The Sovereign Debt Plane Wreck
Excerpt from the book
“The Sovereign Debt Train
Wreck – US Debt Is Still A Problem”
by Satyajit Das
Greece and the other debt burdened European countries
are merely the first carriages in the derailment of the “Sovereign Debt”
Express train service.
The failure of the congressional super-committee to
reach agreement on $1.2 trillion in budget cuts means that addressing the
problem of US public finances is unlikely in the near term. The failure also
casts doubts on the ability of US policy makers to overcome political
differences to take actions to stabilise US government debt with potential
consequences for the US and global economy
At Debt’s Door…
Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote: “The World owes more than
the world can pay.” The US certainly owes more than it can repay. US government
debt currently totals over $14 trillion.
The US Treasury estimates that this debt will rise to
around $20 trillion by 2015, over 100% of America’s Gross Domestic Product
(“GDP”). Even these dire forecasts rely on extremely robust assumption about US
growth around 5-5.5% per annum. Lower growth will translate into higher debt
There are other current and contingent commitments not
explicitly included in the debt figures reported by the government. Since July
2008, the US government has supported Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae (known as
government sponsored enterprises (GSEs)). This totals over $5 trillion in
additional on or off-balance sheet obligations.
The debt statistics do not include a number of
unfunded obligations – the current value of mandatory payments for programs
such as Medicare ($23 trillion), Medicaid ($35 trillion) and Social Security
($8 trillion). Projections show that payouts for these programs will
significantly exceed tax revenues over the next 75 years and require funding
from other tax sources or borrowing.
In addition to Federal debt, US State governments and
municipalities have debt of around $3 trillion.
US public finances deteriorated significantly over
recent years. Pimco’s Bill Gross observed: “What a good country or a good
squirrel should be doing is stashing away nuts for the winter. The United
States is not only not saving nuts, it’s eating the ones left over from the
last winter.”
In 2001, the Congressional Budget Office (“CBO”)
forecast average annual surpluses of approximately $850 billion from 2009–2012.
Instead, the US government has run large budget deficits of approximately $1
trillion per annum in recent years. The major drivers of this turnaround
include: tax revenue declines due to recessions (28%); tax cuts (21%);
increased defence spending (15%); non-defence spending (12%) higher interest
costs (11%); and the 2009 stimulus package (6%). German finance minister
Wolfgang Schäuble told the Wall Street Journal on 8 November 2010 that: “The
USA lived off credit for too long, inflated its financial sector massively and
neglected its industrial base.”
Drowning by Debt…
No borrower can incur debt on this scale without the
complicity of its lenders.
The US government holds around 40% of the debt through
the Federal Reserve ($1.6 trillion), Social Security Trust Fund ($2.7 trillion)
and other government trust funds ($1.9 trillion). Individuals, corporations,
banks, insurance companies, pension funds, mutual funds, state or local
governments, hold $3.6 trillion. Foreigner investors hold the remainder
including China ($1.2 trillion), Japan ($0.9 trillion) and “other”, principally
oil exporting nations, Asian central banks or sovereign wealth funds ($2.4
Until the global financial crisis, foreign lenders,
especially central banks with large foreign exchange reserves, led by the
Chinese, increased their purchases of US government debt..
These reserves arose from dollars received from
exports and foreign investment that had to be exchanged into local currency. In
order to avoid increases in the value of the currency that would affect the
competitive position of their exporters, the exporting nations invested the
reserves in dollar denominated investment, primarily US Treasury bonds and
other high quality securities. By the middle 2000s, foreign buyers were
purchasing around 50% of US government bonds.
During this period, emerging countries, such as China
fuelled American growth, both supplying cheap goods and providing cheap funding
to finance the purchase of these goods. It was a mutually convenient addiction
– China financed customers creating demand for exports and America received the
money to buy cheap Chinese goods. Asked whether America hanged itself with an
Asian rope, a Chinese official told a reporter: “No. It drowned itself in Asian
Following the global financial crisis, foreign
purchases have decreased to around 30% of new issuance. Around 70% of US
government bonds (US$ 0.9 trillion) have been purchased by the Federal Reserve,
as part of successive rounds of quantitative easing.
Foreign Alms…
Historically, America has been able to run large
budget and balance of payments deficits because it had no problems in finding
investors in US treasury securities. The unquestioned credit quality of the US,
the unparalleled size and liquidity of its government bond market ensured
investor support. Given its reserve currency and safe haven status, US dollars
and US government bonds remained a cornerstone of investment portfolios.
