by Anthony Gregory
American militants like Anwar
al-Awlaki are placed on a kill or capture list by a secretive panel of senior
government officials, which then informs the president of its decisions,
according to officials.
There is no public record of the
operations or decisions of the panel, which is a subset of the White House's
National Security Council, several current and former officials said. Neither
is there any law establishing its existence or setting out the rules by which
it is supposed to operate.
Let that sink in. The U.S.
presidency, supposed leader of the free world, has a clandestine committee that
chooses American citizens to assassinate. This from the administration that
promised unprecedented transparency and a ratcheting back of Bush-era civil
liberties abuses. This from the president who vowed to restore habeas corpus
and subject executive war powers to judicial scrutiny. This from the Nobel
Peace Prize laureate.
What’s more striking, however, is
the deafening silence. Sure, the ACLU opposes all this, as do a smattering of
public voices. Yet it seems for everyone expressing proportional concern about
this, there are a thousand leftist protesters whining about the top one
percent, and a thousand conservatives whining about the leftist protesters.
How fitting that the presidency that
Tea Partiers accused of planning to convene death panels to handle health care
rationing has openly admitted to having created such a panel whose declared
purpose is not simply to withhold socialized medical resources, but to direct
the cold-blooded murder of citizens who are sufficiently bothersome enemies of
the regime. Yet in a majestic irony, many of the conservatives who feared Obama’s
life-and-death bureaucracies are cheering on his most explicit and frightening
seizure of dictatorial power in all his presidency, and perhaps one of the
greatest of all presidential power grabs in the sweep of U.S. history.
Meanwhile, Obama’s millions of
supporters still think the idea that this man is a fascist, a tyrant, a threat
to liberty, is hysterical hate speech and itself a danger to American
democracy. Yet Barack Obama appears dedicated to out-Bushing Bush when it comes
to shredding the Bill of Rights and sticking his middle finger at the very idea
that he ought to be accountable to anything but his own power.
Make no mistake. We are witnessing a
defining moment in America’s transformation into a totalitarian nation. Not
because the murder of al-Alwaki, or even the death panel that sealed his fate,
is some sort of anomaly in terms of morality or even presidential power. The
U.S. presidency has already sentenced millions to death with its wars, its
sanctions, its bombings, its terrorism, its covert ops, its torture chambers.
The nukings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, to take a couple of famous examples,
long ago revealed the awesome and murderous power of the Oval Office, whether
or not these bombings were as "illegal" as the offing of al-Alwaki.
And the families of thousands of innocent Afghans and Pakistanis killed in
drone strikes had no doubts about Obama’s imperial touch, even before this
latest atrocity.
But the circumstances surrounding
this particular hit job, and the death panel behind it, deserve more than a
footnote. There is the brazenness of it all – the audacity, as a younger Obama
might say – of the administration just coming clean about its mysterious
council that serves as judge and jury behind closed doors. There is the frank
admission of its existence with all else being kept secret. There is also the
precision – the fact that this program is one focused on offing political
enemies, rather than just bombing neighborhoods in an ad hoc attempt to weaken
another government in a war. There is also the open-ended nature of this
conflict, a war on terrorism that can last even longer than the clash with the
USSR, a war whose immortality seems even more possible now that Barack the law
professor is in charge, rather than George the rancher.
Taken together, this is just the
kind of creepy atmosphere befitting of a total state, a Communist or fascist
government or a nightmarish bureaucracy contrived in the mind of a Cold War-era
novelist imagining what America would look like in the 21st century after
taking one too many wrong turns. It is almost as if the administration is
trying to preempt the conspiracy-minded by giving them something that would be
unbelievable only fifteen years ago, but is today easily taken for granted
because of course the president has a secret death panel that deliberates on
the secret, unchecked executions of American citizens, to be conducted by
robots flying in the sky.
Needless to say, anyone who defends
this, especially if given the opportunity to think through the implications, is
surely no friend of liberty, whether they be fair-weather "civil
libertarian" liberals who would rather cheer for their president than wake
up and smell the fascism, or conservatives who claim to distrust government
except when it exercises the most lethal powers in the most lawless way
imaginable. We must recognize that the movement for freedom and against true
oppression is clearly no majority, regardless of what Tea Party Republicans and
Wall Street occupiers might say.
There is a more fundamental lesson
to be learned, however, and one to remember for the ages: This is the nature of
the state. It is, by its institutional nature, always and everywhere seeking to
expand power in any way it can. To claim and practice the power to kill on its
own unreviewable prerogative is simply the fulfillment of its very design. At
times of crisis, especially concerning national security, states almost always
tend toward aggrandizement toward their realization as totalitarian entities.
For all who find Obama’s death panel
frightening – and all of us should – let us remember that this is simply what
governments do when they can get away with it. We are only now seeing the
American state achieving its maturity. At the founding of the Federal Government,
the Framers unleashed a monster that could never easily be restrained, even
creating a presidency with all too much power over military affairs. Then came
Jackson, Polk, Lincoln, Wilson, Roosevelt, Truman, LBJ, Nixon, Bush and Obama,
each one building on the horrible precedents of past American despots, each
reaching further toward the ideal of a completely unencumbered presidential
hand, one that could snap its fingers and order death to anyone anywhere on the
There is a silver lining, however, albeit
one circumscribing a large and dark cloud indeed. A government can develop and
come of age, but it is a mortal institution. As it grows it puts strain on the
public ideology it requires to live, wrecks the economy it feeds on, and
alienates the allies that allow it to be a global empire. To be a total state
is the dream of all regimes, but it is an unsustainable reality, and certainly
so at the size the U.S. government has become. The more the U.S. presidency and
American nation-state morph into an Orwellian version of themselves, the closer
they will come to finally expose themselves as being no different from the
tyrannies that have enslaved mankind for millennia. For generations much of the
world has been under the spell of the lie of American democracy, the propaganda
that the brutality of power politics can be tempered through elections and an
eloquent piece of parchment. We can hope that the day this great lie is
universally seen as a tragic joke, the true significance of Obama’s CIA death
panel will be remembered.
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