Why can’t doctors be more like vets? With medical
breakthroughs quietly taking place in the field of animal medicine, it’s a
question more Americans should be asking — whether or not they have pets.
to advances in veterinary medicine, pets have access to more superior medical
care than humans do. Dogs that suffer from arthritis may undergo stem cell regeneration therapy, in which their own autologous
(adult) stem cells are harvested from their own fatty tissue and then injected
into their joints. The healing benefit is remarkable, as I have witnessed
myself with two of my own dogs. Unfortunately, this particular therapy is not
yet available for humans in the United States.
in Florida late last year, a Yorkshire terrier underwent a routine spay
procedure, but something went very wrong during the anesthesia process and the
dog emerged from resuscitation with cortical blindness. Veterinarians advised
the dog’s owner that euthanasia might be the kindest option in this case. Then,
a quick-thinking vet at Calusa Veterinary Center in Boca Raton suggested hyperbaric oxygen therapy; with
nothing to lose, the dog’s heartbroken owner consented. Thirty-five HBO2
treatments later, the dog’s blindness
was reversed.
hyperbaric medicine is available to human patients with one of 15
Medicare-approved conditions — but alas, cortical blindness is not one of them.
Dogs, on the other hand, may receive hyperbaric treatment for a much broader
range of medical conditions — about 50 — so the chamber is being used to
address problems ranging from Lyme disease to pancreatitis.
Diane Levitan, of Peace Love Pets
Veterinary Care in New York, also offers her clients hyperbaric
medicine for their animals. “Hundreds of thousands of people have been helped
by HBO2, and it will help innumerable animals,” Levitan says. “Most of what we
vets do is a result of what’s practiced by doctors on people; experiments are
performed on dogs and mice and other animals, but this is one of the few
situations where that’s reversed, and we’re applying a treatment modality to
animals that humans tried first. It would be great if the human medical
community would embrace HBO2 more. Hyperbaric medicine is not in the forefront
of people’s minds, but it would be great if it could be in the forefront of
physicians’ minds. That would create more cases, so that Medicare could see
evidence-based medicine — and more people could be helped.”
doesn’t help matters that the mainstream media reports on HBO2 with the same
disparagement it normally reserves for stories on adult
stem cells. The MSM sensationalized HBO2 by showing the late
Michael Jackson asleep in his own private hyperbaric chamber, then trivialized
the treatment by citing Keanu Reeves’ use of HBO2 for insomnia. If you get your
news only from the MSM, you’d be convinced that HBO2 is just another one of
those dangerous, experimental treatments that smack of quackery, just like
adult stem cell therapy, and should be avoided like the proverbial plague.
in a 2009 article in the New York Times, that “hyperbaric oxygen is
only now beginning to reach its potential,” Jane E. Brody adds this caveat:
At the same time, hyperbaric oxygen therapy has joined
the ranks of unproven remedies for many conditions, especially incurable ones
like cerebral palsy and autism. The use of the therapy in these situations
often borders on quackery that exploits desperate patients and parents. One
family I know spent $40,000 in a futile attempt to reverse their child’s cerebral
palsy; another spent more than that and even bought a home hyperbaric unit to
treat their child’s autism.
who try to apply new therapies to difficult medical problems shouldn’t be
damned by the media for doing so. What’s more, the media needs to check in more
often — at least every three years! — with “unproven remedies” to see what’s
new in the field and duly, diligently report that news. Until that happens,
it’s up to patients, their families, and advocates to do our own homework via
the internet. That’s how I learned about a medical issue that has vexed me
since 1999, when I was taken to the emergency hospital in the middle of the
procedure was incision and drainage of an abscess caused by a perirectal
fistula. The incision was deliberately left to heal on its own, without
stitches, but it never fully healed, and it causes me a great deal of
discomfort. Mine is not a life-or-death condition; rather, it’s what I jokingly
call a quality-of-life-or-death issue. My attending physicians couldn’t give me
an explanation as to what had caused the problem; I had to research that on my
own, and unlocking the multi-pronged answer took years. During that time, my
reporting on pets and their health led me to seek stem cell therapy for my dogs
— and ultimately, to investigate stem cell therapy for myself.
since stem cell therapy is not yet available in the United States for my
condition, and is still in the trial phase in Europe (where I’m not eligible
for inclusion in clinical trials because I’m American), I was curious to know
what new technology might have to offer me here. In a consultation last year,
the same doctor who performed my emergency surgery in ’99 told me, once again,
that the only treatment option available to me was an old-school surgery called
fistulotomy. He had no news for me, and hadn’t even heard of the stem cell
trials going on in Europe since 2009. For the last 13 years, I’ve elected not
to undergo a fistulotomy because there’s a good chance it could leave me permanently
incontinent. That’s not a risk I’m willing to take, and I’m not changing my
mind now.
