of their sacred
cows, so why can they not leap up, arms outspread as human shields to protect
the great bovine idol, and call it sacred?
I would not mention this personal example had not I noticed it elsewhere,
and often enough to form a pattern. (It is a pattern only, not a rule without
exceptions.) For example, many a commenter on the Left smirked and sneered when
George W. Bush dubbed the terrorists of 9/11 “evildoers”.
Is that word inapt? — I can tell you that as a writer of hack space opera,
who job is to invent impressive space villains and their enormous space crimes,
even I cannot think of a evildoer more evil than one who, for no worldly
reason, kills himself, and a towerful and a planeful of innocent men, women and
helpless children, without warning, without reason, without making any demands,
sparing no one, destroying himself in the process, to put himself beyond any
worldly reward or retribution. It is a completely evil act, including not
merely mass murder, not merely sneak attack, not merely dishonorable and craven
ambuscade, not merely random and innocent victims selected precisely for their
innocence, but also suicide, the unforgivable sin. To add insult to injury,
this unforgivable sin is in the name of a God who (even in the writings of the
Mohammedan heresy) expressly forbids such acts, in order earn the name of a
martyr, the name reserved for those who patiently suffer, not those who
randomly inflict, pain and death in the name of all that is holy. If you cannot
call this evil, nothing can be called evil.
But the spokesmen of the Left disdained Bush for use this word. They
sneered their practiced sneers.
Why? Because their moral philosophy, inspired (whether they know it or
not—and most of them, uneducated yahoos, do not) by Marx and Hegel, occupy a
materialist universe of ever-evolving standards, which means they have no
metaphysical underpinning for any kind of standards at all. These are not
honest Ayn Randians, fiery with righteous rage, who know enough to condemn
evils as evil; these are not upright pagans, solemnly bowing to inescapable
fate, willing to condemn those pollutions and acts of pride or cowardice the
gods of Olympos or Asgard condemn. Rand takes reason as the measure of Man.
Pagans know there is a cosmic order which will not heed human tears, and no man
escapes his weird, and that cosmic order is the standard, fate that even gods
cannot defy. Both Randians and Pagans believe in an external standard. Not so
for the modern Left. The spokesmen for the Left are postchristians,
philosophical nihilists, whose axiom is that all standards are man-made, which
means, not standards at all.
There infinite nuances of postchristian philosophy, and since these groups
vomit up printer’s ink like a squid to further obscure their meaning and their
motives, a nicety of distinction between them is difficult. We must speak in
generalities, keeping in mind that generalities are composed of exceptions and
In general then, the only way to condemn evil in a universe where there are
no standards, is either to refer to a neurological defect, that is, call the
man crazy, to a deficiency of personality development, that is, call him
immature, or to a dearth of book-learning, that is, call him ignorant.
You can call him morally deficient only if you use a word that does not
refer directly to morality: you can call him biased or prejudiced (which,
technically speaking, refer to errors in the reasoning process only, namely,
filtering judgment wrongly, or indulging in hasty or overgeneralized judgment.
It refers not to a sin) or you can say his emotions are disturbed, can call him
a hater. If he shows no evidence of hatred or bigotry, you simply assume he is
afflicted by these evil spirits at a subconscious level, and is too dull or
self-absorbed to be aware of his own defects.
Another condemnation is to say that he broke an admittedly merely local
social custom: to call him rude and boorish. But rather than say this, the
Leftist will usually employ the elliptical phrase ‘inappropriate’. Since the
Left has crusaded against civilized standards of decency and decorum for
decades, of course the new standards of political correctness they have
successfully imposed cannot be labeled as standards of courtesy and decency, so
must be called something else ‘appropriate’ or ‘sensitive.’
