As Europe insists on still more socialism as a solution to its ill, the U.S. Fed is doing its best to help out -- in deep secrecy, of course.
By Jed Babbin
France's President is pressing hard on the trigger to
fire the EU's "big bazooka" but he can't fire because Germany's PM
has her finger stuck behind the trigger and isn't budging. Meanwhile, Mr.
Radoslaw Sikorski, Poland's Foreign Minister, last week demanded German
intervention to save Poland (and the euro). Sikorski said, "I demand of
Germany that, for its sake and ours, it help the Eurozone survive and prosper.
Nobody else can do it. I will probably be the first Polish foreign minister in
history to save this, but here it is: I fear German power less than I am beginning to fear its
A week before Sikorski's plea, EU Commission chief
Jose Manuel Barroso said that the only way to save the world was to give more
power to -- wait for it -- the EU Commission. If there isn't an increase in the
EU's power to regulate national economies, Barroso warned, Europe would
"hand sovereignty to markets."
Jacques Delors, one of the euro's creators, echoed
Barroso's remarks saying that the euro wasn't created on a sound basis. The
sound basis, according to Delors, would be centralized economic power in the
There's not a lot to be learned from all this, given
the fact that there's nothing but Keynesian economics going on here. But
Barroso and Delors do prove redundantly that for socialists, success and
failure are one and the same. They have to be because socialism never works. So
when it fails, the reason can't be that socialism is a bad idea: it has to be
that socialism wasn't tried hard enough.
The second lesson -- dispensed hilariously by Barroso
-- is that markets are always sovereign. Dear Jose: read a little history in
your spare time (which should be abundant when the euro collapses). Start with
the fall of the Roman Empire (resulting in part from the devaluation of its
currency), continue through the 1929 stock market crash and proceed to the 2008
banking crisis in which George Bush said we had to break the rules of the free
market to save the free market. In those events we -- at least those of us who
aren't Keynesians -- learned that financial markets will always respond to
government policy. But the response will be on the markets' terms, not on
whatever terms the government elites tried to impose.
For Sarko, the problem is that the EU's "big
bazooka" can't go "boom." In reality, the "big
bazooka" -- the idea that the European Central Bank will just print enough
money to bail everyone out -- looks and sounds more like a marching band-sized
kazoo. The European Central Bank's creators didn't give it the power to be the
European lender of last resort. Merkel has said "nein" to that,
because she knows the inflationary impact would disproportionately rob Germany
and the euro would quickly become valueless.
On her side, Merkel wants to rewrite the EU treaty to
provide unification of power over national budgets and spending, and a means of
enforcement through the EU courts. It's a technocratic approach, a ten
thousand-page repair manual written in German which, even if Greece and Italy
promised solemnly to follow it, they couldn't because their citizens aren't,
well, Germans.
What will happen this week is what has happened at
every "last chance" summit before it: a lot of window dressing will
be peddled without any solutions to the fundamental problems that beset the
euro. There will be promises of future action and an attempt to again seduce
the markets to not impose the proper penalties that capitalism, in a free
market, demands.
This time, however, the markets won't buy it. And they
won't buy the Eurozone nations' national bonds because the risks are just too
high. Even German bonds proved unsellable in their latest round of offerings.
The crisis will build, and will probably blow up in another three months or so
when Italy, Spain, and Greece have to sell another major round of bonds.
If that were all we had to worry about, life would be
easy. But we do have our Federal Reserve, and at its head Mr. Ben Bernanke. The
Fed, under Bernanke and his predecessor -- Henry Paulson -- have had a penchant
for lending out our money in trillions of dollars and keeping the loans secret.
A week ago, we learned that the Fed -- in concert with
the Eurozone nations' banks and those of Japan, Canada, the UK, and Switzerland
-- reduced the cost of borrowing dollars to Eurozone banks. This was, we were
assured, just another "credit easing" maneuver. But "credit
easing" means providing something to someone at below-market rates. It's a
subsidy and someone has to bear the cost. In this case, the biggest
"someone" was, apparently, the United States.
Right now, we don't know what the cost was, or how
much it may grow if it's not repaid. And, even more dangerously, we don't know
what else the Fed is doing.
A November 27 Bloomberg News report told us that the Fed -- acting without
congressional knowledge -- gave endangered banks loans and guarantees that may
have amounted to over $7.7 trillion in the last four years. In comparison, the
now-infamous TARP program dispensed "only" about $700 billion.
Think about those numbers. In 2008, the United States
gross domestic product -- all the wealth created and earned in the year by the
entire nation -- was about $14.6 trillion. So without our knowledge, acting on
its own, the Fed gave guarantees and loans in an amount of 53 percent of our
So now the Fed is in the process of "easing"
European access to the dollar. Which means it is subsidizing the EUnuchs to
keep doing what they do. Not even their own markets -- or their putative
partner, Germany -- is willing to do that.
What's to prevent the Fed from throwing a TARP over
Europe? At this point, not much.
Let's not dash out into the fever swamps of Ron
Paulism. We need the Fed to be independent, and not subjected to the whims of
the White House or Congress. But it needs to be trustworthy. When it gives
loans and guarantees equaling 53 percent of our GDP to certain banks without
disclosing them, it cannot be trusted. If it is designing a bailout for the
Eurozone on our credit, it cannot be trusted.
Let's not seize the Fed or turn it into another vassal
of the president or of Congress. But it needs to be entirely open and above
board about what it is doing. Let's shine a bright spotlight into the Fed's
darkest corners. We need to know what's going on. It's our money, damnit.
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