Japan Central Bank To "Own" 100% Of GDP In 5 Years
By Tyler Durden
Over a year ago, in "Japan's WTF Chart" we showed where Japan lies on the sovereign debt-to-tax
revenue continuum.
The "where", with a WTF-inducing 1900% sovereign debt/revenue, was
essentially off the chart as it was nearly 5 times
greater than the first runner up: Greece, with 400%. Naturally, that ratio is
absolutely unsustainable and the second rates begin creeping higher, all bets
are off, however the day of reckoning could be delayed if as we said two years
before Japan's berserko QE was unveiled, the BOJ entered "hyprintspeed" and started monetizing debt at a
pace that would make Hyman Minsky and Rudy von Havenstein both
break out in a lunatic cackle.
One look at the chart below, which shows
JPM's estimate for various central bank holdings as a percent of host nation
GDP, is enough to explain why that distant giggling is Hyman Minsky warming
up... and he is running for the hills.
The reason: while as a result of its
recent decision to double its monetary base in (every) two years Japan's
central bank now holds about 40% of local GDP on its books, it has precommited
to seeing this percentage hit 60% over the next two years. But that's jst the
As JPM's Mike Cembalest points out, the
"contingent" line is where the BOJ's asset holdings as a % of GDP
will rise to should Japan's 2% inflation goal prove elusive. Did we say
"contingent" - we meant definite. And as the line shows, the Bank of Japan
will, for the first time in history, "own" all of Japan's GDP on its
balance sheet some time in 2018 when its "assets" as a percentage of
GDP surpass 100%, and then proceed in linear fashion to add about 10% of GDP to
its balance sheet with every passing year until everything inevitably comes crashing down.
What is most ironic here is that we still have assorted carnival barkers
and trolling nobel prize winning op-ed writers working for cash burning media
outlets, bitching and moaning about the 90% "unsustainable threshold"
level of sovereign debt to GDP. Um, standalone sovereign debt in a world with
central banks means nothing.
A far more important question is what
happens in a world in which the first official sovereign LBO
by a central bank of a sovereign nation (remember those fringe bloggers who
said in 2009 the
Fed will keep failing up in its central-planning attempts to "fix" the
economy, and whose ridiculed opinions are now mainstream views?... We
do) is not just a mere conspiracy theory but just the lastest conspiracy fact.
Fed will keep failing up in its central-planning attempts to "fix" the
economy, and whose ridiculed opinions are now mainstream views?... We
do) is not just a mere conspiracy theory but just the lastest conspiracy fact.
So just what do Reinhort and Rogoff, or
anyone else for that matter with 2 functioning neurons to rub together, think
about a world in which a nation's central bank owns more assets, and has thus
created more cash and reserves, than all the good and services for its host
nation, which it has then effectively LBOed... with debt created out of thin
air and collateralized by what can only be defined as funny money.
We can't wait to find out, and neither can
the aforementioned Mr. Minsky, who if not running for the hills, is certainly
spinning in his grave.
* * *
Some more thoughts on that absolute,
circus-like clusterfuck with zero regard for the future that is happening in a
very irradiated Japan, which at this point knows quite well it's game over.
I saw the chart above on Japan’s balance
sheet compared to the Fed and ECB in a research report from J.P. Morgan
Securities last week (their October 11th Global Data Watch). One segment of the
line on the chart shows what Japan has already committed to, and another
segment showing where its balance sheet might go (“contingent”) if inflation
expectations do not rise to the government’s 2% target in time. Japan’s planned
massive increase in Central Bank holdings of government bonds looked huge and
almost unnatural, like a picture I saw this week of a giant
20-foot oarfish discovered off Catalina Island. But
this is exactly what Japan plans to do: liquefy the Japanese economy to the
point where inflation expectations rise, and where owners of Japanese
government bonds decide that real yields are so low that they either (a) buy
riskier domestic assets, or (b) any foreign asset, which would weaken the Yen
and presumably contribute to an export-led recovery. To propel more of (a), Japan is
considering the creation of new investment accounts which allow
citizens to contribute money whose subsequent gains are untaxed, but only if
they are invested in equities (not
bonds, cash or gold). Amazing.
Yup: the proverbial Bernanke chopper warming
up now, somewhere in Tokyo.
Such a strategy is not riskless, of
course. One I can think of: if the Yen collapses
and oil/natural gas prices remain high, Japanese energy import costs may become
intolerably high and threaten any recovery. All the more reason
that Japan is going to be under increasing pressure to re-commission nuclear
power, even as the situation in Fukushima deteriorates further. For
a couple of decades, being underweight Japanese equities was a very reliable
thing to do. For now, owning a normal allocation seems like the best course of
action, as long as the Yen exposure can be hedged. Another rise in Japanese
equities is going to be easier to engineer than a durable, consistent increase
in Japanese growth and inflation; these are two very different things.
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