Now, anyone with a regard for the insight of General Semantics, even if he
does not accept the whole of Korzybski’s conclusions (as I do not), still must
acknowledge the basic idea. The map is not the territory. The word is not the
thing it represents. Calling wage-earning “wage-slavery” does not make
wage-earning a bad thing. Calling a sexual perversion an “alternate sexual
orientation” does not make sexual morality a neutral thing, merely a matter of
which way you point. Calling a baby a fetus does not make him subhuman. Calling
a Jew an ‘Untermensch’ does not make him subhuman.
You can describe your meal as “a well-done sirloin steak smothered in
savory mushrooms” or as “a slab of burnt dead cow covered with fungus” but no
physical or chemical property of the meal has been changed. No mental or moral
property, no association with the act of eating your meal, need change either.
Anyone acknowledging the basic idea must not only, if he is an honest man,
avoid misleading emotional connotations, euphemism and cant, he must also, if
he is a righteous man, hate Political Correctness, words larded with emotion,
nonsense-phrases, Newspeak, and noise. You must hate half-truths and buzzwords
and nonsense for the same reason you hate lies: because they are the children
of the Father of Lies, and because they deceive the people.
An honest man likewise must not to be offended by mere words. If someone
calls your steak a slab of dead cow, it is your responsibly, not the speaker’s,
to transfer to the new set of words the appropriate emotional connotations that
go with the denotations, and, more importantly, not to associate emotional
connotations that are not intended.
If you are a Black Man, and someone calls you a “Negro” and he means no
insult by it, you may not take insult. If your feelings are hurt, suck it up
like a man. If you are a Yellow Man, and someone calls you a “Yellow Man”
rather than a East Asian, suck it up like a man. If you are a feminist, and
someone uses the word “Man” to refer to the human species, and you think this
word insults you, pushes you to the margins, or works evil voodoo on your soul,
suck it up like a man, particularly if you insist on being treated like a man.
If you are a feminist, and you think the word “lady” insults, demeans, or
belittles you, then check your premises, or check into a psycho-ward.
To be blunt, your feelings of offense are false-to-facts, and we should not
change our language even if we are kindhearted enough to want to accommodate
you: because changing language to accommodate arbitrary considerations produces
falsehoods. If nothing else, the writings of all our ancestors now have been
retroactively revised without the author’s permission, and the signs in them
now point to objects, or carry implications, never meant. I am not making this
up: I have met people, educated and literate people, who think the Bible says
God created males in His own image, or who think the Declaration of
Independence declares that all males were created equal. They think that is
what Moses and Jefferson actually meant when they wrote, and that these two
authors did not have women in consideration when making those statements.
If we accommodate your hurt and weepy feelings by changing all the stop
signs to yellow diamonds, and all the yield signs to red octagons, it causes
traffic accidents. I have a friend who boasts that when he was a child he took
his younger brother into the corner and taught him his colors wrong, pointing
at red objects and calling them ‘green’ and pointing at green objects and
calling them ‘red.’ But you do in earnest what he did as a childish prank.
Conservatives, by and large, detest Political Correctness, and, indeed, the
entire theory in modern language that holds words to have no meaning except as
instruments of class oppression, which also paradoxically holds that word
connotations shape the content and conclusions of thought. This theory allows
for the social engineering to operate by linguistics.
If you change the word “Negro” to “Afro-American” and ban the use of the
word “Negro” from polite speech, the theory runs that all speakers will
henceforth judge men only on the basis of their origin, that is, whether they
are from Africa or not, and not on their skin color, nor any other racial or
cultural or ethnic or historical criteria. A person afraid of meeting a gang of
young Negros in leather jackets at midnight in a graffiti-marked dead end alley
of some city with gun control laws will not feel apprehension if he merely uses
the word “Afro-Americans” when speaking or thinking of them, or, better yet,
“youths.” So the theory runs. The bad and stereotyped ideas we have of inner
city crime will go away, not when the crime goes away, but when a bad word that
causes bad ideas goes away.
