By Giordano Bruno
It hurts to be
wrong. Not just emotionally, but physically, especially when it’s public, like
swimming headfirst into a school of very ill-tempered jellyfish…..or maybe
piranha. The horror of it is almost cinematic. The more artificially pumped
your ego, or the more brainwashed with academic pretension, the more terrifying
that moment of realization is, that moment when all your assumptions are dashed
aside like a three-year-old’s alphabet blocks. To a certain point, it is
understandable why so many people live in such violent denial, however, this
does not detract from the perils of that denial…
Americans are masters of avoiding responsibility for bad assumptions. I have seen middle-aged women cry, actual tears, because they have been proven incorrect on something as simple as the price of dishwashing detergent at the grocery store. I have seen full-grown men throw wild-eyed tantrums and even threaten people with death because they couldn’t handle being wrong about the correct score of a football game. I once saw a man froth at the mouth and shout vicious obscenities for 20 minutes straight because he refused to believe there where more than three ‘Jaws’ movies (I wish ‘Jaws: The Revenge’ didn’t exist either, but I’m not going to have a spasm over it). I have seen little old ladies physically attack people because they were embarrassed to be wrong, not realizing that their response was far more humiliating and self deprecating than just being “mistaken”. I have, indeed, seen the glory of overgrown babies in action.
America is not the only culture prone to this,
Americans just happen to be the worst losers. We lash out when we are wrong,
while most Europeans tend to intellectualize ideas that challenge their false
perceptions, as if they are “above” even considering them. They are masters of
rationalizing the facts away, while we are masters of brutalizing those people
who are messengers of the facts.
Some of these unfortunate members of our society are
merely lemmings; sheep following each other mindlessly without questioning the
purpose or the destination. They are spectators in world events, and nothing
more. While others are far more dangerous because they take an active role in
the shaping of events, not knowing that their idiocy is contributing to the
suppression of the truth and even the downfall of our nation. They help
elitists to dismantle dissent and in the process damage their own future. It
sounds insane, and in a way, they ARE psychologically ill, but in a manner that
has been deemed tolerable (or even practical) by society. We call these people
“Useful Idiots”.
How does one know when he has encountered such a
person? How does he cope? Let’s examine some of the telltale signs of the
useful idiot…
Just Smart Enough To Be Stupid…
Learning is a full time job, 24 hours a day, 7 days a
week, until the very moment your ticker tocks and you find yourself sporting a
cloud and a harp. Some people, though, seem to think that retirement on
learning starts at around age twenty. Useful idiots are commonly men and women
who are intelligent enough to retain information but not driven enough to
research its validity, or to follow a thought through to its logical
conclusion. They very often work in professional fields such as law, business,
medicine, politics, engineering, media, entertainment, etc. (though there are
many others in these fields who are not caught up in their own delusional
worlds). These are people in a position to influence others just by the virtue
of their work, regardless of how clueless they actually are.
Lacking knowledge is not such a terrible crime as long
as you are willing to admit that you do. There is always someone out there who
is going to know more than you about some things, if not many things. That’s
life. Useful idiots, on the other hand, are rarely willing to admit that they
are lacking in any department. They usually have just enough knowledge to make
themselves “convincing” to those who don’t recognize them for what they are. In
this way they are a sort of mini-Chernobyl, waiting to spew radioactive waste
(disinformation) at any given moment, mutating public opinion.
Their ability to think is limited to memorization. The
problem with this way of viewing the world is that it excludes critical
thought, intuition, empathy, and wisdom. It traps us in a box composed of all
the things we have been TAUGHT, but keeps us from the things we could discover
on our own. Useful idiots are walking talking toasters; all they take is bread,
and all they make is toast (and the occasional pop tart). Frankly, I’m bored
with toast.
