If Robert Heinlein
were to write The Moon today (see Part 1), there's no doubt his notion
of the future oppressive global government on Earth would be very
different. With such forces at play, the free-market revolution in Lunar
colonies would likewise be fought by different means, struggling to overcome
the tidal wave of government indoctrination and demonization, in addition to an
army of statist looters hiding behind the army of statist moochers, who will be
hiding behind an army of statist Blue Helmets of the statist United Nations.
That would be an
asymmetrical warfare if ever there was one. The individualist free-market
rebels wouldn't be able to respond in kind by playing the collectivist mind
games with the statists because it would turn them into their own
enemies. Their only hope would be to learn to recognize the game when it
is being played, not to fall for any of its seductive illusions, methodically
expose the players at every turn, call every little manipulative trick in their
arsenal for what it is, and help to immunize the rest against its corruptive
The tidal wave of propaganda
notwithstanding, the rebels would still have the most important ally on their
side -- human nature. No matter into what society they are born and
what mind conditioning they receive, people will never stop being competitive
individuals. They will always long for individual freedom, rationality,
objectivity, personal achievement, and the pursuit of a better life for
themselves and their families.
Without these
traits humanity would never have risen from the ignorant tribal collectivism of
hunters and gatherers, with its brutal mores, dark superstitions, and average
life expectancy of 30 years, when few lived long enough to develop complete
self-awareness, formulate a coherent individual thought, and pass it onto
others. There would be no division of labor, no markets, and no
capitalist wealth to sustain the advances in science, arts, and technology --
let alone to feed the multitudes of Marxist intellectuals and statist
plutocrats. There would be nothing to lose and nothing to fight for.
Admittedly, the
Marxist notion of human progress is a spiral that would return humanity to that
stateless, moneyless, classless, and selfless collectivism -- except on a
higher level. For that purpose they must, so to speak, put the genie of
individualism back into the bottle, and the only way they can do it is by
demonizing human nature itself.
However, the 74
years of the morbid Soviet experiment failed to breed the New Collectivist
Man. The communist "engineers of human souls" isolated millions
of people from the rest of humanity by sealing off the nation's borders and
creating a pressurized Marxist bubble. They rearranged the society,
rewrote history, and reorganized the culture. They subjected several
generations of children to intense mind programming. They blocked all
undesirable news sources, books, films, and music. They rewarded
"correct" thoughts and impulses, and punished the
"incorrect" ones. They demonized greed, selfishness,
individualism, and self-interest. They taught altruism, collectivism, and
self-sacrifice. They ran relentless campaigns that dehumanized
non-compliant individuals.
Ultimately, not a
single trait of human nature had changed. In the months before
the collapse, the indisputable failure of collective farming forced the Soviet
communists to resurrect the idea of individual farms -- and, in order to
survive, Chinese communists reverted to private entrepreneurship, while
maintaining the pretense of Marxist orthodoxy.
This alone should
be enough to discredit the fundamental Marxist doctrine that the human mind is
a "social construct" shaped entirely by manipulation and social
conditioning. As an unintended consequence, the Soviet experiment proved
the existence of something that Marxist science has always denied: that our
individual thoughts, motives, and actions are governed, on the most part, by
absolute moral standards, which are objectively derived from the unchangeable
nature of human beings and the nature of the world.
Obviously, it is
more beneficial to accept human nature in its entirety as an absolute
standard and to build the society on that foundation, rather than to erect an
artificial construct first and rearrange the foundation later, trying to
discard parts that don't fit into the design.
And yet that
failed philosophy is now flourishing in America's academia and leftist think
tanks, which currently formulate U.S. government policies.
From the economy
to crime prevention to education to foreign relations, America's
policies today are based on the Marxist premise that crime results from
poverty, economic crisis results from greed, injustice results from capitalist
exploitation, corruption results from the free markets, and militant Islamism
results from Western colonialism. Therefore, peace and harmony can only
be achieved through equal redistribution of wealth, appeasement, and a global
effort to reshape human nature through politically correct,
collectivist indoctrination.
Predictably, a
faulty premise leads to a faulty outcome: the economy is stumbling, education
is failing, corruption is spreading, crime is rising, and militant Islamism is
gaining more ground. Instead of creating the New Man, the suppression and
demonization of natural human traits breeds moral and intellectual
freaks. Where normalcy is outlawed, abnormalities flourish.
