By James Taylor
As 2011 comes to a close, climate science celebrates
an important landmark. It has now been 33 years, or a third of a century, since
sensors aboard NASA and NOAA satellites began measuring temperatures throughout
the earth’s lower atmosphere.
For 33 years, we have had precise, objective
temperature data that do not require guesswork corrections to compensate for
uneven thermometer placement and non-climate surface temperature biases such as
expanding urban heat islands and land-use changes. The satellite data,
moreover, tell us the earth is warming at a more modest, gradual, and
reassuring pace than was foretold by United Nations computer models.
The satellite sensors became operational at a time that
is very convenient for those who believe humans are causing a global warming
crisis. Global temperatures declined from the mid-1940s through the late 1970s.
As a result, the sensors coincidentally began measuring global temperatures at
the very beginning of our most recent global warming trend. Had the sensors
been in place 33 years earlier, during the 1940s, the overall pace of warming
shown by the satellite sensors would be less than half what is shown by the
post-1978 temperature data.
Even so, the measured temperature trend is quite
modest. John Christy, who along with Roy Spencer oversees the NASA satellite
sensor program, reports temperatures have warmed at an average pace of 0.14
degrees Celsius per decade since the satellite sensors became operational. This
is merely half the pace predicted by computer models utilized by the United
Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
Christy appears to be making a generous concession
regarding the warming that has occurred. The temperature data seem to show warming closer to 0.3 degrees over
the 33 year period, or 0.09 degrees Celsius per decade. But why quibble over
the difference? A warming of 0.14 degrees per decade, or 1.4 degrees per
century, is still significantly less than predicted by UN climate models and
far from an impending global warming crisis.
Importantly, the satellite sensors show less warming
in the lower troposphere (approximately 10,000 feet above the earth’s surface)
than is reported by surface temperature readings. Global warming theory holds
that one of the fingerprints of human-induced global warming is more rapid
warming in the lower troposphere than at the surface. The reason for this is
carbon dioxide molecules reside in the lower troposphere and have their
greatest heat-trapping effect there.
As a result, if global temperatures are rising as a
result of human carbon dioxide emissions, the satellite sensors should report
more warming in the lower troposphere than is actually occurring at the
surface. In essence the satellite sensors should report a warming trend
somewhat more severe than is actually occurring at the surface of the earth.
Surface temperature measurements, however, indicate
more rapid warming at the surface of the earth than in the lower troposphere.
According to James Hansen of NASA’s Goddard Institute, temperatures at the
surface of the earth rose twice as fast during the past 33 years as the
satellite data show. Surface temperatures compiled by the UK’s University of
East Anglia Climate Research Unit reflect a similar warming trend.
With temperature data indicating more warming at the
earth’s surface than in the earth’s lower troposphere, one of the following
must be true: (1) the surface temperature data is more corrupted by heat biases
such as expanding urban heat islands and localized land-use changes than the
IPCC admits, (2) the warming of the past 33 years is primarily the result of
factors other than greenhouse gas emissions, or (3) longstanding, widely
believed assumptions about greenhouse gas theory are wrong.
Regardless of which one or more of the three options
are true, the satellite sensors have contributed greatly to our scientific
understanding of the earth’s ever-changing climate. Thirty-three years and
counting, we rightly celebrate the scientific advances provided by satellite
temperature sensors.
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