A free-for-all
of special interests is having catastrophic results
Once upon a time, there was a theory of government
called “interest-group liberalism,” which held that
a workable American democracy could be based on an infinite number of special
interests’ elbowing each other in their battle to get to the government trough
or to grab control of some regulatory apparatus.
Once upon a time —
which is to say, now.
Sometimes this
theory analogizes the political jostling of interest groups to the rough-and-tumble
of the free market, but in fact it represents a dark parody. In a market,
people promote their self-interest by providing goods and services that other
people value and buy voluntarily. In interest-group liberalism, players make
shifting power alliances so as to loot other players, or more often to loot
those not in on the deal, which is usually the public.
The accurate
Washington aphorism is, “If you are not at the table, you are on the menu,” and
if this seems cynical, remember the words of comedian Lily Tomlin: “No matter how
cynical you get, it is impossible to keep up.”
With luck,
Obamacare will represent both the acme and the beginning of the end of the
delusion that government by special-interest collision and collusion is a
viable political system, and will trigger a return to the appreciation of
limited and prudent government working within the framework of the free market
and laws of general applicability.
After passage of
Obamacare in 2010, Senate grandee Max
Baucus recounted the history of the law. He lauded his
staff, particularly the chief health counsel, who, he said, put together the
white paper that became “the blueprint from which almost all health-care
measures in all bills on both sides of the aisle came.”
Baucus’s staffer
certainly did know the health industry. She had worked for Baucus earlier in
the decade, but moved over to insurance giant WellPoint, where she became chief
lobbyist. She returned to the Senate to work on the Obamacare
legislation, moved on to HHS to help craft the implementation process, and, in
December 2012, left government to work for health and drug company Johnson
& Johnson. J&J is also part of the crony health cabal; it is a member
of the PhRMA industry group, which supported
the passage of Obamacare with a $150 million advertising campaign.
Baucus runs a
famous revolving door. As the Huffington Post noted: “According to
congressional staff records, 34 former Baucus staffers are currently
registered to lobby Congress, and almost a third of them work on health-care
issues, including [three] former Baucus chiefs of staff . . . [and a] former
legislative director.”
For those
unfamiliar with Washington, the way such arrangements usually work is that it
becomes generally known that the way to reach Senator X, and the only way,
is through one of his former staffers who is now on K Street. It is also known
that there will be a price, in terms of campaign contributions and high fees.
What happens to all those fees is something the sensible client does not want
to know. Whether this description applies to the Baucus machine, I cannot say,
but in Washington it is safest to apply a presumption of guilt.
It would be a
mistake to think that the insurers alone wrote the bill, because the health
industry has many other powerful players, and you can be sure that every one of
them got a chance to grab the pen — big pharma; hospitals and other care
providers; AARP, unions, feminists, and other lobbyists for selected
beneficiaries; device makers; software companies. Obamacare is largely the
product of the cronyism (the “Corrupt Bastards Club,” or CBC, in
Sarah Palin’s phrase) that has become routine in Washington.
And routine not
only in Washington, but in the states. Palin coined the term “CBC” for Alaska,
and my state senator in Montana says that he deals with 63 lobbyists for the
health industry and each of them is devoted to one cause: badgering the
legislators for more dollars from the state.
conservatives have been fretting over the impending tsunami of Obamacare, one
group has been doing very well: investors in health companies. Over the past
year, the stock prices of the Big Five insurers have all gone up by between 30
percent and 60 percent, versus about 20 percent for the S&P 500. (See the
chart at AgainstCronyCapitalism.org). Other health
stocks have done as well: The Vanguard health exchange-traded fund (ETF) is up
60 percent over two years, which is half again the general rise in the S&P
500, and pharmaceutical ETFs are up almost 100 percent in the same time frame.
Even the medical-device makers, who complain bitterly about a special tax levied on
their gross receipts, have prospered on the stock market.
But the crony
capitalists did not act alone, because of course the Democratic party’s
ideologues, academics, and clients were well represented, enacting their pet
theories and special favors into law (or into regulation, as much of the heavy
work was done at HHS after the bill passed).
This cooperation
of capitalists and ideologues has also become routine; most everything in
government these days is the product of what economist Bruce Yandle termed a “Bootleggers and
Baptists” coalition.
Yandle created the
term in reference to county-level laws forbidding liquor sales, which are
maintained by an alliance of Baptists, who oppose liquor, and Bootleggers, who
profit from supplying illicit liquor. Look at any major public-policy issue,
and one will find a B&B coalition.
Frequently, a
third B should be added: Bureaucrats. Public employees have become a powerful
interest group in their own right, usually on the ideological left, but mostly
interested in expanding governments’ scope and power. Agencies promote the
interests of the industry they oversee, as well as the interests of their
ideological and other clients; at the same time, all these various clients
protect their agency’s authority and budget in Congress and the
corridors of the Executive Office Building.
So it is with
health care. One can be sure that the final product was negotiated out between
industry and beneficiary Bootleggers, a variety of ideological Baptists, and
the great health-care baronies of the state and federal government
bureaucracies. One would like to see a version of the bill and the regulations
that was run through Microsoft Word’s Track Changes feature, identifying
the history and the authors of every line, together with comments.
The possibility is
zero that such a process, with dozens of self-centered players protecting
particularistic interests by slipping in pet clauses, words, and paragraphs,
could produce a coherent product, especially when the bill and its regulations
are thousands of pages long, filled with cross-references, and totally opaque.
