Bad debts were shifted from the private to the public sector, but they did not disappear
by Philipp Bagus
Still unnoticed by a large part of the
population is that we have been living through a period of relative
impoverishment. Money has been squandered in welfare
spending, bailing out banks or even — as in Europe — of fellow governments. But
many people still do not feel the pain.
However, malinvestments have destroyed an
immense amount of real wealth. Government
spending for welfare programs and military ventures has caused increasing
public debts and deficits in the Western world. These
debts will never be paid back in real terms.
The welfare-warfare state is the biggest
malinvestment today. It does not satisfy the preferences of
freely interacting individuals and would be liquidated immediately if it were
not continuously propped up by taxpayer money collected under the threat of
Another source of malinvestment has been
the business cycle triggered by the credit expansion of the semi-public
fractional reserve banking system. After the financial crisis of 2008, malinvestments were only partially
liquidated. The investors that had financed the malinvestments such as
overextended car producers and mortgage lenders were bailed out by governments;
be it directly through capital infusions or indirectly through subsidies and
public works. The bursting of the housing bubble caused losses for the banking
system, but the banking system did not assume these losses in full because it
was bailed out by governments worldwide.Consequently,
bad debts were shifted from the private to the public sector, but they did not
disappear. In
time, new bad debts were created through an increase in public welfare spending
such as unemployment benefits and a myriad of “stimulus” programs. Government
debt exploded.
In other words, the losses resulting from
the malinvestments of the past cycle have been shifted to an important degree
onto the balance sheets of governments and their central banks. Neither
the original investors, nor bank shareholders, nor bank creditors, nor holders
of public debt have assumed these losses. Shifting bad debts around cannot
recreate the lost wealth, however, and the debt remains.
To illustrate, let us consider Robinson Crusoe
and the younger Friday on their island.Robinson works hard for decades and saves
for retirement. He invests in bonds issued by Friday. Friday invests in a
project. He starts constructing a fishing boat that will produce enough fish to
feed both of them when Robinson retires and stops working.
At retirement Robinson wants to start
consuming his capital. He wants to sell his bonds and buy goods
(the fish) that Friday produces. But the plan will not work if the capital has
been squandered in malinvestments. Friday may be unable to pay back the bonds
in real terms, because he simply has consumed Robinson’s savings without
working or because the investment project financed with Robinson’s savings has
For instance, imagine that the boat is
constructed badly and sinks; or that Friday never builds the boat because he
prefers partying. The wealth that Robinson thought to own is simply not there.
Of course, for some time Robinson may maintain the illusion that he is wealthy.
In fact, he still owns the bonds.
Let us imagine that there is a government
with its central bank on the island. To
“fix” the situation, the island’s government buys and nationalizes Friday’s
failed company (and the sunken boat). Or the government could bail Friday out
by transferring money to him through the issuance of new government debt that
is bought by the central bank. Friday may then pay back Robinson with newly
printed money. Alternatively the central banks may also just print paper money
to buy the bonds directly from Robinson. The bad assets (represented by the
bonds) are shifted onto the balance sheet of the central bank or the
As a consequence, Robinson Crusoe may have
the illusion that he is still rich because he owns government bonds, paper
money, or the bonds issued by a nationalized or subsidized company. In a
similar way, people feel rich today because they own savings accounts,
government bonds, mutual funds, or a life insurance policy (with the banks, the
funds, and the life insurance companies being heavily invested in government
bonds). However, the wealth destruction (the sinking of the boat) cannot be
undone. At the end of the day, Robinson cannot eat the bonds, paper, or other
entitlements he owns. There is simply no real wealth backing them. No
one is actually catching fish, so there will simply not be enough fishes to
feed both Robinson and Friday.
Something similar is true today. Many
people believe they own real wealth that does not exist. Their capital has been squandered by
government malinvestments directly and indirectly. Governments have spent
resources in welfare programs and have issued promises for public pension
schemes; they have bailed out companies by creating artificial markets, through
subsidies or capital injections. Government debt has exploded.
Many people believe the paper wealth they
own in the form of government bonds, investment funds, insurance policies, bank
deposits, and entitlements will provide them with nice sunset years. However, at retirement they will only be able to consume what is
produced by the real economy. But the economy’s real production capacity has
been severely distorted and reduced by government intervention. The paper
wealth is backed to a great extent by hot air. The ongoing transfer of bad
debts onto the balance sheets of governments and central banks cannot undo the
destruction of wealth. Savers and pensioners will at some point
find out that the real value of their wealth is much less than they expected.
In which way, exactly, the illusion will be destroyed remains to be seen.
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