The snobbery and
intolerance of the EU elite
The chattering classes’ hysterical reaction to David Cameron’s veto of a revised Lisbon Treaty reveals the dark heart of pro-EU sentiment.
By Frank Furedi
When the presenter, the usually
sensible Martha Kearney, asks Andrus Ansip, the prime minister of Estonia, if
he thinks there is increasing anger in the EU over Cameron’s actions, I realise
that something very weird is going on. Why ask the leader of a small Baltic
state how he feels about the prime minister of Britain? Since when have the
emotions of foreign political leaders been a serious topic of concern for a
programme titled The World At One?
Kearney does not simply pose the
question to Ansip; she prefaces it with comments about how other EU leaders are
very angry at Cameron. Nevertheless, her attempt to incite her interviewee to
reinforce the BBC consensus on the state of European emotionalism doesn’t quite
succeed. ‘I am not angry’, replies Ansip. Possibly he is too ‘old Europe’ and
too old school to be conversant in the values of today’s communications
clerisy, which cleaves to the doctrine of emotional correctness. Ansip
disagrees with Cameron but he does not suffer from the emotional incontinence
demanded of him by the BBC.
At first sight, it is difficult to
understand the intense level of anger and outrage directed at Cameron by
opinion formers and cultural entrepreneurs. Since when have the EU and the
Lisbon Treaty acquired such a sacred status among the clerisy? The EU is many
things, but it has never been a much-loved institution. So why is it that, all
of a sudden, scepticism towards this institution is treated as the moral
equivalent of Chamberlain’s act of treachery in Munich in 1938?
It is one thing to accuse Cameron of
committing a diplomatic faux pas or the Foreign Office of ineptitude. But the
criticisms currently being made of Cameron verge on the hysterical. When I
listen to the hyperbole about what will apparently be the consequences of his
destructive behaviour, it almost sounds as if he has committed an act of
political betrayal in order to appease a handful of incorrigible reactionary
Why this over-the-top reaction to
what could turn out to be a relatively minor case of diplomatic
Outwardly, the anger of the
cosmopolitan clerisy is directed at Cameron’s alleged appeasement of Tory
Eurosceptics. The term Eurosceptic has a special meaning for the adherents to
cosmopolitan policymaking. In their view, Euroscepticism is associated with
values they abhor: upholding national sovereignty, Britishness and a
traditional way of life. The moralistic devaluation of these values was vividly
communicated by the New York Times columnist Roger Cohen, who this week
characterised Tory Eurosceptics as the ‘pinstriped effluence of an ex-imperial
nation’. He seeks to dehumanise these people by arguing that this ‘specimen’s
ascendancy’ was reflected in Cameron’s behaviour during the treaty
negotiations. Cohen’s moral devaluation of Eurosceptics, his dismissal of them
from the ranks of humanity, is captured in his description of them as a ‘bunch
of insular snobs who seem to have a hard time restraining their inner fascist’.
The intemperate language suggests
that the venomous anger directed at Eurosceptics cannot simply be driven by the
clerisy’s love affair with the European ideal. Rather, what is at issue here is
the clerisy’s preference for the technocracy-dominated and
cosmopolitan-influenced institutions of Brussels. From their standpoint, the
main virtue of the EU is that its leaders and administrators speak the same
language as the UK clerisy. They read from the same emotional and cultural
script, which they believe to be superior to the script and values associated
with national sovereignty. That is why it isn’t surprising that a BBC
journalist can casually ask the Estonian prime minister to have a go at her own
national leader. The UK-based communications clerisy has a greater affinity
with the outlook of EU technocrats and political administrators than it does
with the outlook of its own people.
Of course, Cameron may be isolated
in the corridors of power in Brussels - but the clerisy is more than a little
out of touch with popular sentiments in Britain. Indeed, their visceral
castigation of Eurosceptics is actually a roundabout way of morally condemning
what the old oligarchy used to call ‘the little people’. The main sin of
Euroscepticism is that it has the potential for mobilising popular sentiment.
And certainly, the anger of the cosmopolitan elite does not resonate with
people getting on with their lives in Birmingham, Newcastle or Leeds. Those who
want to expose the heinous Eurosceptic plot to undermine the EU should remember
that opinion polls demonstrate that the majority of the UK electorate does not
like the EU, and when the Mail on Sunday carried out a poll asking ‘was Cameron
right to use the veto?’, 62 per cent of respondents said ‘yes’.
In Britain, even at the best of
times the EU has rarely been conceptualised as anything more than a pragmatic
convenience. Historically, significant sections of both the left and the right
have been critical of the bureaucratic ethos of this institution. Even those of
us who love Europe, its history and its culture, and who strongly value the
coming together of European peoples, have never had much affection for the
institutions of the EU.
One final point: the cosmopolitan
values of the clerisy have no progressive content. They contain no real
universalist aspirations but rather reflect the sectional outlook of a cultural
oligarchy which revels in drawing distinctions between itself and the great
unwashed. The clerisy’s alternative to national sovereignty is not some other
form of democratic decision-making; on the contrary, it is the fervent advocacy
of insulated decision-making. The pro-EU elite continually tries to establish
institutions that insulate decision-makers from citizens, and it prefers the
rule of technocrats and experts over elected representatives.
Scepticism towards the EU is a
legitimate, democratically informed standpoint. Scepticism towards Europe is
not, of course. Some of my German friends are more than a little astonished to
have discovered that a small number of English towns have decided to cancel
twinning arrangements with local authorities on the continent. Yes, some of
these arrangements were administratively orchestrated and did not genuinely
bring together the peoples of Europe. But on balance, we need to be reaching
out to our fellow citizens across the continent, to show that Europe is not an
artificially constructed institution but is its people!
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