Progressives Are The Problem
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Saul Alinski |
By Peter Ferrara,
The Big Picture Lesson of the 20th century was that
capitalism works and socialism and communism don’t. The rest of the
world learned that lesson far better because they and their close neighbors
suffered far more with the socialist and communist progeny of Saul Alinsky’s
first radical. But America should know better because it has enjoyed most the
workers paradise of capitalism.
Yet those who call themselves Progressive, a polite, Americanized word
for Marxist, refuse to accept that obvious conclusion. That is why
our politics have become so nasty. The Progressives know they can’t
win a debate based on reason. So they turn to name calling,
demonization, ostracism, anything to distract from and avoid a reasoned
debate. Hence the widespread use of the term “dumbass” by pot smoking
hippie Progressives in commenting on the reasoning of careful scholars that
they disagree with, or the ubiquitous allegations that anyone who disagrees
with them is lying, or bought off.
This reflects the despotic nature of the Progressive personality and
philosophy. Progressives most fundamentally are certain that they
are so much smarter than the rest of us, and that they are so much more moral
than the rest of us. Because of that they are certain that they have
the right to rule over the rest of us. It’s a very anti-social
attitude that the rest of us should not be expected to have to live with.
That is why they are not interested in reason. They are
interested in power, for themselves, over the rest of us. In their
view, they have the unquestionable right to rule, and the rest of us have the
unquestionable duty to obey. The last time America was
authoritatively subject to that attitude was under the reign of King George
III. And, of course, you know what happened then (unless you are in
public school).
That is why the Progressives are so fundamentally in rebellion against the
U.S. Constitution. That governing framework was designed to preserve
the rights and liberties of the people, and to restrain the powers of
government and of self-appointed, supposedly benevolent despots. But
if you are so sure you are so much smarter and more moral than everyone else,
then the Constitution is an outdated, 18th century barrier to
your imposition of your notion of the perfect society on everyone
else. That is why for over 100 years now, so-called Progressivism
has been an open conspiracy against the Constitution, and so at its root
That dependency perpetuates rather than solves poverty is not a problem for
the so-called Progressives. They are perfectly happy with that vote
buying, long term, status quo, even if that is really no damn good for the
poor. See, e.g, Medicaid, under which the poor suffer and die,
because the government won’t pay the doctors and hospitals enough to serve them.
Similarly, Progressives believe in Keynesian economics not because it works
to promote economic recovery and growth. Borrowing a trillion dollars out
of the private economy for the government to spend a trillion dollars back into
it does nothing to promote economic recovery and growth on
net. Obamanomics just proved that again.
Moreover, in a market economy there can be no such thing as inadequate
demand, the central concern of Keynesian economics. That is because
in a market, if demand is inadequate to sell the supply, prices just fall until
supply equals demand.
But that logic and experience has no effect on Progressive devotion to
Keynesian economics. That is because the real reason they are in
favor of Keynesianism’s proven nonsense is not really because they think it
works, but because it justifies what they want, which is more government
spending, deficits, and debt, as that means more power and control for
government and the all wise Progressives guiding us to their promised land.
The same can be said about the hoax of global warming, a greater scandal of science in the end than Lysenkoism. Carbon dioxide is a trace gas natural to the environment and essential to all life on the planet. There is no sound science demonstrating that it controls the climate, much less that the return closer to historic levels of CO2 in the atmosphere threatens catastrophic global warming. See the thorough scientific explanation that the pattern of global temperatures throughout the 20th century to today is dominantly controlled by natural causes definitively demonstrated in the more than 1,000 pages of the Heartland Institute’s Climate Change Reconsidered, published in 2010, and the succeeding Interim Report, published in 2011. This is why advocates of catastrophic, anthropogenic, global warming effectively admit that they cannot defend their claims in public debate.
The same can be said about the hoax of global warming, a greater scandal of science in the end than Lysenkoism. Carbon dioxide is a trace gas natural to the environment and essential to all life on the planet. There is no sound science demonstrating that it controls the climate, much less that the return closer to historic levels of CO2 in the atmosphere threatens catastrophic global warming. See the thorough scientific explanation that the pattern of global temperatures throughout the 20th century to today is dominantly controlled by natural causes definitively demonstrated in the more than 1,000 pages of the Heartland Institute’s Climate Change Reconsidered, published in 2010, and the succeeding Interim Report, published in 2011. This is why advocates of catastrophic, anthropogenic, global warming effectively admit that they cannot defend their claims in public debate.
But science has nothing to do with the belief of Progressives in the theory
of man caused, catastrophic, global warming. Progressives
worship it because again it means more power and control for governments the
world over, from local governments, to national governments, to ultimately
world government, which again means more power and control for Progressives to
rule us in accordance with their benighted vision of the perfect world.
The greatest Progressive passion of all is supposed to be
equality. That is not the classic liberal concept of equality under
the law, or equal rules for everyone, which protects and maximizes individual
liberty. It is the totalitarian concept of equality of results,
which requires the abnegation of personal liberty to enforce.
A regime of equal incomes and equal wealth for all leads not only the more
productive to flee the regime, but anyone who does not want to live in an
economically stagnant, poor society. That is the result because
under a regime of equal incomes and wealth for all, there are no grounds for
any capital investment at all, the foundation of economic growth and
prosperity. That is because capital investment and wealth increases
the income and wealth of the investor, and so would have to be confiscated to
enforce equal incomes and wealth, leaving no basis for anyone to pursue any
such capital investment.
Moreover, under such a regime, there are no grounds for any work
either. That is because if you work more than average, the extra
income that would result would have to be confiscated as well. But
if you work less than average, the government would pay you out of what is confiscated
from the more productive to restore your income to the
average. Consequently, there is no reason for anyone to work at all,
because all would be paid the same as anyone else in any event.
This is where the Berlin Wall came from. But so-called,
progressive, social justice equality requires even more egregious
transgressions in personal and individual liberty. It would require
reversing all the voluntary transactions in a free society that result in
unequal incomes and wealth.
These are the reasons why social justice equality is the ultimate for
supposed Progressives. It requires the reversal of all the
preferences and choices of the common man, in favor of the vision of the all
wise Progressives.
This all adds up to the conclusion logically that Progressivism is not just
wrong, but evil, as it involves the assertion of despotism over the liberties
of common men and women, and abnegation of their personal prosperity, as it has
all over the world wherever Progressivism has been taken to its logical
This is why as long as free elections are maintained, common men and women
will always throw off the yoke of Progressivism. But this time, once
the people are truly liberated, those who are certain that they are smarter and
more moral than the rest of us must be empowered to exercise that superiority
to the fullest, among themselves, through some form of separation from the rest
of us.
But will free elections be maintained? Or how far down
will America fall?
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