Likewise, if you change the word “man” so that it no longer means either
“human” or “male” depending on context (parallel to the way “dog” means either
dog or bitch depending on context, or “fox” either fox or vixen) but so that it
means “male” only in all contexts, the theory runs that you will eliminate
misogyny from the speech and therefore the thoughts of men.
This has the added benefit of allowing you to misread and misrepresent all
antique documents and speeches, and tell gullible modern students that every
reference to “man” was meant by the writer to mean “male.” (See above) “Where
no man has gone before” can be misinterpreted to be a slight against women.
This added benefit is that whenever anyone speaks normally, and does not
adhere to the latest fashion in Politically Correct mumbojumbo, you are
immediately allowed to be offended and angered, and he is immediately the
scapegoat on which the sins of the people are laid. His verbal victimization of
you (as adjudged only the tenderness of your allegedly hurt feelings) allows
you to attribute to him every injustice in history, real or imagined, and to
wrap yourself in the flag and wave the palm of martyrdom, without going to the
inconvenience of actually suffering any harm or shedding any blood for the
cause. From an economic point of view, faux outrage is a free good with no
drawbacks. You would actually have to be a man ashamed to whine like a
hysterical schoolgirl in public in order to feel reservation to use this
ever-winning trump-card strategy. Reticence, however, is not a value that can
exist in a subjectivist world view, because if man is the measure of all
things, only emotions matter, not reality.
But the added benefit is merely icing on the cake. The main benefit is that
you think you can change the world by changing arbitrary word-signs for
objects, and you need not go to the effort of working any change on the
As a master of Newspeak, you have become like an Archimage of Roke, except
in reverse. The Archimages from Ursula K. Leguin’s masterpiece A WIZARD OF
EARTHSEA could gain control over any object in nature, from a sea-wave to a
sea-gull, earthquake to a pebble, by knowing its true name, for the true name
reveals the inner nature. The master of Newspeak, however, is the opposite. By
substituting a meaningless word for a real word, the master thinks to change
reality by hiding the real nature of things.
(Leguin in her sequel, THE FARTHEST SHORE, actually had the meaning and the
nature of objects being drained out of the world, because one magus, Cob of
Paln, had destroyed his own true name while trying to destroy his human nature,
his mortality. I wonder of Cob wrought his dark miracles by calling things all
by the wrong and unnatural names.)
The belief in the efficacy of Newspeak is an article of faith, not a
rational belief. No one has tested the idea scientifically, or even rigorously.
Do you actually, truly and really think that Whites hate Blacks because and
only because the word “Negro” is used rather than “Afro-American”? Change the
word, and you eliminate the hate? Show me an example of when it was done, and I
do not mean inside the pages of a fantasy like THE LANGUAGES OF PAO by Jack
Vance. Do you actually, truly and really think that Men hate Women because and
only because English uses “he” as the neutral pronoun rather than “he or she”?
Show me the some language whose pronouns are more gender-neutral—shall we take
ancient Latin and modern Mandarin as examples?—and compare how women are
treated by the ancient Italian patriarchs or the modern Chinese versus how they
were treated by the alleged phallocracy in the 1940’s in America.
If the Newspeak faith is false, then the word “Negro” is not innately
offensive, whereupon any listener who takes offense at its use is to blame for
his own misinterpretation, not the speaker.
Republicans criticizing Reid seem to forget that by condemning a
non-insulting word as an insult, they buy into the hypersubjective non-standard
standard crucial to the cult of victimology, namely, that whoever is offended
gets to define what the standard of polite behavior is. And this Lesbian Rule
will bend and change according to the mood and whim of the listener, not
according to the meaning of the speaker. Reid will be forgiven after kowtowing
with ritual self abasement to the Mandarins, because the Mandarins are pleased
with his previous efforts in the area of civil rights and race-baiting and
supporting the system of race-spoils. Hence, by the Lesbian Rule, anyone whose
previous actions show loyalty to the party passes—the Democrat Party. Lott
cannot pass this standard, because the rule is made of soft lead, and bends.
