Party Game Show With Guest Host Cass Sunstein
Sunstein recently published two short essays-here and here-on the current political struggles between “tea-party” conservatives
and progressives. In the first essay, Sunstein attempts to link our current
political fracturing with the famous standoff between Whittaker Chambers and
Alger Hiss. His second essay, which compares Whittaker Chambers and Ayn
Rand’s divergent philosophies and then links their disagreements to various
tendencies within present-day conservatism, is much better. My own
thoughts on this precise question of Chambers, Rand, and conservatism are here.
first essay argues that the titanic struggle between Whittaker Chambers and
Alger Hiss that culminated with Hiss’s federal conviction for perjury in 1950
(re: lying about espionage engaged in on behalf of the Soviet Union) is the
foundational split between conservatives and liberals in America. Moreover,
Sunstein argues that the ‘paranoid style’ both camps evince toward one another,
but mostly conservative intransigence to progressives, is best understood
through the Chambers-Hiss episode. This seems a bridge too far in my judgment.
Moreover, it’s a card that’s been played: queue Sam Tanenhaus.
real point, though, is to root conservative advocacy in a unique historical
episode that conservatives can’t let go of. The Hiss-Chambers affair was an
exceptional moment in American political history. Conservatives, cough Ted
Cruz, cough Rand Paul, can’t let go of its spirit of paranoia, outrage, and
anger at progressives. They have, if only unconsciously, breathed in its
sharper edges, and seek to wield this against their contemporary traitorous
foes. Thus, their contemporary advocacy is really a dance of whirling dervishes
unable to speak coherently to reality.
Now there
is some link between the tea party and the nascent conservative movement that
squared off with progressives during the Hiss trial. But this is a broad
connection, and to make it is to say very little. Yes, American conservatives
had a Carl Schmitt moment, they realized they were a force. More significantly,
they realized who the ‘other’ was and committed their newly defined movement to
victory. For a comprehensive analysis, see George Nash‘s classic account.
In my introductory
book to Chambers’s writings, I noted that given Chambers’s experiences with the dramatic attempt to
protect Hiss by all manner of political, academic, and legal elites, and the
simultaneous attempt to destroy Chambers, which succeeded in part, that both
Chambers and his supporters really had a point in being somewhat paranoid. It’s
worth noting that on the day of Hiss’ sentencing Secretary of State Dean
Acheson read from the Gospel of Matthew’s 25th chapter “For I was hungered, and
you gave me meat . . .” to support his judgment that he “did not intend to turn
his back on Hiss.” Acheson had worked with Hiss and was his friend, and like
many others, he was blind to the crimes Hiss had committed against his own
country. Chambers, at great personal cost, had merely documented, based on
personal experience, that persons serving in various capacities in the federal
government were Soviet conspirators. For this, he was
notes that Chambers wrongly equated New Dealers with communism. Just like those
tea partiers who wrongly equate Obama’s policies with communism. But Chambers’
charge that good New Dealers couldn’t see Hiss as a communist because they
basically shared the same mind and views of the progressive transformation of
America was truer than most progressives cared to admit. Chambers was not
charging that they were communists but that theoretical lines between modern
progressivism and communism weren’t so clear cut. Where, after all, does
progressivism draw its principled line between government control and
individual freedom? This problem is evident in Woodrow Wilson’s writings as
much as it is in many of FDR’s speeches. On this score, Chambers’s observation
was also provocatively made by Alexander Solzhenitsyn in his powerful Harvard Address of 1978. Solzhenitsyn
argued that the trajectory of modern rationalism found on the Left easily led
to the more extreme forms of materialism and rationalism that promised the
human will the ability to perfect existence. So liberalism gives way to
radicalism, radicalism folds into socialism, and socialism becomes communism.
If nothing is higher than the human will, then what will finally limit it?
And this
is the real spirit of Chambers that conservatives of all stripes should remain
in conversation with. Humility must ultimately be grounded in the knowledge
that man is not God. Failing to understand this leads to what Chambers,
following Henri de Lubac, observed as man organizing the world against man.
choosing the Chambers-Hiss affair as the lens for understanding the Ted Cruz
led debacle to defund Obamacare obviously confuses separate historical events
and conflicts. Also evident in these types of pieces is the refusal of
progressives to confront themselves, that is, to understand where the literally
death-dealing rhetoric progressives directed against Bush II, among other
conservative politicians, comes from. Perhaps this species of violent
progressive talk begins with FDR’s 1944 State of the Union Address equating
Republicans with fascists:
One of the
great American industrialists of our day — a man who has rendered yeoman
service to his country in this crisis — recently emphasized the grave dangers
of “rightist reaction” in this Nation. Any clear-thinking business men share
that (his) concern. Indeed, if such reaction should develop — if history were
to repeat itself and we were to return to the so-called “normalcy” of the
1920′s — then it is certain that even though we shall have conquered our
enemies on the battlefields abroad, we shall have yielded to the spirit of
fascism here at home.
is war, compromise with the conservatives is unthinkable. Isn’t that what FDR
is arguing?
the tea-party movement isn’t really motivated by a purist libertarian spirit or
a desire to find the “Lost Constitution” and repeal the New Deal. Its goals are
rather more pedestrian and middle class: preserve crucial space for Americans
to live their lives apart from the government, and where entitlements are
unavoidable, then structure them in a way that is far more in tune with market
principles, efficiency, and choice. I could go on.
So Obama
is no socialist, but he surely fails to understand the genius of American
institutions, Liberty. In the final analysis, that is what opposition to his
policies is all about.
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