Hint: Just about everything
Pope Francis’s first apostolic
exhortation, Evangelii
Gaudium (“The Joy of the Gospel”) is a beautiful
document and a joy to read. I’ll leave its theological implications to those
who live in the Church. What’s got many people praising the Pope today, though,
isn’t his plea for good works, but rather his critique of capitalism. Ed
Morrissey argues that many in the media misunderstood the
Pope’s point. And Bishop James D. Conley tells
us that
The Joy of the Gospel was a rejection of “idolatry of any economic system as a
panacea” rather than a specific rejection of capitalism and consumerism.
As fascinating as the context of Pope’s message might be, there is — or seems to be — something new about
this rhetoric. You could always detect a pinch of socialistic seasoning in the
Church’s theological stew. This, no doubt, is why God saw fit to create Robert
P. George and Robert Sirico. In this case, the Pope didn’t simply point out
that the wealthy weren’t doing enough to help alleviate poverty. He used the
recognizable rhetoric of the Left to accuse free-market systems of generating
and nurturing that poverty. And these platitudes — things that run wild in the
liberal imagination like unfettered capitalism and “trickle-down” economics —
were clearly aimed at the United States.
The Pope condemns the “new tyranny” of
“idolatry of money,” not only reasonably arguing that economic systems should
not be accepted with blind faith, but that “as long as the problems of the poor
are not radically resolved by rejecting the absolute autonomy of markets and
financial speculation and by attacking the structural causes of inequality, no
solution will be found for the world’s problems or, for that matter, to any
For starters, it’s troubling that the Pope
fails to make any genuine distinction between Western poverty (terrible) and
the poverty of the Third World (unimaginably terrible). But is it really true
that “absolute autonomy of markets and financial speculation” arethe driving reasons for poverty and
inequality? People in places like Congo, Burundi, Eritrea, Malawi, or
Mozambique live under corrupt authoritarian regimes where crippling poverty has
a thousand fathers — none of them named capitalism. The people of Togo do not
suffer in destitution because of some derivative scheme on Wall Street or the
fallout from a tech IPO.
“While the earnings of a minority are
growing exponentially,” the Pope goes on to say, “so too is the gap separating
the majority from the prosperity enjoyed by those happy few.”
In truth, global inequality has been
dropping for years. The World Bank estimates global poverty was halved from 1990 to
2010. In fact, according to the World Bank, the United Nations’ “millennium
development goal” of cutting world poverty in half by 2015 came in five years
ahead of schedule despite a major global recession. The decline in poverty
coincides, not coincidentally, with developing nations embracing more
market-based systems.
Moreover, the Pope falls into the trap of
conflating inequality and poverty. Some countries enjoy income parity because
most citizens are rich and others because most citizens are poor. Put it this
way: Egypt, Pakistan, and Mongolia all enjoy more economic equality than
the United States. The GDP per capita here is $49,800. In a country like Argentina,
the Pope’s homeland, a place where wealth is more fairly distributed, it’s $18,200.
Now, no reasonable person believes any
economic system is a cure-all. But how many reasonable people argue that
market-based economies — and the underlying morality that drive them — haven’t
done more to alleviate poverty worldwide than any other system? For the most
part, in fact, the more unfettered a nation’s economic system is the prosperous
the population becomes, and consequently the more it spends on charity and
safety net programs. When we match up the Cato Institute’s Index of Economic
Freedom with the World Bank’s measure of per capita income, we find that the
countries with the most unencumbered systems and the most financial
“speculation” usually have the least of amount of poverty:
Hong Kong — $51,946
Singapore — $61,803
Australia — $44,598
New Zealand — $32,219
Switzerland — $53,367
Canada — $42,533
Chile — $22,352 (Chile’s score has jumped
considerably since unfettered capitalism took over)
Mauritius — $15,649
Denmark — $42,086
Rather than credit those who do their best
to balance this imperfect system that lifts millions out of impoverishment, the
Pope attacks them for the prevalence of imaginary economic Darwinists who
callously keep equality from blooming. “Consequently,” these people “reject the
right of states, charged with vigilance for the common good, to exercise any
form of control,” Pope Francis contends.
Any form of control? Really? The Federal
Registry of the United States regularly comes in over 60,000 pages. Or, to put
it another way, it’s longer than all 46 books of the Old Testament, the 27
books of the New Testament and every gospel the Council of Nicaea
decided to toss, combined. And the United States, a place teeming with
these economic Darwinists, also happens to be one of the most charitable places
on the planet — even before we begin counting per capita spending on safety
The Pope goes on to decry the current
“economy of exclusion and inequality.” Well, aimed at a nation incessantly
debating ways to create more opportunities for the super poor to catch up to
the super rich seems a bit unfair. We can do better, of course. But as
inequality goes, according
to two measurements (the Palma ratio and the Gini coefficient) the United States falls
somewhere in the middle of the pack. That’s more impressive than you think,
considering we welcome more immigrants, temporary workers, and foreign students
than most nations. The majority of these visitors and immigrants –some of them
illegal — begin their time here poor.
The Pope also throws around a bromide
about “speculation” creating “a throwaway culture that discards young people as
well as its older people.”* One assumes that by young people he also mean
abortions (mostly, the media skips this part), but the fact is, generally
speaking, older people in the U.S. benefit more from financial speculation in
the marketplace than anyone. Many people in retirement, if not most, live
partially off the wealth created by their lifelong speculation in the
marketplace, either through their pension plans, 401(k)s, or property
speculation. Without these investments, more Americans would be living off of
safety net programs, which wouldn’t exist long with that kind of pressure.
Finally, the Pope claims there is no
evidence that a trickle down “theory” — by which we assume he means market
economies — works. Greg Mankiw, professor and chairman of the economics
department at Harvard, points out on this blog, that “as far as I know, the
pope did not address the tax-exempt status of the church. I would be eager to
hear his views on that issue. Maybe he thinks the tax benefits the church
receives do some good when they trickle down.”
Supposedly religious institutions get a
$71 billion dollar tax break every year — far too little, in my estimation. I
assume the Church believes it does an effective job helping the needy. The Pope
doesn’t stash all his money in a Swiss bank account. It trickles downwards to
the poor. The Apostolic Exhortation, in fact, calls for the decentralized Roman
Catholic Church. Surely, Pope Francis can’t believe that the centralization of
charity (or, in the government’s case, welfare) is a better idea than allowing
locals to meet the needs of their communities?
Actually, he might. Because, as compelling
and as charismatic as he is, if we, in The City of Man, took the Pope’s
advice on economic issues, we’d end up with millions more living in poverty.
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