The US dollar’s share of world trade and investment is
extraordinary and out of proportion to its economic role. The dollar remains
the principal currency for invoicing and settling trade. 85% of foreign
exchange transactions involve the dollar. 50% of stock of international
securities is denominated in US dollars. Central banks hold 60% of their
foreign exchange reserves in dollars. All this is despite the fact that the
US’s share of global exports is only 13% and foreign direct investment is 20%.
The US financing strategy is based on the “balance of
financial terror”.
China, the major investor in US government bond
investors, finds itself in the position that John Maynard Keynes identified:
“Owe your banker £1000 and you are at his mercy; owe him £1 million and the
position is reversed.” Over recent years, Chinese concerns about the US debt
position has become increasingly shrill.
In 2010, Yu Yongding, a former adviser to China’s
central bank, mused: “I do not think U.S. Treasuries are safe in the medium-and
long-run…Only God knows how much value that China has stored in the U.S.
government securities will be left in the future when China needs to run down its
reserves.” In 2011, a Chinese government spokesperson could only “hope the US
government will earnestly adopt responsible policies to strengthen
international market confidence, and to respect and protect the interests of
investors.” In 2010, US Treasury Secretary told a gathering of Chinese students
that US government bonds were “safe” investments, eliciting derisive laughter.
But China has America right where America wants China!
Existing investors, like China, must continue to
purchase US dollars and government bonds to avoid a precipitous drop in the
value of existing investments. This allows America time to correct its
deteriorating public finances and reduce its borrowing requirements. It also
allows increases in domestic savings to reduce reliance on foreign investors.
The US Federal Reserve remains a buyer of last resort, although the long term
consequences of this “printing money” strategy remains uncertain.
For the moment, this tenuous strategy appears to be
holding. Demand for Treasury securities from investors and other governments
has continued. Domestic investment, primarily from banks who are not lending
but parking cash in government securities, has been strong. US government rates
remain low. The government’s average interest rate on new borrowing is around
1%, with one-month Treasury bills paying less than 0.10% per annum. This has
allowed the US to keep its interest bill manageable despite increases in debt
In effect, the US requires artificially low interest
rates to able to service its debt. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke told
the House Financial Services Committee that the US faces a debt crisis: “It’s
not something that is 10 years away. It affects the markets currently…It is
possible that the bond market will become worried about the sustainability [of
deficits over $1 trillion] and we may find ourselves facing higher interest
rates even today.”
The current position is not sustainable in the longer
term. Unless the underlying debt levels and budget deficits are dealt with the
ability of the US to finance itself will deteriorate. The US treasury must
issue large amounts of debt almost continuously – weekly auctions regularly
clock in at $50-70 billion unimaginable a few years ago. America’a ability to
finances its need may not continue. As English writer Aldous Huxley observed:
“Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.”
Debt Calm…
The solution to the US debt problems lies in bringing
budget deficits down, through spending cuts, tax increases or a mixture of
In 2011, the major categories of government spending
were defence (24%), social services (44%), non-defence discretionary (25%) and
interest (7%). Interest costs, currently around 7% of total spending, are
expected to increase by as much as three times driven mainly by the increase in
the level of debt. The major increase in spending will come from social service
entitlement programs. If current policies are maintained, pensions and health
care for the retired (Social Security and Medicare) and health care for the
poor (Medicaid) will increase from 10% of GDP in 2011 to 18% by 2050.
Winding back military overseas commitments and also
reduced stimulus spending, assuming the economy and employment improve, will
help reduce the deficit. But any significant reduction in government spending
requires decreased spending on defence and entitlement programs as well as tax
increases. US Federal revenue is around 15% of GDP (down from 18-19%).
Comparative levels of government tax revenues are Germany (37%) UK (34%) and Japan
The task is Herculean. Government revenues would need
to be increased 20-30% or spending cut by a similar amount. In a nation where
45% of households do not pay tax (because they don’t earn enough or through
credits and deductions) and 3% of taxpayers contribute around 52% of total tax
revenues, it is difficult to see the necessary changes being made.
Reducing the budget deficit and reducing debt may also
mire the US economy in a prolonged recession. In 2009, students at National
Defence University in Washington, DC, “war gamed” possible scenarios for
bringing the US debt under control. Using a model of the economy, participants
tried to get the federal debt down by increasing taxes and reducing spending.
The economy promptly fell into a deep recession, increasing the budget deficit
and driving government debt to higher levels. This is precisely the experience
of heavily indebted peripheral European nations, such as Greece, Ireland,
Portugal, Spain and Italy.
As one participant in the National Defence University
economic war game observed about the process of bringing US public finances
under control: “You’ll never get re-elected and you may do more harm than
Extortionate Privilege…
Given the magnitude of the US debt problem and the
lack of political will, the most likely policy is FMD – “fudging”,
“monetisation” and “devaluation”.