One need only take into account the vast number of so
called financial analysts in the mainstream media who denied there was any
threat of economic collapse back in 2006/2007. How many of them stopped to
consider the consequences of ignoring the facts because of their egomania and
inability to think beyond their conditioning? How many lives and nest-eggs have
been destroyed, or are waiting to be destroyed, because of them? How many of
these useful idiots ever apologized for their blundering? I can’t think of any…
Reacting To The Truth, Instead Of Absorbing It…
Useful idiots talk, they don’t listen. They ask lots
of questions, but never wait to hear your answers. For them, questions are not
a search for information, but rather a method of antagonism. It is a way to
keep everyone else on guard while making themselves feel superior. In this
game, the useful idiot never has to expose his ignorance because he never has
to enter into a meaningful dialogue with anyone who has an opposing view. All
he has to do is attack, attack, attack.
I have seen all kinds of reactionary tactics from useful
idiots, but I find that the most common one for the American brand is the
application of overt bravado. They turn everything into a joke whether it is
funny or not. Laughing at that which we don’t understand sometimes makes things
less frightening, but it also makes us more passive. Dedicated clowns, for all
their theatrics and daring, are generally impotent historical figures. How many
clowns or comedians have ever really dared to break the establishment mold and
aim a magnifying glass at the true absurdity of our system or our culture? How
many have inspired legitimate and original thought? I can think of only a
handful, and almost all of them remained tied back by the entertainment
industry for their beliefs.
The clowns that are the most “successful” are those
that follow the establishment guidelines and play on them as if they might dare
break the barrier of lies, but they never do. In Medieval times, even the most
blood thirsty king would allow the court jester to make jokes at his expense.
Why? Because the jester was an inconsequential figure, a powerless and
non-threatening being. A jester can verbally thrash a tyrant, but nothing ever
really changes, because deep down, though they make us laugh, nobody really
cares what clowns have to say. Now imagine a whole subsection of our country
emulating this dynamic. Imagine all these people deluding themselves into
thinking that being a slave isn’t all that bad, as long as you’re the funny
When confronted with a truth that threatens their
established world view, useful idiots will do anything to distract or derail
the exchange. Making bad jokes, resorting to childish ridicule, ignoring cold
hard logic, making threats, denying you are qualified to present the facts,
even though the facts speak for themselves no matter who is relaying them, etc.
Rarely will they confront the truth you present on its own terms. Instead, they
will try to make YOU the issue of discussion, and not your information.
Skewed World View…
Is it really that hard to double check a piece of data
to confirm whether or not it is true? Apparently, it must be, because so many
Americans have decided to believe whatever they are told without a second
thought as long as the guy telling them is in a suit or a white lab coat. If a
guy in a lab coat told you that cyanide makes you more desirable to the
opposite sex, would you slam down a glass before hitting the singles bar, or
would you verify the info and actually research the damned subject before hand?
You might say “well cyanide is poison, everybody knows
that!” Yes, people know that because they research it. But how many other
poisons do Americans ingest daily because some official gave the thumbs up?
Mercury (thimerosal), aspartame, high fructose corn syrup, fluoride, rBGH,
Bisphenol-A, and numerous others. One stop at the computer would produce
thousands of pages of research which shows the volatile nature of these
chemicals and the consequences of exposure. Why do we contaminate our guts with
this garbage on pure faith? Welcome to the realm of the useful idiot…
The useful idiot is not just the guy chugging down GMO
milk filled with udder puss, anyone can do that and not be useful. No, the
useful idiot is the FDA official or the corporately paid scientist who SELLS us
on the purity of the milk. He’s the local dentist who laughs at you when you
question the safety of all that fluoride accumulation in your bloodstream.
She’s the nurse who threatens to call CPS because you don’t want your newborn
baby injected with half a dozen mercury laced vaccines two months after they
exit the womb. The useful idiot is the guy who received his standardized
academic neuron rinse but never learned that the first rule of academia used to
be ‘question everything’.
World view is really a battle between inherent
conscience, common sense, and the conditioning of our era. Even a single root
misconception, like the belief in the legitimacy of the false left/right
political paradigm, could easily skew the whole of a person’s vision to a sea
of truths. The useful idiot is not only conditioned himself, but he also
becomes an agent of that conditioning in others. When confronted with a truth
outside of his established world view, he almost short circuits. He has lived
most of his life with the ideas and propaganda of others slogging around in his
skull. To be faced with the possibility that all of that time, energy, and
devotion, was worthless, is almost too much to bear.