A few months ago,
I happened to research a story on hyperbaric oxygen therapy for pets, which is
how I came to report on Sofie the Yorkie and her astonishing blindness
reversal. I also learned of a fascinating link between stem cells — the body’s
own built-in, search-and-repair healing system — and HBO2 therapy: Exposure to
hyperbaric oxygen mobilizes stem cells so effectively that, over a course of 20
treatments, circulating CD34 cells were shown to increase eightfold. HBO2 is,
according to Dr. Stephen R. Thom, chief of hyperbaric medicine at the
University of Pennsylvania’s Institute for Environmental Medicine, “the safest
way clinically to increase stem cell circulation, far safer than any of the
pharmaceutical options.” (Why doesn’t the Times‘ Jane E. Brody
report on that, I wonder?)
Intrigued to know
more about HBO2 for people, and whether it might offer me some relief, I
studied the list of Medicare-approved conditions; among them was “selected
problem wounds.” I called the hospital where I’d had the emergency surgery and
the followup consult last year to ask if my condition might qualify. It turns
out that it does, and that the hospital uses HBO2 to treat perirectal fistulas!
So, why hadn’t my doctor suggested HBO2 as an alternative to surgery? Who
knows? Perhaps he’d read too many dismissive reports about it in the MSM. Had I
not been motivated to do some fact-finding on my own, I might never have found
out about the healing connection between my condition and hyperbaric oxygen
Is is any wonder
that, according to The Commonwealth Fund, the U.S. health system is the most
expensive in the world, but comparative analyses consistently show the United
States underperforms relative to many other countries? Among the seven nations
studied — Australia, Canada, Germany, the Netherlands, New Zealand, the United
Kingdom, and the United States — the U.S. ranks last overall (the Netherlands
ranks first, followed closely by the UK and Australia).
Veterinarians, on
the other hand, faced with clients who are outspoken and demanding on behalf of
their furry loved ones in a way that most patients aren’t even for themselves,
are more motivated to try out and recommend new technologies such as hyperbaric
oxygen therapy. After all, there’s no danger their four-footed patients will
As we’ve seen
before, veterinary medicine is ahead of human medicine in many ways. The idea
that pets are “just animals” — a philosophy that, sadly, too often costs
them their lives at animal shelters – ironically works
in their favor medically speaking, for pets lucky enough to have owners who can
afford high-tech treatment have access to far better, and higher-tech, medical
care than we humans do.
Old-school medical
innovation is alive and well in Florida, where one enterprising businessman is
putting his money on hyperbaric medicine. Edgar Otto founded Hyperbaric
Veterinary Medicine, which manufactured the machine that helped Sofie the
once-blind dog recover her sight. “I decided to move from hyperbaric oxygen
therapy for humans to veterinary HBO2 because I am free to embarrass the human
medical profession with the fact that we can make blind dogs see again,” Otto
says. “And we can do it for humans, if we can be allowed to. But of course the
FDA is extremely reactionary.”
Otto cites the
example of a product he invented that, he claims, “would have changed human
health care.” Inspired by a stay at a hospital and an unpleasant experience
with a urine bottle, Otto designed a product he calls Urassist for more
efficient and humane liquid waste collection. “It’s a bed-mounted urinary
receptacle with a motor-powered pump,” Otto explains. “Medicare said they
weren’t going to pay for it because it’s a convenience item. I said to
Medicare, I’m confused — you pay for a commode to sit by the bed, which the
patient has to get out of bed to use, and which often tips over after the
patient is done using it. But not this?”
Otto used to own a
chain of nursing homes, so he speaks from first-hand experience when he says,
“The main reason people are admitted [to nursing homes] is because their
caregivers at home can no longer deal with their incontinence and having to go
right now.” The possibility that Urassist might empower people to help
themselves rather than ask grossed-out family members for help didn’t move
Medicare. “Medicare doesn’t care,” Otto says.
Last year, 82 new
medical treatment devices were presented to Medicare; only two were approved
for payment. “You mean to tell me the other 98 percent of those inventions were
strictly garbage?” Otto says. “That boggles the imagination. Americans are
being held hostage to rationed health care, and anybody that thinks we’re not
doesn’t get it.”
Human health care
practitioners have much to learn from animals and the vets who care for them
when they’re ill. Traditionally, animals have been used to test and prove
scientific discoveries that radically altered the course of human health care.
Mostly, those tests resulted in the animals’ suffering and death. But what if
that testing weren’t old-school testing, but a new breed of cross-species
trialing? One that’s humane to the animals involved, improves their lives, AND
swiftly provides scientists with more and better information that benefits us
humans? What if doctors could keep pace with advances in the veterinary field,
with an eye to improving their human patients’ lives?
High-tech healing
is happening now in veterinary hospitals across this country. If only the MSM
would report on these advances with less bias, and the human medical community
would sit up and take note, patients on two legs could benefit as much as those
on four. And America could once again be a world leader in medical innovation
and care.
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