By Robert Higgs
Over the years, I have heard
many people say that the government’s adoption of a laissez-faire stance during
a business recession or depression amounts to “do-nothing government”—the
unstated assumption always being that it is better for the government to “do
something” than to do nothing. Recommending such a hands-off stance is often
described as a “counsel of despair.” Moreover, it is frequently added, in a
democratic polity, the electorate will not tolerate such a policy.
Implicit in such criticism is the assumption that the government knows
how to improve the situation and has an incentive to do so. If only it will
take the known remedial action, people’s suffering will be relieved, and the
economy will return more quickly to full employment and rapid economic growth.
All that blocks such remedial action, it would seem, are outdated ideas about
the proper role of government and, perhaps, the opposition of certain selfish
special interests. Government need only step on the gas pedal, by means of
expansionary fiscal and monetary policies, and the economic engine will
accelerate. If the government is already taking such actions, it need only
press down harder on the gas pedal.
Adherents of the Austrian school of economics are sometimes singled out
as moss-backed exponents of the “liquidationist” position said to have been
taken by Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon after the onset of the Great
Depression in the United States. According to Herbert Hoover, Mellon urged him to refrain from involving the government
in the situation, in order to
“liquidate labor, liquidate stocks, liquidate farmers, liquidate real estate…. [I]t will purge the rottenness out of the system. High costs of living and high living will come down. People will work harder, live a more moral life. Values will be adjusted, and enterprising people will pick up from less competent people.”
Although not so colorful in their policy advice, Austrian economists do
recommend that the government stand aside when a business bust occurs. (They
also explain how government action, especially its monetary policy, has brought
about the preceding, unsustainable boom.) By so doing, the policy-induced
structural distortions whose unsustainability brought on the bust in the first
place will be corrected. Resources will be reallocated away from enterprises
that are losing money and capital value because consumers are unwilling to
support their profitable operation, and they will be put to work in other lines,
where prospects of successfully satisfying present and future consumer
preferences are brighter. Business bankruptcies, unemployed labor and capital,
and other dire developments only attest that mistakes have been made. In order
to restore sustainable prosperity, these mistakes must be corrected, not
papered over.
If the government props up unprofitable firms with bailouts and cheap
loans and subsidizes unemployed workers with extended unemployment-insurance
benefits and other income supports, it only obstructs and delays the necessary
restructuring of the economy’s resource allocation. Although it may appear to
be relieving people’s pain—and, indeed, it is doing so for those fortunate
enough to receive booty at the public’s expense—it is only ensuring that by
falsifying the price and profit signals that tell economic actors how to act
most rationally in the society’s long-term benefit, it is preserving an
economically irrational allocation of resources and thereby planting a time
bomb that will explode later in the form of an even worse bust.
Thus, what seems to be governmental “compassion” is scarcely true
compassion, but only a spurious assistance to some at the present expense of
others and, ultimately, to the detriment of almost everyone. The true
counselors of despair are those who insist that the government act even though
the government cannot act constructively and its actions will, at best, only
produce short-term improvement in the patient’s symptoms while ensuring that in
the long term, he will fall victim to an even more painful malady. If the
patient is bleeding, it is scarcely compassionate to attach government leeches
so that he loses blood even more rapidly. The true counselors of despair are
those who hope against hope—and historical experience—that the government can
and will act constructively. Such wishful thinking cries out for deeper study
of Austrian economics and economic history, not to mention a more thorough
understanding of the sort of people who run governments and of their reasons
for exercising government power.
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