Unless “They” Get Their Way
by Bob Adelmann
If the
increase in U.S. oil output continues to increase by 25 percent every year, as it did from September 2012 to September 2013, total
U.S. output would double every three years. It’s a simple case of mathematics,
compound interest, and the Rule
of 72. The main people working to keep that from
happening are Josh Fox and his
According to the latest report from the Department of
Energy, the U.S. oil industry produced an average of 7.8 million barrels of oil
every day during September, the highest monthly output since May 1989, more
than 24 years ago. Doing some math of his own, economist Mark Perry estimated
that at this rate, U.S. crude oil production will hit 10 million barrels a day
early in the year 2015 — a level not seen since November 1970.
Josh Fox and his friends have other ideas, however. As
the co-producer of the film Gasland in 2010 and Gasland II earlier this summer, Fox joined forces
with Debra Winger, Pete Seeger, and California environmentalist Mark Jacobson
to bring the anti-fracking message to millions of uninformed Americans. Fox had
some help from HBO, aided and abetted by Robert Redford’s Sundance Festival,
which awarded Fox’s first effort its “Jury Prize.”
Fox’s lies about fracking may just do him in before he
does much more damage. Investigative journalists have
had a field day in pointing out the falsehoods
abundantly displayed in his original film Gasland, starting
from the very first scene. Fox is sitting at his kitchen table, holding
something that looks like a serious proposal, saying:
One day I got a letter in the mail. It was from a natural gas company. The letter told me that my land was on top of a formation that was called the Marcellus Shale which stretched across Pennsylvania — New York — Ohio — and West Virginia — and that the Marcellus Shale was the Saudi Arabia of natural gas.
I could lease my land to this company and I would
receive a signing bonus of $4,750 an acre. Having 19.5 acres, that was nearly
$100,000 … right there in my hand. Could it be that easy?
No, it couldn't. As Tom Shepstone, of Shepstone
Management Company, wrote, “Every aspect of his story
turns out to be a falsehood.” The math doesn't work:
it wasn't $100,000 but $92,625. His land couldn't be used
for drilling; it’s too hilly. The land doesn't belong to him but to
his father. And no natural gas company was making offers in 2008, or even 2006,
when Fox claimed he first received his, but then later corrected himself.
Concluded Shepstone:
The lease didn't come in the mail from a gas company. It wasn't even sent to him by the Northern Wayne Property Owners Association.
It appears that he simply grabbed a copy from someone
else, fabricated a story around it, added some video of a flaming faucet and,
presto, Gasland was born.
The lies continued: The flaming faucet belonged to
Mike Markham, living in Weld County, Colorado, who knew that methane gas had
seeped into his water supply long before Fox showed up on his doorstep. Markham
had already had Colorado’s Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (COGCC) out to
investigate, after which they concluded:
Mike Markham’s wells contained biogenic gas that was not related to oil and gas activity.
Unfortunately, Gasland dismisses
our Markham finding out of hand….
It should be noted that the COGCC director, Dave
Neslin, offered to speak with Gasland’s producer,
Josh Fox, on camera during the filming of the movie….
Unfortunately, Mr. Fox declined.
Fox’s lies continued. During his production of The Sky Is
Pink, Fox claimed that breast cancer rates near
fracking operations in Texas were higher than anywhere else, implying that the
increase was due to those operations. Come to find out, however, his source was
a single article in a local paper, and
those claims were quickly debunked by both the Texas Cancer Registry and the
Susan B. Komen Foundation.
Undeterred, Fox went ahead with Gasland II, in which he filmed another flaming
faucet episode but this time in Parker County, Texas, using a garden hose
instead. The fraud came to the attention of the Texas District Court, which stated:
[The homeowner conspired with a local consultant to] intentionally attach a garden hose to a gas vent — not to a water line — and then light and burn the gas from the end of the nozzle of the hose.
The demonstration was not done for scientific study
but to provide local and national news media a deceptive video, calculated to
alarm the public into believing that the water was burning.
Just how many lies does it take to conclude that Fox
is a liar?
A telling moment in understanding Fox’s commitment to
ideology over truth occurred during a public confrontation between Fox and the
maker of FrackNation, Phelim
McAleer. Using a crowd funding website, McAleer, an Irish investigative
journalist with an abiding interest in truth, created his rebuttal to Gasland and then attended a meeting where Fox
was holding forth. The first two minutes of FrackNation feature that confrontation with
McAleer eliciting from Fox the admission that, yes, water has been known to
catch fire through absorption of methane gas with recorded incidents going as
far back as 1936.
But when pressed for the reason Fox omitted that vital
bit of information in his video, Fox said it “wasn't relevant.” Instead, Fox
tried to take control of the conversation by asking McAleer where he was from,
whom he represented, whom he worked for, and so on. It was a classic technique
used by targets to redirect the conversation away from themselves, but in this
case it didn't work. McAleer had the goods on Fox, and FrackNation continues to inform Americans about
just who Fox is and what he’s about.
