We're watching, in real time, as 1984 turns from a futuristic fantasy long past into an instructional manual
By Peter Van Buren
What if Edward Snowden was made to disappear? No, I'm not suggesting some future CIA rendition effort or a who-killed-Snowden conspiracy theory of a disappearance, but a more ominous kind.
What if Edward Snowden was made to disappear? No, I'm not suggesting some future CIA rendition effort or a who-killed-Snowden conspiracy theory of a disappearance, but a more ominous kind.
What if everything a whistleblower had ever
exposed could simply be made to go away? What if every National Security Agency
(NSA) document Snowden released, every interview he gave, every documented
trace of a national security state careening out of control could be made to
disappear in real-time? What if the very
posting of such revelations could be turned into a fruitless, record-less
Am I suggesting the plot for a novel by some
twenty-first century George Orwell? Hardly. As we edge toward a fully digital
world, such things may soon be possible, not in science fiction but in our
world - and at the push of a button. In fact, the earliest prototypes of a new
kind of "disappearance" are already being tested. We are closer to a
shocking, dystopian reality that might once have been the stuff of futuristic
novels than we imagine. Welcome to the memory hole.
Even if some future government stepped over one
of the last remaining red lines in our world and simply assassinated
whistleblowers as they surfaced, others would always emerge. Back in 1948, in
his eerie novel 1984, however, Orwell suggested a far more
diabolical solution to the problem. He conjured up a technological device for
the world of Big Brother that he called "the memory hole". In his
dark future, armies of bureaucrats, working in what he sardonically dubbed the
Ministry of Truth, spent their lives erasing or altering documents, newspapers,
books, and the like in order to create an acceptable version of history. When a
person fell out of favor, the Ministry of Truth sent him and all the
documentation relating to him down the memory hole. Every story or report in
which his life was in any way noted or recorded would be edited to eradicate
all traces of him.
In Orwell's pre-digital world, the memory hole
was a vacuum tube into which old documents were physically disappeared forever.
Alterations to existing documents and the deep-sixing of others ensured that
even the sudden switching of global enemies and alliances would never prove a
problem for the guardians of Big Brother. In the world he imagined, thanks to
those armies of bureaucrats, the present was what had always been - and there
were those altered documents to prove it and nothing but faltering memories to
say otherwise. Anyone who expressed doubts about the truth of the present
would, under the rubric of "thoughtcrime", be marginalized or
Government and corporate digital censorship
Increasingly, most of us now get our news, books, music, TV, movies, and communications of every sort electronically. These days, Google earns more advertising revenue than all US print media combined. Even the venerable Newsweek no longer publishes a paper edition. And in that digital world, a certain kind of "simplification" is being explored. The Chinese, Iranians, and others are, for instance, already implementing web-filtering strategies to block access to sites and online material of which their governments don't approve. The US government similarly (if somewhat fruitlessly) blocks its employees from viewing Wikileaks and Edward Snowden material (as well as websites like TomDispatch) on their work computers - though not of course at home. Yet.
Increasingly, most of us now get our news, books, music, TV, movies, and communications of every sort electronically. These days, Google earns more advertising revenue than all US print media combined. Even the venerable Newsweek no longer publishes a paper edition. And in that digital world, a certain kind of "simplification" is being explored. The Chinese, Iranians, and others are, for instance, already implementing web-filtering strategies to block access to sites and online material of which their governments don't approve. The US government similarly (if somewhat fruitlessly) blocks its employees from viewing Wikileaks and Edward Snowden material (as well as websites like TomDispatch) on their work computers - though not of course at home. Yet.
Great Britain, however, will soon take a
significant step toward deciding what a private citizen can see on the web even
while at home. Before the end of the year, almost all Internet users there will
be "opted-in" to a system designed to filter out pornography. By
default, the controls will also block access to "violent material",
"extremist and terrorist related content", "anorexia and eating
disorder websites", and "suicide related websites". In addition,
the new settings will censor sites mentioning alcohol or smoking. The filter
will also block "esoteric material", though a UK-based rights group
says the government has yet to make clear what that category will include.
And government-sponsored forms of Internet
censorship are being privatized. New, off-the-shelf commercial products
guarantee that an organization does not need to be the NSA to block content.
For example, the Internet security company Blue Coat is a domestic leader in
the field and a major exporter of such technology. It can easily set up a
system to monitor and filter all Internet usage, blocking web sites by their
address, by keywords, or even by the content they contain. Among others, Blue
Coat software is used by the US Army to control what its soldiers see while
deployed abroad, and by the repressive governments in Syria, Saudi Arabia, and
Burma to block outside political ideas.
