Freedom like an olive tree takes many years to bear good fruit
By Bill Frezza
It’s easy to
despair watching the flame of liberty flicker and die. To accept the sad fact
that our Founders’ vision of limited government could not be sustained despite
the constitutional straitjacket they so carefully designed. To lament the
failure of the greatest experiment ever undertaken to secure the fruits of
individual liberty under rule of law directed by the consent of the governed.
To cry as democracy is slowly crushed under burdens of its own making, drowning
in a tidal wave of spiraling debt, unfunded liabilities, and currency
debauchery washing from the Old World to the New. To watch as redistributive
entitlements ostensibly intended to alleviate the burdens of inequality,
misfortune, sloth, age, and illness slowly strangle the goose that laid the
golden eggs. To understand that Western Civilization’s finest days have passed.
And then, you
contemplate the olive tree. One hundred years, they say, is how long it takes
the olive tree to bear good fruit. Unimaginably hearty, these long-lived
providers of versatile and wholesome sustenance are readily transplantable.
Take an old and gnarly trunk shorn of its limbs and branches, bundle it off to
someplace new, give it water and peace, and it blossoms again.
But only if the
soil and climate suit. Olive trees won’t grow in some places.
Freedom is like an
olive tree. It, too, takes many years to bear good fruit. But once it does it
can provide versatile and wholesome sustenance for generations. Born with an
implacable will, freedom transplants itself nestled in the bosom of every
seeker of new soil and climate that suits. Such seekers may wander for years,
but once freedom finds a place to root, it grows to welcome all. Take an old
and gnarly people, bundle them off to someplace free, give them rule of law and
peace, and they blossom again.
But like the olive
tree, freedom won’t grow in some places.
As we despoil or
own patrimony, where might the new fertile soil for freedom be found?
Probably not in
the land that birthed the olive tree. Despite the Arab Spring and its toppling
of despots, the soil there has long been denuded of the nutrients needed to
nourish freedom. The choking weeds of religious zealotry and intolerance now
threaten to grow into a new despotism barely distinguishable from the old.
Unless and until a Reformation transforms the Islamic world the way it did the
West, freedom in the Middle East will face a long struggle against the rule of
sheiks and mullahs, ancient hatreds between Shia and Sunni, the oppression of
women, and the suppression of all political and religious dissent as “heresy.”
Don’t look for freedom there.
Probably not in
Africa, a perpetual basket case of corruption and conflict. Rich in natural
resources, Africa ought to hold promise. But with chronically underdeveloped
human capital, dependent on alms supplied by guilt-ridden former colonial
masters, and with large swathes ruled by tyrants of unimaginable brutality,
that promise seems to always lie somewhere in the distant future.
Maybe in pockets
of South or Central America. The native soil is weak, stained with the legacies
of conquistadors and caudillos, but there is talk of charter cities carved out
of the rainforest, neo-Hong Kongs contractually shielded by a sovereign
protector yet left free to develop outside the strangling grasp of national
laws. Will we see these interesting projects launched by economic refugees as
failing democracies release a diaspora of talent and flight capital? Most
likely. Yet projects they are likely to remain, operating at a scale nowhere near
large enough to satisfy the global demand for freedom from those who have not
traded away their liberty for a slice of someone else’s pie.
India should be a
cauldron of freedom, fed by a river of rapidly developing human capital richly
seasoned with a complex religious and cultural heritage, people who have passed
through phases of colonialism and socialism to embrace many elements of free
market capitalism. Yet the tug of unlimited majoritarianism remains. Read
India’s constitution if you want to see a dog’s breakfast of rights and
privileges based on identity politics that mocks the concepts of individual
liberty and inalienable rights.
My bet is China. Not a pretty picture today, a mixed bag of one-party rule and Wild West capitalism, ham-fisted central planning and free-for-all black markets. A hard working and hungry people with a deep history of entrepreneurialism, the Chinese exploded out of poverty once released from the shackles of Communism, creating millionaires and a middle class at an unprecedented pace. But will the new haves demand more freedom before the long suffering have-nots start to demand a free lunch? Can the ruling Mandarins give way to a constrained yet open pluralism that does not degenerate into the same unlimited majoritarianism that is slowly crushing us?
My bet is China. Not a pretty picture today, a mixed bag of one-party rule and Wild West capitalism, ham-fisted central planning and free-for-all black markets. A hard working and hungry people with a deep history of entrepreneurialism, the Chinese exploded out of poverty once released from the shackles of Communism, creating millionaires and a middle class at an unprecedented pace. But will the new haves demand more freedom before the long suffering have-nots start to demand a free lunch? Can the ruling Mandarins give way to a constrained yet open pluralism that does not degenerate into the same unlimited majoritarianism that is slowly crushing us?
That will be the
key question determining whether freedom will take root. As liberty’s lights
progressively dim in what was once hailed as the land of the free, we can only
hope that, like the olive tree, it will one day blossom again.
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