Posterity cannot vote against us, but we can vote against them.
In Niall
Ferguson’s book, The
Great Degeneration: How Institutions Decay and Economies Die, he quotes
one of my favorite passages from Edmund Burke’s Reflections
on the Revolution in France where Burke
explains that “one of the first and leading principles on which the
commonwealth and the laws are consecrated is — that [people] should not think
it among their rights to cut off the entail or commit waste on the inheritance
[of posterity] by destroying at their pleasure the whole original fabric of
their society, hazarding to leave those who come after them a ruin instead of
an habitation….” Burke added that society is a partnership between the living,
the dead, and the unborn. About this partnership Ferguson wrote, “In the
enormous inter-generational transfers implied by current fiscal policies we see
a shocking and perhaps unparalleled breach of precisely that partnership.”
Our economic
future is now threatened by the government’s inability to control public
spending. The developed world is going deeper and deeper into debt, sacrificing
the future to the present. Already in the 1890s the Irish historian and
political theorist William Edward Hartpole Lecky saw that increasing government
taxation and expenditure was a trend which might eventually lead to bankruptcy
on a massive scale. He believed government indebtedness was a serious and
long-term threat to liberty and prosperity; for when a government borrows it is
stealing from the future. Even worse, when such a theft is accomplished in the
name of equality, warned Lecky, it only proves that “democratic tendencies are
distinctly adverse to liberty.” Such a realization is unsettling, and we do not
know how to fix what now seems broken.
If we return
to Burke’s quotation, above, we today find that the partnership between the
living, the dead, and the unborn has given way to the selfishness of the
moment. The unborn have no vote and the U.S. Constitution never really
protected posterity from the vagaries of the democratic present. Supposedly we
are to feel a natural concern for the future, and this was to restrain our
behavior. But our feelings for the future are clearly attenuated. Perhaps we
don’t even believe that the future will come. But when it comes let us admit
that the banks will be empty. Uncle Sam will be broke. Every taxpayer will be
stripped bare. And why must this be? The answer is given at every election by
our leading politicians. Social justice requires solutions now, regardless of
the future cost; for everyone must have healthcare and every country in the
Middle East must have democracy; and it’s all very expensive, of course, so we
settle the bill on posterity.
cannot vote against us, but we can vote against them. If we were decent folk this would not
happen. But we aren’t decent. Not any longer. Let us therefore eat up our
inheritance and leave nothing for our children. Such is the logic of our system
of government. Such is the logic of our governors – those great visionaries.
The politics of our time is about arranging the economy in such a way that our
children will pay. Who, after all, can stop us from doing this? We are
determined. It is already largely accomplished. The system of the Founding
Fathers, which was designed to limit the power of the government, has been
subverted by a generation that wants everything for itself now.
testimony before a Congressional
Committee offers
fascinating insight into the breakdown of limited government in America.
Congressman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) recently put a question to legal analyst and
scholar Jonathan Turley: “How does the president’s unilateral modification of
acts of Congress affect both the balance of power between the political
branches and the liberty interests of the American people?”
Turley replied by saying that the danger to liberty was “quite severe.”
President Obama has not merely endangered the Constitution, Turley explained.
“He’s becoming the very danger the Constitution was designed to avoid. That is
the concentration of power in every single branch.” According to Turley, the
power of the presidency has been greatly expanded under George W. Bush and
Barack Obama. What we now have is an “imperial presidency” which Turley
describes as “a model of largely unchecked authority,” Turley further added.
“We have agencies that are quite large that issue regulations. The Supreme
Court said recently that agencies could actually define their … own
leaving our posterity with an impossible burden of debt, it seems we are also
leaving them with a gigantic government machine which must inevitably tyrannize
over them. And we should not be fooled where the current regime is leading us.
Here government is eating away the market, one slice at a time. Today it is
healthcare; tomorrow it will be our “carbon footprint.” We can see how
everything is already being arranged; for nearly everything derives from the
market economy, and when you take that economy away you must ration what
remains. And
here is another legacy we leave to the future.
For those who
believe freedom is a moral imperative and tyranny an unmitigated evil, the
freedom represented by the free market is not the corollary of untrammeled
greed. The market economy is moral because it is the only path leading to
freedom. Without a free economy, all other freedoms become meaningless. What
dignity, then, remains for man? All that would remain is the violence of a
dictator; for when the hour strikes and the debt finally comes due, the
dictator will claim that the market has failed and socialist dictatorship will
remain the only option. Therefore our children will lose their freedom, which
is the dearest part of their inheritance.
“It is not
surprising that a majority of current voters should support policies of
inter-generational inequity,” wrote Ferguson. “But what if the net result of
passing the buck … is not just unfair to the young but economically deleterious
for everyone? What if uncertainty about the future is already starting to weigh
on the present?” And this is close to the truth, indeed! Here Ferguson warns
that the future is not so far away. We are going to have to face up to the
fraud that has been committed much sooner than we realize; for the present
system, says Ferguson, “to put it bluntly, is fraudulent.”
In his Psychology
of Socialism Gustave Le
Bon wrote of the “decay of will, coinciding with lack of initiative and the
development of indifference.” This is where we stand today. Our financial
future has been determined by a kind of paralysis – an inability to act. While
it is true that we have leaders, and we have men who understand the problems of
the hour, we also have a sense of our own helplessness; for everything is so
large and the individual has been made so puny. But we must not forget that the
individual is the effective agent of all action. As individuals we are
responsible for ourselves. And we are responsible for the future.
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