By Robert J. Samuelson
Actually, it never went away — and won’t for many years. The problems are
so deep and pervasive that there is no easy or obvious solution. Government
debt and deficits in many countries are not sustainable, but the usual remedies
of cutting spending and raising taxes — a.k.a. “austerity” — may make matters
worse by deepening already severe recessions. Europe is caught in a trap that
promises more political and social unrest.
The wonder is that, for
a few months, there was a sense of complacency. Interest rates on vulnerable
debtor countries Spain and Italy declined. Fears about European banks eased.
Some commentators said “the worst is over.”
Well, probably not. Interest rates are headed up again, while European stocks have taken a pounding.
The momentary optimism
reflected an unprecedented move by the European Central Bank (ECB) — Europe’s
Federal Reserve — to make low-interest loans of 1 percent available to strapped
banks for three years. In late December, more than 500 banks
borrowed 489 billion euros (about $635 billion); and in February, 800 banks
borrowed 530 billion euros ($690 billion).
The ECB “dumped tons of
cash onto the banks,” says economist Jay
Shambaugh of Georgetown University. As he notes, this had
two beneficial effects. First, it relieved fears that some banks wouldn’t be
able to repay maturing loans. Second, it helped reduce interest rates on
government bonds because banks used the new cash to buy bonds. (Bond rates move
in the opposite direction of prices; if bond prices rise — because investor
demand increases — then interest rates fall.) For the banks, this seemed to
present a huge profit opportunity: borrow at 1 percent; buy bonds yielding 5
percent or more.
But all this, though
reassuring, barely affected debtor countries’ underlying problems.
Spain is the latest
focus of concern. On March 2, Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy announced that the country would miss its 2012 budget deficit target
of 4.4 percent of the economy (gross domestic product) and wanted to raise that
to 5.8 percent of GDP. After complaints from other European leaders, the target
was set at 5.3 percent of GDP. But this required more austerity in an economy
in deep recession.
“Spain is a classic
expression of the problem,” says Shambaugh. “You look at its almost 24 percent
unemployment, and it’s hard to see austerity as the
path out.”
In a recent paper,
Shambaugh argued that Europe’s problems are so intractable because they reflect
three parallel crises that feed on each other. First, there’s a banking crisis.
Banks have too little capital (a buffer against losses) and have a hard time
raising funds. Next is the sovereign debt crisis. The high debts of many
countries raise fears that, like Greece, they may default. And, finally,
there’s an economic growth crisis. Low growth or slumps afflict most of the 17
countries using the euro.
Each crisis aggravates
the others. Because banks hold huge portfolios of government bonds, fears about
the bonds’ values weaken the banks and threaten their failure. Weak banks in
turn don’t provide ample business and consumer loans to increase economic
growth. And feeble or nonexistent growth shrinks tax revenues and makes it harder
for governments to service their debts.
Just how Europe escapes
this trap is unclear. In his paper, Shambaugh proposes a few policies that he
thinks might help. For example, stronger countries such as Germany and the
Netherlands might cut their value-added tax (VAT) to spur consumption — and
imports from weak debtor countries. Slightly higher inflation in the stronger
countries would improve debtors’ competitive position.
Europe’s best hope may
be that faster economic recovery in the rest of the world triggers an export
boom. But this is a hope, not a policy. The policy has been to muddle through.
“Whenever pushed to the
brink, policymakers have always done something to pull them back from the
brink,” says Shambaugh. “They’ve done things that no one thought possible five
years ago” — including the ECB’s recent, cheap three-year loans. The
improvisations have been impressive, but how long can they continue?
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