The most damaging
outcome of this fallacy, however, is also the least visible -- and thus rarely
mentioned: the government effort to demonize our individual thoughts, impulses,
and human nature itself can only result in the eventual
dehumanization of our society, turning independent American citizens into
mindless statistical units, spiritless cogs in the machine, and powerless
subjects of the state, ripe for abuse by any sociopathic government official
with dictatorial tendencies.
The Game can only
exist in symbiosis with big government. They equally need each other for
survival, nourishment, and expansion. Downsizing the government would not
only deprive the Game of its nourishment, but would remove the very reason for
its existence. Of course, the Game's state sponsor can also be a foreign
government -- as it was with the network of KGB influence agents -- but that is
a matter for another discussion.
A free-market
revolution's primary function, therefore, would be to discard any policies or
government structures that are based on the collectivist philosophy of
demonization and dehumanization of the individual, starting with the Department
of Education.
Human nature has
taken us this far; there is every reason to believe it will continue to help us
in the future.
* * *
In the meantime, a
domestic influence operation known as OFA (Obama for America), is reorganizing,
renaming itself Organizing for Action, and assuming a
tax-exempt legal structure. It would be a mistake to think that since
Obama is no longer running for office, his campaign outfit has outlived its
purpose. Without its thundering acoustics, Obama would be as helpless as
a lip-synching artist whose soundtrack went silent in the middle of an
act. The introduction and perpetuation of a collectivist, statist frame
of reference among American voters was not only a prerequisite for Obama's
victory; it remains a vital ingredient of his governing style as the nation's
most powerful community organizer.
As such, even
though OFA is not directly bankrolled by the U.S. Treasury, it has become an
indispensable part of today's big-government operation -- the American version
of the Department of Agitation and Propaganda, if you will -- and, as every
bureaucracy, it has no intention of downsizing. Having taken the Game to
an unprecedented level and reaching its peak performance during the
"fiscal cliff's" hate week -- rivaling in effectiveness the erstwhile
Propaganda Department of the Soviet Communist Party Central Committee -- OFA is
planning to solidify its structure and influence with a so-called Obama Campaign Legacy Conference.
Regrettably, the
legacy of Obama campaign is not that of achievements in bettering the country,
but rather that of perfecting shameless crowd manipulation aimed at grabbing
more power and transforming America into something it was never meant to be.
In an email to supporters, Obama campaign manager Jim
Messina writes, "Issues like immigration, climate change, and gun violence
will be debated over these next four years, and President Obama is ready to
take them on -- but he needs us by his side. Our goal is to help him get
things done, but also to help change how things get done in Washington in the
first place."
Thus, in addition
to being a tradition in presidential elections, emotional manipulation is now
also being geared to become an official replacement for a traditional
legislative process. Marx would have described this as a great
qualitative leap forward.
Messina further
describes OFA as "an advantage that no previous president has enjoyed and
one that has the potential to reshape our politics for years to come."
Judging by past
performance, the vague "reshaping of our politics" here translates
into a very concrete subjugation of the legislative and judicial branches to
the executive dictate and the elimination of the constitutional principle of
checks and balances.
If this plan
works, Obama and his Czars will be simply telling Congress and the courts what
to do, as his Department of Agitation and Propaganda will discredit and
demonize all non-compliant legislators and judges with coordinated "hate
weeks" in the media and staged street protests, all the while feeding
illusions of a major historic battle between good and evil to the misinformed
public, who will eagerly play the part of a crowd with pitchforks and torches, especially if
motivated with promises of more government handouts.
Any surviving
opposition will thus be pressured and intimidated into submission, one by one,
until the last resisting judge, congressman, or any other troublemaker is
either removed from office or gives up the fight and succumbs to the Orwellian
alternative reality, letting Obama fundamentally transform America as
advertised. Thereafter, we may as well live in a Lunar colony -- so small
will be our chance to uproot the new ruling Party who will be setting the
terms, framing the debate, writing the narrative, and otherwise stage-managing
the bamboozled, easily manipulated subjects of the new "people's
We may well be
witnessing a pivotal moment in creating a system, against which a future
free-market revolution will be fought. Let's hope it won't be merely a
plot device in a libertarian sci-fi novel, because if this revolution doesn't
happen in real life, manuscripts of such nature may soon become inadmissible
for publication.
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