The result is a
carnival of contradictions. The bill forces the young and healthy to subsidize
the old and sick (thank you, AARP!) but then requires that young people be
allowed to stay on their parents’ policies until age 26 (gotta get the youth
vote!). Medical-device makers, but no one else, are subject to a special tax on
gross receipts. (They either left the room at the wrong time or failed to make
the right campaign contributions.) There is a puzzling difference in treatment
of state versus federal exchanges. Feminists did very well at getting their
favored treatments mandated, so coverages are based on political clout rather
than medical or economic rationality, and these costs are passed on to the
community, a tradeoff not to the benefit of the working poor. Unions are
exempted from rules that govern everyone else, and so are particular states
whose senators demanded favors as the price of a “yes” vote on the bill.
A good example of
the incoherence created by special-interest jockeying appeared last summer. The
law and HHS regulations require a grace period of three months before a
health-insurance policy can be canceled for non-payment. (See the hand of the
advocates for the poor.) But the insurers objected, and got a regulatory
provision that they must cover charges incurred only during the first month of
this grace period: The providers can be stiffed for the second and third
months, even though the patient was apparently covered by insurance when they
gave the service. Now the providers have noticed
this, and they are begging for relief, not by shortening
the grace period but by sticking it to the insurers. The three-month grace
would remain, but insurers would have to pay for care given during the whole
period, not just the first month.
A sidelight is
that the grace-period rule became final in March 2012, and the providers did
not protest it until August 2013. One would think this is a fairly serious
issue for them, so the explanation for the delay is that there is so much going
on that the players are missing important issues. Heaven knows how many other
booby traps, large and small, are buried in the verbiage.
My instinct as a
former regulator (in consumer protection with the Federal Trade
Commission) is that the confusions and contradictions are going to become
steadily worse. Agencies issue regulations and assume that the public reads
them. If there is no reaction, the agency staff thinks things are okay. But the
public, including those who should be quite interested, does not pay attention
until the point of implementation. Only then does the matter transcend the
closed world of Washington lobbyists and command the focus of those who must
actually apply a rule, and only when this happens does the agency staff get
feedback on the real problems.
That the industry
was in the drafting room might prevent some of this, but far from all, because
the company operating units are a long way from the Washington reps. Also, when
lobbyists draft provisions they are shameless about shafting others, especially
those not present, so the number of booby traps increases with the number of
An example of how
agency staff gets lulled to sleep: HHS said in 2010 that it was
writing regulations that would scrap over half of all employer plans and
require better ones (this was the work of the ideologues, the insurers, and
many special-interest providers).
This did not go
unnoticed; Senate Republicans
introduced a resolution to negate the rule. But the issue
got no public traction, and the resolution went down on a party-line vote.
Now, in the wake
of the disaster of the website implementation and the destruction of individual
plans, this unpleasant bit of news has been dug up. People are astounded, and
HHS is astounded that they are astounded. But it is too late to retreat, even if
the administration were so inclined. The rules are final, and the insurance
companies’ cancellation notices are already printing out. In any case, it would
be impossible to get all the special interests to agree to any retreat, so the
current revolutionary upheaval in the health-care market will proceed.
The bottom line is
that there is no such thing as “Obamacare.” Followers of the economist
Friedrich Hayek oppose government by central administrative fiat on the ground
that no one person or group can possibly possess knowledge adequate to the
task. They are correct, but the situation here is even worse. Obamacare, and
other recent initiatives such as Dodd-Frank, contain thousands of pages of laws
and regulations written by different people with varying and often conflicting
interests and motives. There is no guiding intelligence, no central planner(s)
even trying to create a good system even if in reality they
lack knowledge to make it real.
It is government
by feeding frenzy, with different economic interests promoting themselves, and
different ideological interests promoting their pet causes to whatever degree
that opportunity present itself. Why anyone would think that this process could
produce anything approaching rationality is a mystery.
Baucus himself is
now dithering over Obamacare. Last April, he expressed concern about a “train wreck.” Last week, he likened the law to
Humpty Dumpty, but remained opposed to delays until we can see “how
much Humpty Dumpty can be fixed, in the next month.”
This seems an
unfortunate analogy, what with Humpty Dumpty being an egg, and the folk wisdom
about the impossibility of unscrambling eggs.
The analogy is
unfortunate at a deeper level, because the Humpty Dumpty may be the whole
health-care system. It is quite conceivable that this law is so inconsistent,
incoherent, and contradictory that it will shove health care off the wall,
leaving people uninsured, providers unpaid, and everything in chaos. We still
do not know what is really in it or how it is going to work or fail.
Throughout the
whole controversy over Obamacare, the health-care industry has been silent,
happy to count its stock-market winnings. However, the glitches of the past few
weeks have alarmed them, and also cut into the prices of their stocks. They are
swarming Washington, torn between assuring the public that the A-Team is now on
the field, and figuring out how to blame everyone else.
Government by
feeding frenzy is turning cannibalistic. So conservatives must be alert to
opportunity. It is incumbent on all good patriots to keep throwing chum in the
water, and to ensure that the health-care industry gets its share of the blame
for enabling this travesty.
Whatever the
health-care system was before, not all the king’s horses and all the king’s men
can put it back as it was. So, in Rahm Emanuel’s words, never let a crisis go
to waste: Seize the opportunity to create a new and better market-based system.
Perhaps the health-care industry can be so panicked that it will actually endorse
free markets and deregulation. That would indeed be making lemonade out of the
sour lemon of Obamacare.
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