It is only vanity that makes anyone believe they are
special or “different”. Asia didn’t think Latin America’s long history of
financial crises held many useful lessons in 1997; it did. The same is true of Europe. It risks falling victim to the same vanity today.
Take UK Prime Minister David Cameron’s much touted
“big bazooka”. In 1980s Latin America, such comprehensive packages were simply
known as “el paquete”. Of course, “el paquete” is only the beginning of the end
of a crisis. The real challenge is implementation. This requires leadership.
Technocratic governments (like in Italy and
Greece) can work. Fernando Henrique Cardoso, for example, was an academic
before he became Brazil’s finance minister and twice president. But bear in
mind that Mr Cardoso had a popular mandate. Without that, any government is
just a caretaker.
Argentina is a case in point. In 2001, it ran through
a series of governments before triggering the world’s then-biggest default
($100bn; so small compared to Italy’s €1.9tn bond market). Even the brilliant
economist Domingo Cavallo failed to turn the tide. To restore competitiveness
without breaking Argentina’s euro-like currency peg, he engineered a “synthetic
devaluation”. Across-the-board export subsidies and import duties came straight
out of the textbooks, but didn’t work. Just as they often do in Europe today,
investors saw the country’s debt dynamics still working against it.
Default fears led to higher bond yields, which led to
lower growth and smaller government revenues. This made default more likely in
a process that soon became self-fulfilling. After three years of recession,
much of southern Europe may already be at this point.
Even loan support from a multilateral – be that the
International Monetary Fund or the European Central Bank – can make matters
worse. Why? Because one condition of their help is seniority in a sovereign’s
debt structure. This converts private investors into “junior bond holders”.
Large official interventions can thus produce the opposite of what they mean to
do: an investor rush for the exit.
The next stage is all too familiar. Citizens also
withdraw their savings before they are converted into devalued pesos, drachmas
or liras. A bank run ensues. To prevent a collapse of the payments system, the
government announces a devaluation – often over a long weekend. The next day,
all hell breaks loose.
These scenes are not out of the question in Europe,
and to prevent them, a workable plan is required. Another pre-condition for
success: it cannot be seen to be imposed from abroad. Without national support,
failed adjustment plan follows failed adjustment plan.
Fresh money to support each new package is loaned
under the rubric: “extend and pretend”. Finally, a plan gains traction. But in
the intervening period, strange political fauna can emerge. This was
particularly true in Latin America, where democracy was then only ankle deep.
Yet is it odd that the new Italian defense minister is a military man rather
than a civilian? Spanish democracy is less than seven years older than
Brazil’s, and unified Italy is two-thirds the age of most Latin republics.
Finally, of course, bear in mind that the adjustment
is very painful. Latin America’s “lost decade” meant years of falling real
wages and rising unemployment. As social unrest grows, old scapegoats are often
resurrected. In Latin America, with its colonial history, the backlash was
against the “Washington Consensus”. In Europe, where Germany is the banker, it
may be 20th-century history. But rising anger is hardly surprising. When has a
debtor ever said anything nice about its creditor?
Europe, of course, is not Latin America. If anything
it is in a worse situation. It is more indebted and probably less able to
stomach tough adjustment programs. “They don’t know how to suffer,” Ernesto
Zedillo, the former Mexican president, has said of southern Europe.
European banks are also part of the crisis, which is
as much a problem of over-lending as over-borrowing. At least in Latin America,
the banks were mostly abroad. Europe should have one factor in its favor. With
stronger institutions, it could reach the right solution faster. But higher
economic costs always follow poor and tardy policy making.
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