In order to understand where Fox fits in the grand
scheme of things, it is helpful to remember what Georgetown University
professor Carroll Quigley revealed in his two paradigm-shifting books, The Anglo-American Establishment in 1949
followed by Tragedy and Hope in 1966. Early in his career, Quigley
not only had learned of the existence of an “establishment” in the United
States but had in fact favored it and participated in it. His falling out was
over its desire to remain secretive, while Quigley thought its role in major
events over the decades was too important not to be revealed.
In 1988, author James Perloff penned The Shadows of Power: The Council on Foreign Relations and
the American Decline, building on what Quigley
had uncovered 15 years earlier. Perloff described the establishment about which
Quigley had written:
In the public mind, the American Establishment is probably most associated with big business and with wealthy, old-line families. The sons of these families have long followed a traditional career path that begins with private schools, the most famous being Groton.
From there they have typically proceeded to Harvard,
Yale, Princeton or Columbia, entering exclusive fraternities such as Yale’s
secretive Skull and Bones.
Some of the brightest have traveled to Oxford for
graduate work as Rhodes Scholars. From academia they have customarily
progressed to Wall Street, perhaps joining an international investment bank
[such as David Rockefeller’s Chase Manhattan Bank, now called JPMorgan Chase]
or a prominent law firm or brokerage house.
Some of the politically inclined have signed on with
Establishment think tanks like the Brookings Institute or the Rand Corporation.
As they have matured, a few have found themselves on
the boards of vast foundations: Rockefeller, Ford and Carnegie.
And ultimately, some have advanced into “public
service” — high positions in the federal government.
For the latter, there has long been a requisite
membership in a New York-based group called the Council on Foreign
Relations — CFR for short. Since its founding in 1921, the Council has
been the Establishment’s chief link to the U.S. government.
As those foundations increased their influence,
members of the House of Representatives became concerned and financed an
investigation into them in 1952. The chairman of the investigation was Carroll Reece, a
congressman from Tennessee. Aiding him as his director of research was Norman
Dodd, a banker with a degree from Yale. In an interview with Ed Griffin in 1982, Dodd
told a remarkable story of a meeting he had with the then-president of the Ford
Foundation, one Rowan Gaither:
Norman Dodd: Rowan
Gaither was, at that time, president of the Ford Foundation. Mr. Gaither had
sent for me when I found it convenient to be in New York [and] asked me to call
upon him at his office, which I did. Upon arrival, after a few amenities, Mr.
Gaither said: “Mr. Dodd, we've asked you to come up here today because we
thought that possibly, off the record, you would tell us why the Congress is
interested in the activities of foundations such as ourselves?” Before I could
think of how I would reply to that statement, Mr. Gaither then went on
voluntarily and said:
Mr. Dodd, all of us who have a hand in the making of
policies here have had experience either with the OSS during the war or the
European Economic Administration after the war. We've had experience operating
under directives, and these directives emanate and did emanate from the White
House. Now, we still operate under just such directives. Would you like to know
what the substance of these directives is?
I said, “Mr. Gaither, I’d like very much to know,”
whereupon he made this statement to me:
Mr. Dodd, we operate here in response to similar
directives, the substance of which is that we shall use our grant-making power
so to alter life in the United States that it can be comfortably merged with
the Soviet Union….
[Our task is to] covertly lower the standard of
living, the whole social structure, of America so that we can be merged with
all other nations.
One of the most influential of those foundations in
working to “alter life in the United States” is the Rockefeller Foundation,
headed up for years by David Rockefeller. Now in his 98th year, he stated in
his 2003 autobiography, Memoirs:
For more than a century, ideological extremists at
either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents
to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we
wield over American political and economic institutions.
Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal
working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my
family and me as “internationalists” and of conspiring with others around the
world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure —
one world, if you will.
If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud
of it.
With that admission now a matter of public record, the
question becomes: Where did the “environmental movement” come from? Where did
that start? Who was behind that?
The Club of Rome held its
first meeting in 1968 and created its founding statement:
The common enemy of humanity is man.
In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up
with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages,
famine and the like would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by human
intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they
can be overcome.
The real enemy then, is humanity itself.
The Club publishes relevant articles in its Kosmos
Journal with some
illuminating comments that reveal its worldview:
Modern industrial civilization is fast outstripping the Earth’s natural regenerative and life-supporting capacity….
A radical change from the current trajectory is required, a complete reordering of global society….
Democracy has failed us. A new system of global governance, based on environmental imperatives, must be implemented quickly.