There is no shortage of creative ideas of financing
government debts. Bankers suggested the US issue perpetual debt, that is, the
government would not be obligated to pay back the amount borrowed at all. Peter
Orzag, former director of the US Office of Management and Budget under
President Obama and now a vice-chairman at Citigroup, suggested another
creative way to correct the problem – lotteries. To encourage savings, banks
should offer lottery-linked accounts offering a lower rate of interest, but
also a one-in-a-million chance of winning $1million for each $100 deposited.
As governments printed money to service their debts,
US Post issued 44-cent first class “forever stamps” that had no face value but
were guaranteed to cover the cost of mailing a first class letter, regardless
of how high that cost might be in the future. Between 2007 and 2010 the public
bought 28 billion forever stamps. The scheme summed up government approaches to
public finance – US Post was cleverly hiding its financial problems, receiving
cash up-front against the uncertain promise to pay back the money somewhere in
the never, never future.
Debt monetisation – printing money – is the second option.
The US Federal Reserve is already the in-house pawnbroker to the US government,
purchasing government bonds in return for supplying reserves to the banking
system. Expedient in the short term, its risks debasing the currency and
setting off inflation. The absence of demand in the economy, industrial over
capacity and the unwillingness of banks to lend have meant that successive
rounds of “quantitative easing” – the fashionable moniker for printing money –
have not resulted in higher inflation to date. But the longer term risks
Monetisation is inexorably linked to devaluation of
the US dollar. The now officially confirmed zero interest rates policy (“ZIRP”)
and debt monetisation is designed to weaken the dollar.
On 19 October 2010, US Treasury Secretary Timothy
Geithner told the Financial Times: “It is very important for people to
understand that the United States of America and no country around the world
can devalue its way to prosperity and Competitiveness. It is not a viable,
feasible strategy and we will not engage in it.” The facts show otherwise.
Despite bouts of dollar buying on its safe haven
status, the US dollar has significantly weakened over the last 2 years in a
culmination of a long term trend which with minor retracements. In 2007 alone,
the US dollar weakened by about 8% improving America’s external position by
$450 billion, as US foreign investments gained in value but its debt
denominated in dollars were unaffected.
On a trade weighted basis, the US dollar has lost
around 18% against major currencies since 2009. The US dollar has lost around
30% against the Swiss Franc, 25% against the Canadian dollar, 37% against the
Australian dollar and 16% against the Singapore dollar over the same period.
US dollar devaluation makes it easier for the US to
service its debt. In the balance of financial terror, it forces existing
investors to keep rolling over debt to avoid realising currency losses on their
investments. It also encourages existing investors to increase investment, to
“double down” to lower their average cost of US dollars and US government debt.
The weaker US dollar also allows the US to enhance its competitive position for
exports – in effect, the devaluation is a de facto cut in costs. This is
designed to drive economic growth.
Valery Giscard d’Estaing, French Finance Minister
under President Charles de Gaulle, famously used the term “exorbitant
privilege” to describe the advantages to America of the role of the US dollar
as a reserve currency and its central role in global trade. That privilege now
is not only “exorbitant” but “extortionate”. How long the rest of world will
allow the US to exercise this “extortionate privilege” is uncertain.
No Exit …
The US is in serious, perhaps irretrievable, financial
trouble. Peter Schiff president of Euro Pacific Capital, identified the state
of the Union with characteristic bluntness: “Our government doesn’t have enough
spare cash to bail out a lemonade stand. Our standard of living must decline to
reflect years of reckless consumption and the disintegration of our industrial
base. Only by swallowing this tough medicine now will our sick economy ever
There is a lack of political or popular will to take
the action necessary to even stabilise the position. The role of US dollars and
US government bonds in the financial system mean that the problems are likely
to spread rapidly to engulf other nations. As John Connally, US Treasury
Secretary under President Nixon, beligerently observed: “Our dollar, but your
Minor symptoms, often increasing in frequency and
severity, can provide warning of a life threatening problem in a key organ,
such as the heart. Since 2007, the global financial markets have been providing
warnings of an impending serious crisis. Private sector credit problems have
spread to sovereign nations. Debt problems of smaller nations have flowed on to
larger nations. The problems are gradually working their way to the issue of US
debt. Without rapid and decisive action, which seems to be unlikely, a major
organ failure within the global economy is now inevitable.
The magnitude of the problem and its effects are so
large, market participants would do well to heed Douglas Adams famous advice in
The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. Find dark glasses that go black in the
case of a crisis and a towel to suck on.
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