Moral Hazard, Regulation, and a Century of Systemic
Bank Insolvency
The banking industry is unstable. Banks are regularly going bankrupt.
Crises in the banking industry have occurred in three distinct time periods
during the twentieth century—during the Great Depression of the 1930s, during
the Savings and Loan crisis of the 1980s and 1990s, and during the Great
Recession from 2007 to present.
Why the banking industry is so vulnerable to bankruptcies and what can be
done to correct this problem?
Debt to assets, or leverage, ratios vary
significantly from industry to industry. They are
typically under ten percent in most high tech industries and go up to forty
percent for public utilities. Average debt ratios in the banking and financial
services industry are in the fifty to seventy percent range, however, and many
banks have much higher leverage ratios.
Firms attempt to minimize their total financing costs or Working Average
Cost of Capital (WACC). The component costs of capital (cost of debt and cost
of equity) are determined by investors’ perceptions of the risk and return
possibilities associated with buying debt or equity in a given company or
A credit card loan has a higher interest rate than a home loan because the
credit card loan is riskier—i.e. there are no assets to seize if the money is
not paid back. Similarly, a high-risk company normally pays a higher interest
rate on its debt than a lower-risk company and increasing leverage is normally
associated with increasing risk. Due to deposit insurance, however, this isn't
the case with banks.
Moral Hazard
The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) insures deposits up to
$250,000 in the United States. Most of the European countries (including
Cyprus) have similar organizations that insure deposits up to 100,000 EUR. (See Deposit
Since depositors believe that their bank accounts are insured by
governments, they do not generally know or care how much risk banks incur when
they invest their depositors' money. This creates a moral hazard problem with
very little oversight by depositors of a bank’s management of their assets.
Bank managers can take a lot of risk and, if they make profits, they keep the
money. If they lose money, the taxpayers pay for the losses. In theory, this
moral hazard problem is mitigated by subordinated debt, investors with deposits
over the deposit insurance limit, and banking regulations. But these approaches
are clearly not working.
In a series of agreements called the Basel Accords, the Basel Committee on
Bank Supervision (BCBS) provides certain recommendations on banking regulations
in regards to capital risk, market risk and operational risk. The purpose of
these accords is to ensure financial institutions have enough
capital to meet their obligations. The Tier I and
Tier II capital controls of the Basel Agreements are supposed to prevent banks
from taking too much risk with depositors’ assets. Tier 1 capital consists
largely of shareholders' equity. Tier 2 capital comprises undisclosed reserves,
revaluation reserves, general provisions, hybrid instruments and subordinated
The capital ratios are:
· Tier 1 capital ratio = Tier 1 capital / Risk-adjusted
· Total capital (Tier 1 and Tier 2) ratio = Total
capital (Tier 1 + Tier 2) / Risk-adjusted assets
· Leverage ratio = Tier 1 capital / Average total
consolidated assets
To be well-capitalized under federal
bank regulatory definitions, a bank holding company must have
a Tier
1 capital ratio of at least six percent, a total capital
ratio of at least ten percent, and a leverage ratio of at least five percent
The leverage ratios allowed under the Basel agreements are far higher than
the typical leverag ratios in most industries and are far higher than would
exist in a free-market financial system. Under a free-market system, depositors
would not put their money in overly-leveraged banks and banks would be forced
to decrease their leverage ratios and behave more like mutual or money market
funds. Banks would be less likely to use short-term liabilities (deposits) to
fund long-term assets (loans).
The S&L Crisis
Massive bank leverage would not create as much instability if the money
supply was stable as in the 1800s under the gold standard. Under the current
debt-is-money system, inflation and interest rates can vary wildly from year to
year. The Savings and Loan Associations (S&Ls) made many low interest
30-year fixed rate home loans when inflation was low in the 1960s—five percent
interest rate loans were typical. As inflation increased, the S&Ls still
had these long-term home loans on their books, but the market now demanded
higher interest rates on deposits (eighteen percent at times). The interest
rates that many savings and loans were receiving on their assets (30-year fixed
rate loans) were much lower than the interest rates the same S&Ls were
paying on their liabilities (deposits). This duration mismatch resulted in the
mass insolvency of the Savings and Loan Industry and a bailout of the S&Ls
by the American tax payers exceeding $100 billion.
The Great Recession
The banking defaults of the Great Recession (2007 to present) were also
caused by unstable interest rates combined with high leverage. The Federal
Reserve lowered rates in the early 2000s to stimulate the economy after the
bursting of the bubble. This resulted in many people borrowing money at
very low interest rates to buy homes. Then the Federal Reserve raised interest
rates and many people were no longer able to make their home payments. Again the
result was massive bank insolvency and a substantial decrease in home values.
Another huge taxpayer -funded bailout of the banking system followed, and the
Federal Reserve has been printing money ever since, trying to stimulate the
economy in the wake of yet another bubble it created. The disbursements
associated with placing into conservatorship government sponsored enterprises Fannie
Mae and Freddie
Mac by the U.S.
Treasury, the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), and
the Federal Reserve’s Maiden Lane Transactions are probably around $400
billion. How much of these disbursements will be paid back is currently
During the recent
crises in Cyprus, proposals were seriously considered to ignore the
100,000 EUR deposit insurance and seize a fraction of even small depositors’
money. Most depositors lost access to their accounts for over a week and large
depositors are still likely to lose a large fraction of their assets. This
crisis has made some depositors more likely to pay attention to the solvency of
their banks, but most depositors still believe that deposit insurance will
cover any possible losses. If banks are to become more stable, the amount of
equity relative to debt in the banking system must be drastically increased to
something resembling what it would be without government deposit insurance,
central bank subsidies, and treasury bailouts. Given the lobbying power of
bankers in Washington, DC and around the word, such is unlikely to occur. The
boom-bust cycle of banking bubbles followed by banking crises will most surely
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