Above all, Greece's example illustrates the conflict between Germany's
tough terms for aiding other euro members and the amount of pain other
societies can bear. Greece's fate shows that what it takes to sell bailouts to
a skeptical German public can be politically calamitous in Europe's indebted
"The program is suicidal, not only for Greece but
for the euro," says Louka Katseli, a former Greek economy minister.
"In Spain, Portugal, Italy—everywhere, the same mistake is being
made," she says, referring to the European Union's insistence on slashing
spending in a recession.
Germany reiterated on Wednesday that Greece needs to stick to its austerity promises; euro-zone governments decided on Wednesday to postpone part of Greece's next aid payment as a warning to Greek politicians.
Greece's bailout by the EU and International Monetary
Fund is the costliest financial rescue of a nation in history, with paid or
pledged loans totaling €245 billion. It has already involved the biggest-ever
sovereign-debt default, a debt restructuring that wiped out more than €100
billion of Greek bond debt.
Yet the restructuring left Greece with two mountains
to climb: curbing a still-rising debt more than 1.5 times the size of its
economy, while forcing down wages and prices to make the country competitive.
Straining to keep Greece afloat, the EU and IMF
doubled their bet in March, greatly expanding the loan program despite the
country's deepening political paralysis.
Responsibility for the mess, many of those involved in
the effort say, lies with a Greek political class that couldn't or wouldn't
reform the country, an unrealistic program that assumed a quick economic
recovery despite draconian austerity and crushing debts, and growing mistrust
between Greece and its creditors.
"It was almost a mission impossible," says
George Papandreou, the luckless Greek premier who negotiated the original
bailout and then was forced out by a party revolt last fall.
Mr. Papandreou says that when he asked German
Chancellor Angela Merkel for gentler conditions in 2010, she replied that the
aid program had to hurt. "We want to make sure nobody else will want
this," Ms. Merkel told him.
Greece's economy has already shrunk by 14% in the past
three years, and IMF officials privately expect a further 6.5% contraction this
year. Something has to give, and it could be the boundaries of the euro.
Europe fears that a Greek exit from the euro could
spur massive capital flight from Portugal, Spain or other struggling euro
members. Some European officials argue privately that the euro could cope with
a Greek exit because markets understand that Greece's debt crisis is uniquely
Others worry that by triggering runs on banks and
government-bond markets it could endanger the currency itself. That would
present Germany and Europe's north with a terrible choice: to watch the
centerpiece of Europe's decades of political integration collapse or to rush
into a deeper fiscal union, including common bond issuance, to save the euro.
When the IMF and European countries banded together in
May of 2010 to offer Greece a €110 billion rescue, leaders believed they had
acted boldly to avoid calamity.
The deal required Greece to get a grip on public
spending and tax collection while revamping a bloated bureaucracy and jungle of
laws that had rendered its economy internationally uncompetitive.
While everyone accepted that Greece needed fiscal
retrenchment, the IMF argued for giving structural changes priority and making
the spending cuts gradual, to protect the economy.
Germany said no: Structural reforms would take place
at the same time as drastic austerity to bring down the budget deficit—15.8% of
gross domestic product in 2009—to under 3% by 2014. The timetable proved
unrealistic: Spending cuts and tax increases pushed the economy into such a
deep recession that the deficit got stuck at around 10% of GDP.
Usually when the IMF imposes austerity, it makes a
country devalue its currency, in the hope its cheaper exports will offset
falling domestic demand.
But Greece no longer has a currency of its own to
devalue. Its downward spiral bears increasing resemblance to Argentina's a
decade ago. Argentina tried to maintain a fixed exchange rate to the dollar
even as IMF austerity drove it deeper into recession, ending in social unrest
and political breakdown.
From the start, Greece's surfeit of debt undermined
its chances. Mr. Papandreou's financial adviser, Lazard Ltd., told him the
country's bond debts were unsustainable and needed restructuring.
The head of the IMF at the time, Dominique
Strauss-Kahn, was open to it. But Europe wasn't. France and the European
Central Bank feared that a Greek default, even via a negotiated restructuring
of bonds, would undermine trust in other euro members' debt. Germany thought
debt forgiveness would relax the pressure on Athens to make other changes.