Lott does not have a history of supporting the system of race-spoils. He is of
the wrong party. He cannot pass! The Mandarins in disdain will lift their
elegantly long and lacquered fingernails of their thin hands that have never
done manual labor, and the Lord High Executioner will drag the condemned to the
sacred alligator pits.
Foolish Republicans! You are accepting the premise that the standard of
polite behavior is whatever the Mandarins of the Democrats say it is. You are
granting them further power over the public conscience.
(By the way, the ‘Lesbian Rule’ is from Aristotle’s NEOMACHIAN ETHICS: it
refers to a mason’s rule of lead, of a type used on the isle of Lesbos, which
could be bent to fit the curves of a molding. It means a pliant moral standard.
This is not a reference to Wonder Woman or Xena the Warrior Princess. Get your
mind out of the gutter.)
For those of you who have not heard, in the real and non-make-believe
world, the way standards (non-pliant standards) actually work is this: if
someone says something below the standard of offense, even if you yourself are
not offended, you have a right to be offended, and you encourage bad behavior
(his) if you do not chastise the offender. If someone says something above the
standard of offense, you have no right to be offended even if you are offended,
but in this case you encourage bad behavior (yours) if you DO chastise the
speaker, by permitting yourself the luxury of being over-sensitive, and by
discouraging him from being blunt and straightforward. No matter what your
personal feelings, you must correct toward the standard. In time, your emotions
will come by slow habit to cleave to the standard so that you will take offense
when it is proper to take offense, and not when it is not.
This is the mere opposite of using your hurt feelings as a dishonest weapon
in a debate, or as a trump card to trample the feelings of others.
It is my habit on this website to ban any commenter who attempts to correct
my vocabulary according to the pieties of political correctness. If someone
says the word “Democrat” is grammatically incorrect when referring to the
Democrat Party, I ban him. If someone says “you mean ‘him or her’ ” I ban him.
If someone says the word “Mohammedan” is offensive to the followers of Mahound,
I ban him. This is not because I have the power to determine the standard of
offense, but because I do not. I hate Newspeak because such is my duty. It is
not personal.
Newspeak is the enemy, not only of the Archimages of Roke and the Null-A
trained supermen of Venus, and the cringing slaves of Airstrip One in Oceania,
but of all men who admire even a minimal standard of honesty.
I had thought the Republicans at least paid lip service to an ideal like
this, the idea that truth was true, and words meant what they meant. Nope.
Apparently not. The Stupid Party never fails to disappoint. They think they can
defeat the Evil Party at their own game of shameless hypocrisy and doublethink.
But the Evil Party is practiced at doublethink, and founded on it, and they
live and breathe paradox, illogic, double-standards, shrieking hysteria,
hypersensitive overreaction, and verbal formulas without content or context:
you think you can outdazzle the electorate by starting a food fight on their
corrupt level? They have Hollywood and Academia on their side, so, believe you
me, they know how to use meaningless words to create an emotional effect
unrelated to reality. This is not the right time for the Right to call for
resignations because someone used the word “Negro” to refer to a person of
color currently elected to high office.
Since there is a war on, and a state-caused and state-aggravated
Depression, and since we are on the brink of sovietizing the health care
profession, have the newshounds and opinion mavins truly nothing more
significant to discuss in the news? Nothing?
The answer is no. We must discuss the insignificant, and ignore the
important, because we live in a false-to-facts narrative where honest speech is
outlawed. We live in the Crazy Years.
Do you wonder where Douglas-Martin Sunpower screen might be, or mechanized
roads or commercial rocket travel? Or why we do not have the promised moobase
or interplanetary travel? I cannot help but wonder if Heinlein’s story-timeline
in some way was right, and that the answer for our tardy future is that we have
not yet emerged from the Crazy Years into the future we were promised.
Man will not be sane unless Political Correctness is slain.
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