In the 19th
century America experienced one banking “panic” after another: 1819, 1837,
1857, 1873 and 1893. These recurring “panics” allegedly proved what happens in
a completely unregulated banking system, a banking system free from the
enlightened supervision of the government. To bring order and stability, the
government had to step in and regulate the banks. With time, it would also have
to establish a government run central bank, the Federal Reserve, as the “lender
of last resort”. You have probably heard some version of this story before.
This is, after all, the “conventional wisdom”. It is also complete fiction.
It’s true that
America suffered from “panics” in the 19th century. But why? Because various
government regulations made it difficult for bankers to act as rational
businessmen. For one thing, interstate branch banking was illegal. This made
banks dependent on the local business, making it virtually impossible to
diversify risks. As a consequence banks became under-diversified and
undercapitalized. Banks were, furthermore, forced to back up their money stock
with state bonds. And since states had a tendency to go bankrupt, there was a
justified fear that these bonds would eventually lose their value. When the
bonds were losing their value banks quickly became insolvent and they had to
declare bankruptcy. The “panics” were, in other words, caused by regulations.
Indeed, it’s been estimated that 80% of the bank failures were caused by such
destabilizing regulations. (Fribanksskolan, Per Hortlund, p. 50; pp. 134-136.)
It’s worth noting
that the Swedish, Scottish and Canadian bankers didn’t have to submit to such
irrational regulations; they were free to act on their rational judgment. As
expected they didn’t suffer, to the same extent, from any recurring “panics”.
Indeed, during Sweden’s 70 years (1830-1900) of free banking not a single bank
failed. In Scotland some banks failed, but the losses were very small (between
1695-1841 the total loss for bank customers amounted to £32,000, which is half
of the total losses in a single year, 1840, in London). During the Great
Depression not a single bank went bankrupt in Canada. By comparison more than
9.000 banks went bankrupt in the US. (Ibid.)
The Federal
Reserve wasn’t introduced to bring order and stability to the panic ridden,
“unregulated” banking industry of the 19th century. No, the banking industry of
the 19th century was destabilized by destructive government interventions,
which were forcing and/or encouraging the bankers to act irrationally. The introduction
of the Federal Reserve is, therefore, an example of the principle that controls
breed controls.
In the absence of
the Federal Reserve, functioning as the “lender of last resort”, banks will be
less willing to make risky and irresponsible loans, since there will be no Alan
Greenspan or Ben Bernanke around to bail them out. It’s, therefore, no wonder
that the “panics” of 1800s were, in addition, shorter and milder than the booms
and busts of the 20th century, not to mention the 21th century.
economist Charles W. Calomiris observes in a paper that “[n]one of the U.S.
banking panics of the pre-World War I era saw nationwide banking distress
(measured by the negative net worth of failed banks relative to annual GDP)
greater than the 0.1% loss of 1893″. During The Great Depression, on the other
hand, “[b]ank failures resulted in losses to depositors in the 1930s in excess
of 3% of GDP”. (“Banking Crisis,” Charles W. Calomiris,
pp. 2-5.)
What accounts for
the difference? “Market discipline (the fear that depositors would withdraw
their funds) provided incentives for banks to behave prudently”, writes
Calomiris. “The picture of small depositors lining up around the block to
withdraw funds has received much attention, but perhaps the more important
source of market discipline was the threat of an informed (often ‘silent’) run
by large depositors (often other banks). Banks maintained relationships with
each other through interbank deposits and the clearing of public deposits,
notes, and bankers’ bills. Banks often belonged to clearing houses that set
regulations and monitored members’ behavior. A bank that lost the trust of its
fellow bankers could not long survive”. (Ibid.)
The historical
record in Sweden, Scotland and Canada does, indeed, show that “panics” are not
an inherent aspect of free banking. Quite the contrary. Thus, if we want to
avoid panics in the future, then the lesson is that we should liberate the
bankers; we should leave the bankers free to act rationally. What we should
embrace is, in other words, real free banking: laissez-faire banking.
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