"I'd like to cut my debt in half too," Ms.
Merkel told Mr. Papandreou during a meeting at the Berlin chancellery,
according to the Greek premier.
Despite Greece's concerns over the plan, its efforts
to change began strongly. Polls showed solid public support for taming
bureaucracy, corruption and tax evasion, and scrapping the privileges various
interest groups had won over the years. Lawyers, taxi drivers, railroad
employees and many other groups enjoyed protection from competition or special
tax or pension perks, creating cartels and waste.
Finance Minister George Papaconstantinou attacked the
budget deficit. Sharp spending cuts and tax boosts brought the deficit down to
10.6% of GDP in 2010. But change quickly fell victim to party politics.
Firebrand opposition leader Antonis Samaras, head of
the conservative New Democracy party, denounced the tough bailout terms and
declared that local elections in November 2010 were a referendum on the ruling
Socialist party, known as Pasok. Mr. Papandreou called on Greeks to back him or
sack him. Pasok won the elections, but by a much smaller margin than before.
Mr. Papaconstantinou found himself increasingly
isolated in cabinet. The U.K.-trained economist was an outsider in Greek
politics. He couldn't get other ministers to shut loss-making state industries
and pointless army bases, or to ax thousands of civil-service jobs created in
return for votes. Nor could he reduce Greece's chronic tax evasion, abetted by
corruption among tax inspectors.
He did what he could: cutting pensions and
public-sector pay, while raising sales taxes. But that sapped consumer
spending. Shops and small businesses failed. Unemployment surged. Public
hostility grew.
Civil servants facing pay cuts went on strike,
including at the finance ministry. "It was a case of 'you pretend to pay
me, I pretend to work,' " one minister says.
In spring 2011, austerity and collapsing business and
consumer confidence pushed the economy into free fall. Protests rocked the
center of Athens. There wasn't enough support in Parliament to pass the next
set of austerity measures.
In June, Mr. Papandreou replaced his finance minister
with the premier's biggest rival, Evangelos Venizelos. Europe's ebbing trust in
Greece soon plunged.
Mr. Venizelos, who has been described as one of the
most eloquent Greek orators since ancient times, took the finance job
reluctantly, fretting that the unpopular task could destroy his political
ambitions, colleagues at the time say.
Many Greeks hoped he would be a tough negotiator with
Europe and the IMF. Mr. Venizelos's first foray was at a finance ministers'
meeting in Luxembourg. His long speech hit all the wrong notes.
He told his euro-zone peers they needed to relax
Greece's austerity targets, citing the growing political difficulties. He
called privatization goals unrealistic and blamed EU law for making asset sales
complicated. He suggested Europe had no choice but to lend more money because a
Greek bankruptcy could destabilize the euro zone. Greece's crisis "is a
European problem," he said.
Other ministers reacted with fury. To them, it sounded
as if he was trying shirk hard decisions while blackmailing his creditors. They
lambasted Mr. Venizelos until 2 a.m., saying Greece had to rebuild its
credibility before it got any more aid.
Instead of releasing a quarterly loan payment as
planned, the ministers put it on ice until Athens enacted more austerity.
As the meeting ended, the bruised Mr. Venizelos tried
once more to secure the money, to allow him a political victory at home.
"I'm here for the first time," he pleaded, according to people who
heard him. "It would be a bad signal if the tranche is not released."
Jan Kees de Jager, the equally burly Dutch finance minister, erupted in anger.
Part of the government's problem, Europe knew, was
that Mr. Samaras was assailing the austerity measures, and his conservatives
had overtaken Pasok in opinion polls as a result.
Ms. Merkel and other heads of European conservative
parties summoned Mr. Samaras to Brussels on June 23. For three hours, they
pressed him to back the program. Mr. Samaras told them the program would fail.
"Then you will need a plan B, and I'm the one who can bring it
about," he said.