Google search...
In a sense, Google Search already "disappears" material. Right now Google is the good guy vis-a-vis whistleblowers. A quick Google search (0.22 seconds) turns up more than 48 million hits on Edward Snowden, most of them referencing his leaked NSA documents. Some of the websites display the documents themselves, still labeled "Top Secret". Less than half a year ago, you had to be one of a very limited group in the government or contractually connected to it to see such things. Now, they are splayed across the web.
In a sense, Google Search already "disappears" material. Right now Google is the good guy vis-a-vis whistleblowers. A quick Google search (0.22 seconds) turns up more than 48 million hits on Edward Snowden, most of them referencing his leaked NSA documents. Some of the websites display the documents themselves, still labeled "Top Secret". Less than half a year ago, you had to be one of a very limited group in the government or contractually connected to it to see such things. Now, they are splayed across the web.
Google - and since Google is the planet's number
one search engine, I'll use it here as a shorthand for every search engine,
even those yet to be invented - is in this way amazing and looks like a massive
machine for spreading, not suppressing, news. Put just about anything on the
web and Google is likely to find it quickly and add it into search results
worldwide, sometimes within seconds. Since most people rarely scroll past the
first few search results displayed, however, being disappeared already has a
new meaning online. It's no longer enough just to get Google to notice you.
Getting it to place what you post high enough on its search results page to be
noticed is what matters now. If your work is number 47,999,999 on the Snowden
results, you're as good as dead, as good as disappeared. Think of that as a
starting point for the more significant forms of disappearance that undoubtedly
lie in our future.
Hiding something from users by reprogramming
search engines is one dark step to come. Another is actually deleting content,
a process as simple as transforming the computer coding behind the search
process into something predatory. And if Google refuses to implement the
change-over to "negative searches", the NSA, which already appears to
be able to reach inside Google, can implant its own version of malicious code
as it has already done in at least 50,000 instances.
But never mind the future: here's how a negative
search strategy is already working, even if today its focus - largely on
pedophiles - is easy enough to accept. Google recently introduced software that
makes it harder for users to locate child abuse material. As company head Eric
Schmidt put it, Google Search has been "fine-tuned" to clean up
results for more than 100,000 terms used by pedophiles to look for child
pornography. Now, for instance, when users type in queries that may be related
to child sexual abuse, they will find no results that link to illegal content.
Instead, Google will redirect them to help and counseling sites. "We will
soon roll out these changes in more than 150 languages, so the impact will be
truly global", Schmidt wrote.
While Google is redirecting searches for kiddie
porn to counseling sites, the NSA has developed a similar ability. The agency
already controls a set of servers codenamed Quantum that sit on the Internet's
backbone. Their job is to redirect "targets" away from their intended
destinations to websites of the NSA's choice. The idea is: you type in the
website you want and end up somewhere less disturbing to the agency. While at
present this technology may be aimed at sending would-be online jihadis to more
moderate Islamic material, in the future it could, for instance, be repurposed
to redirect people seeking news to an Al-Jazeera lookalike site with altered
content that fits the government's version of events.
...and destroy
However, blocking and redirecting technologies, which are bound to grow more sophisticated, will undoubtedly be the least of it in the future. Google is already taking things to the next level in the service of a cause that just about anyone would applaud. They are implementing picture-detection technology to identify child abuse photographs whenever they appear on their systems, as well as testing technology that would remove illegal videos. Google's actions against child porn may be well intentioned indeed, but the technology being developed in the service of such anti-child-porn actions should chill us all. Imagine if, back in 1971, the Pentagon Papers, the first glimpse most Americans had of the lies behind the Vietnam War, had been deletable. Who believes that the Nixon White House wouldn't have disappeared those documents and that history wouldn't have taken a different, far grimmer course?
However, blocking and redirecting technologies, which are bound to grow more sophisticated, will undoubtedly be the least of it in the future. Google is already taking things to the next level in the service of a cause that just about anyone would applaud. They are implementing picture-detection technology to identify child abuse photographs whenever they appear on their systems, as well as testing technology that would remove illegal videos. Google's actions against child porn may be well intentioned indeed, but the technology being developed in the service of such anti-child-porn actions should chill us all. Imagine if, back in 1971, the Pentagon Papers, the first glimpse most Americans had of the lies behind the Vietnam War, had been deletable. Who believes that the Nixon White House wouldn't have disappeared those documents and that history wouldn't have taken a different, far grimmer course?