At the World Resources Forum held in Davos,
Switzerland, from October 7-9, Ugo Bardi, a speaker representing the Club of
Rome, reiterated precisely
what their agenda is:
We are facing today an unprecedented global challenge: that of the overexploitation of the world’s resources. Not only are most natural resources being exploited faster than they can reform, but we are saturating the capability of the atmosphere to absorb the products of the combustion of fossil fuels; with the result of potentially catastrophic climate change….
[The solution] means slowing down the exploitation rate….
[We must] operate in a concerted effort to slow down and eventually stop the deadly economic growth machine.
There’s the agenda: stop growth in the name of
humanity and global warming (i.e., climate change). And just who are some of
these worthies promoting the end of western civilization? A partial listing is revealing: Al
Gore, Maurice Strong, Mikhail Gorbachev, Kofi Annan, Bill Clinton, Jimmy
Carter, Bill Gates, Ted Turner, Tony Blair, Tim Wirth, Henry Kissinger, George
Soros — and, of course, the inevitable David Rockefeller.
Taking a closer look at the people behind the making of Gasland now reveals the influence of those
seeking to reshape and remake the world, and the United States, into a
one-world community, with them in charge. First there is Debra Winger, popularly
known for her roles inAn Officer and a Gentleman and Shadowlands. Not as
well known was her role as a furious campaigner for Obama in 2008, flying
around the country trying to placate concerns from various Jewish organizations
about Obama’s Muslim background and consequent potential threats to Israel if
he were elected president.
There’s Pete Seeger, who had a bit part in Gasland, revealing
a strange sympathy for a folk singer with a long history of being a member of
the Communist Party since his 20s. Now in his 90s, Seeger was asked about that
and responded, “I’m still a communist.”
There’s the good professor from Stanford, Mark
Jacobson, acting as an advisor to Fox in Gasland, offering such sound advice as that
presented in an article published in the Energy Policy journal entitled “A Plan to Power 100
Percent of the Planet with Renewables.” Jacobson, with a serious demeanor no
doubt, thinks the planet’s energy needs can be met with just WWS — wind,
water, and sunlight. That will take more than a little doing, however, as it
would require, according to Jacobson, a minimum of the following energy sources
to do the job:
• 3.8 million 4 MW (mega-watt) wind turbines
• 49,000 300 MW concentrated solar plants
• 40,000 300 MW solar photovoltaic power plants
• 1.7 billion 3 KW (kilowatt) rooftop photovoltaic systems
• 5,350 100 MW geothermal power plants, and
• 270 new 1300 MW hydroelectric power plants.
Just for perspective, the Hoover Dam generates just
over 2,000 MW, so the task facing Jacobson and his fantasizers is daunting, to
say the very least.
And then there’s HBO — Home Box Office — the
funder and promoter of Fox’s follies, including a check for $750,000 to get him
started on his way with Gasland II.
But who owns HBO? Time Warner. And
who is found sitting at the very top of Time Warner? Members of the Council on
Foreign Relations, including the chairman and CEO Jeff Bewkes; Jessica Einhorn,
a dean at Johns Hopkins University; two out of the five senior executives; and
two of the four division CEOs. The chances of that happening by accident are
simply too great to calculate.
Finally, there’s the Sundance Festival, which
presented Gasland its Jury Award, sending the film on
its way to national acclaim. The Sundance Festival was founded and is chaired
by Robert Redford, presumably with his own money in the early years. But as
time went on, the Sundance Kid and his festival caught the attention of the
Open Society Foundation (formerly the Open Society Institute), funded by a most
generous $5-billion gift from gazillionaire and world-changer George Soros. The
OSF happily announced that it was funding the festivalwith a modest $5 million back in
2009, which presumably has continued ever since.
What conclusions can be drawn from all of this? Fully
armed now with knowledge of the networks and connections and purposes and
funding behind Fox, it is safe to conclude that he is a consummate liar and a
fraud. Further, he is a puppet of the people who are using him, for the moment,
to promote their agenda. He is, in the words of the British Broadcasting
Corporation (BBC), a “useful idiot.” This
is a term used to describe propagandists for a cause or a regime they fully
support but don’t fully understand, whose support is cynically welcomed
temporarily and then discarded, neutralized, or even eliminated by that regime
when its agenda is completed.
By himself Fox will likely be unable to make even a
dent in slowing the avalanche of oil being produced in the United States,
thanks to fracking. The momentum is simply too great. The locomotive rushing
forward to fulfill not only America’s energy needs but a large part of the
world’s as well is just moving too quickly.
However, this is not to denigrate in any way the
danger to that energy boom posed by the people currently using Fox as a foil
and a tool. If they succeed in ending fracking, the math, and compound
interest, and the Rule of 72 will become irrelevant, and the anti-frackers will
return America to the 16th century. They will become known not for
anti-fracking but instead for what they really are: anti-civilization.
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