Making A Difference, One Lost Freedom At A Time…
Making A Difference, One Lost Freedom At A Time…
Sometimes the best qualities of good people are
ironically the worst qualities in the useful idiot. Useful idiots love to
participate…in anything…as long as it’s sanctioned by a recognizable
organization. Bless their hearts, they just want to get out there and make a
difference! Go team!
This is a serious issue with those on both sides of
our fake political spectrum, left and right. How many people clamored to be a
neo-con after 9/11, only to find that in their quest for public safety, they
wrongly supported the weakening of Constitutional freedoms, the destabilization
of our economy, not to mention the invasion of Iraq, a country that had
absolutely nothing to do with 9/11 (even if you believe the official story) or
any other terrorist attack in this country? How many liberals ran screaming
like schoolgirls at a Justin Bieber concert towards the global warming and
carbon tax scam, only to find out that the climate labs responsible for all the
research they had been eating up without question was actually using contrived
and in some cases completely fabricated data? I won’t even get into the
Obama-fever thing, mainly because my stomach isn’t strong enough at the moment.
The problem with useful idiots is that they want to
participate TOO much. So much that they’ll jump on any bandwagon that is well
funded and flamboyant enough to peak their interest. They are joiners with
highly superficial standards, like brownshirts, or lice. This is where they do
their worst damage…
Participation, for the useful idiot, is not about
making a difference; it is about feeling like they are making a difference. In
some cases, it’s about “hope”, but not real or effective action. In other
cases, it’s about vengeance and malice, but not justice or integrity. In either
scenario, the key missing factor is the truth, which is neglected or traded for
a quick boost in self esteem. This makes the useful idiot the prime target of
elitist disinformation. Nearly all criminal actions by governments receive
their primary support from this portion of the citizenry exactly because they
are so ridiculously eager. They are the zombie ditch diggers of the globalist
infrastructure, chopping away at our liberties in search of brains.
Confronting The Useful Idiot…
Why bother trying to communicate with these dimwits at
all? Are they not the very definition of a lost cause? Perhaps. I can say with
a certain authority, though, that some of them can be introduced to awareness,
especially since I used to be one of them…
I was the Democrat putting up Kerry stickers and
handing out buttons back in 2004. I was the guy who shut down any conservative
viewpoint no matter how accurate or valid because Bush was the devil incarnate
(and also because I was uninformed enough to believe that neo-cons were
actually conservative). I was the guy at those protest rallies where no one
including myself really understood the topics we were speaking out on. I knew
corporations were the enemy, but I didn’t understand why. I knew the wars were
dishonest, but I thought they were all about oil. I knew the economy was in
trouble, but I barely knew what the Federal Reserve was, let alone fractional
reserve banking or fiat currency. It took many years to fully remove my head
from my ass, but I did. I see no reason why others could not do the same, given
the right prompting.
The useful idiot has to be faced with queries he can’t
weasel out of or deflect. That means continually asking him questions and
demanding he support his responses with concrete proof. He has to be shown
beyond a doubt that at least one of his precious ideals is unfounded and
unsupported by the facts. Just one. After that, he can no longer assume that
any of his other views are rock solid either. He will be forced to finally
check his sources, which usually leads to a terrifying epiphany; he knows
nothing! It’s like falling down a bottomless South American sinkhole with
nothing to grab onto. I know, because I felt it once.
Eventually, he accepts the loss of his old identity,
the foolish man that was so confident and certain, and moves on towards a
frightening world where he must teach himself, instead of waiting around for
others to teach him. The empowerment and the awe of this process is nearly
indescribable, it has to be experienced to be understood. It’s like being able
to see and to speak clearly for the first time. You never knew what you were
missing because you had nothing to compare it to; only that unsettling knot at
the pit of your stomach, telling you that something was very wrong. Now, to go
back would be unthinkable, even hellish.
Nobody sees themselves as a useful idiot serving the
interests of tyrants in the oppression of their fellow man. But, the fact
remains that many Americans are in just such a position. You can hate them, you
can even wish them ill, but don’t give up on them all. Contesting ignorance is
not just the civic duty of the informed, it is also an act of compassion
towards those who are not.
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