Or consider an example that's already with us.
In 2009, many Kindle owners discovered that Amazon had reached into their
devices overnight and remotely deleted copies of Orwell's Animal Farm and 1984
(no irony intended). The company explained that the books, mistakenly
"published" on its machines, were actually bootlegged copies of the
novels. Similarly, in 2012, Amazon erased the contents of a customer's Kindle
without warning, claiming her account was "directly related to another
which has been previously closed for abuse of our policies". Using the
same technology, Amazon now has the ability to replace books on your device
with "updated" versions, the content altered. Whether you are
notified or not is up to Amazon.
In addition to your Kindle, remote control over
your other devices is already a reality. Much of the software on your computer
communicates in the background with its home servers, and so is open to
"updates" that can alter content. The NSA uses malware - malicious
software remotely implanted into a computer - to change the way the machine
works. The Stuxnet code that likely damaged 1,000 centrifuges the Iranians were
using to enrich uranium is one example of how this sort of thing can operate.
These days, every iPhone checks back with
headquarters to announce what apps you've purchased; in the tiny print of a
disclaimer routinely clicked through, Apple reserves the right to disappear any
app for any reason. In 2004, TiVo sued Dish Network for giving customers
set-top boxes that TiVo said infringed on its software patents. Though the case
was settled in return for a large payout, as an initial remedy, the judge
ordered Dish to electronically disable the 192,000 devices it had already
installed in people's homes. In the future, there will be ever more ways to
invade and control computers, alter or disappear what you're reading, and shunt
you to sites weren't looking for.
Snowden's revelations of what the NSA does to
gather information and control technology, which have riveted the planet since
June, are only part of the equation. How the government will enhance its
surveillance and control powers in the future is a story still to be told.
Imagine coupling tools to hide, alter, or delete content with smear campaigns
to discredit or dissuade whistleblowers, and the power potentially available to
both governments and corporations becomes clearer.
The ability to move beyond altering content into
altering how people act is obviously on governmental and corporate agendas as
well. The NSA has already gathered blackmail data from the digital porn viewing
habits of "radical" Muslims. The NSA sought to wiretap a Congressman
without a warrant. The ability to collect information on Federal judges,
government leaders, and presidential candidates makes J Edgar Hoover's 1950s
blackmail schemes as quaint as the bobby socks and poodle skirts of that era.
The wonders of the Internet regularly stun us. The dystopian, Orwellian
possibilities of the Internet have, until recently, not caught our attention in
the same way. They should.
Read this now, before it's deleted
The future for whistleblowers is grim. At a time not so far distant, when just about everything is digital, when much of the world's Internet traffic flows directly through the United States or allied countries, or through the infrastructure of American companies abroad, when search engines can find just about anything online in fractions of a second, when the Patriot Act and secret rulings by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court make Google and similar tech giants tools of the national security state (assuming organizations like the NSA don't simply take over the search business directly), and when the sophisticated technology can either block, alter, or delete digital material at the push of a button, the memory hole is no longer fiction.
The future for whistleblowers is grim. At a time not so far distant, when just about everything is digital, when much of the world's Internet traffic flows directly through the United States or allied countries, or through the infrastructure of American companies abroad, when search engines can find just about anything online in fractions of a second, when the Patriot Act and secret rulings by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court make Google and similar tech giants tools of the national security state (assuming organizations like the NSA don't simply take over the search business directly), and when the sophisticated technology can either block, alter, or delete digital material at the push of a button, the memory hole is no longer fiction.
Leaked revelations will be as pointless as dusty
old books in some attic if no one knows about them. Go ahead and publish
whatever you want. The First Amendment allows you to do that. But what's the
point if no one will be able to read it? You might more profitably stand on a
street corner and shout at passers by. In at least one easy-enough-to-imagine
future, a set of Snowden-like revelations will be blocked or deleted as fast as
anyone can (re)post them.
The ever-developing technology of search, turned
180 degrees, will be able to disappear things in a major way. The Internet is a
vast place, but not infinite. It is increasingly being centralized in the hands
of a few companies under the control of a few governments, with the US sitting
on the major transit routes across the Internet's backbone.
About now you should feel a chill. We're
watching, in real time, as 1984 turns from a futuristic fantasy long
past into an instructional manual. There will be no need to kill a future
Edward Snowden. He will already be dead.
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