Ms. Merkel asked Mr. Samaras what he proposed. He said
he agreed with cutting the budget deficit—but he wanted to do it by cutting
taxes to spur the economy.
A tax cut would create a bigger budget shortfall, other
conservative leaders said. Only Viktor Orban, Hungary's maverick premier, sided
with Mr. Samaras. "Some understand that we are right," the unbending
Mr. Samaras told reporters after the meeting.
Mr. Venizelos tried again to force a relaxation of the
bailout terms in September. At nighttime talks in his finance ministry,
inspectors from the EU and IMF pressed him to lay off civil servants and shut
loss-making state enterprises.
Mr. Venizelos refused. "I don't want to enter
into a technical discussion with you. The issue is political," he said,
according to people present. (Mr. Venizelos didn't return messages requesting
comment.) The inspectors told him they couldn't offer any political
concessions, and left town without recommending the release of Greece's next
slice of aid.
The finance ministry had less than €1 billion left in
its coffers. The monthly bill for public wages and pensions was around four
times that. Greece's government avoided bankruptcy only by not paying its
Mr. Venizelos had to appeal again to European finance
ministers, who met in Wroclaw, Poland, in mid-September. The night before the
meeting, Germany's Wolfgang Schäuble collared Mr. Venizelos in their hotel's
cellar bar and made it clear over a bottle of fine wine that Europe was getting
fed up with Greece.
Mr. Venizelos became more cooperative, euro-zone
officials say. But the Greek program was badly off track. The government had
made little headway on its long list of promised changes to reduce red tape,
increase competition and attract investment.
In October, the IMF, now under the more stringent
leadership of former French Finance Minister Christine Lagarde, forced Europe
to recognize reality: The numbers didn't add up.
That forced European leaders to grant Athens debt
relief. An EU summit on Oct. 26 led eventually to a 53.5% "haircut"
in Greece's bond debt, coupled with more aid loans. But by this time most of
Greece's debt was owed to euro-zone authorities and the IMF, rather than to
private bondholders. A bond restructuring that could have worked at the outset
had a limited effect: Greece's debt fell from €356 billion in 2011 to a
projected €327 billion this year.
Ms. Merkel and other euro-zone leaders thought the
haircut-and-new-loans deal had settled the Greek question. But in Athens, the
government was falling apart.
Amid rising social unrest and fraying support in
parliament, Mr. Papandreou proposed a referendum on the expanded bailout.
Ms. Merkel and French President Nicolas Sarkozy,
angered by Greece's unpredictability, told the Greek premier in the French
Riviera resort of Cannes on Nov. 2 that the referendum should make the choice
facing Greeks clear: Implement the bailout program or leave the euro. He
On the government plane home that night, Mr.
Papandreou suggested getting some sleep and rolled onto his side. Mr. Venizelos
stayed awake, took out a sheet of paper and scribbled a news release denouncing
the referendum. "Greece's position within the euro area is a historic
conquest…that cannot be put in doubt," he wrote. On landing in Athens at
4:45 a.m., he released the statement without informing Mr. Papandreou.
Lawmakers close to Mr. Venizelos came out against Mr.
Papandreou. His referendum and his majority were history. He resigned days
Euro-zone leaders' open talk of expelling Greece
shocked the country. Consumer and business spending nearly came to a halt.
Savers queued at banks to take their cash home.
Mr. Samaras, too, was shocked. After months of
denouncing the program, he joined a bipartisan coalition supporting it. Messrs.
Samaras and Venizelos became reluctant partners, propping up a new prime
minister, former central banker Lucas Papademos.
But Mr. Papademos, a cautious former ECB board member,
lacked the political clout to push the overhaul of Greece's economy and state
through a reluctant Parliament. Instead, most reforms were on ice until the May
It was Mr. Samaras who insisted on holding early
elections. He rejected Pasok's entreaties to let Mr. Papademos govern until the
parliamentary term ended in late 2013. Mr. Samaras was confident his New
Democracy party could win. His advisers didn't believe the opinion polls, which
showed collapsing support for both major parties—his and Pasok—and rising votes
for Communists, neo-Nazis and other radical groups.
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