There can be
moderation even in moderation, and in his interview on September 20 with the
French newspaper Le Figaro, the president of the association of
imams in France, Hassen Chalghoumi, proved himself moderately moderate. Asked
about the recent publication of satirical Mohammed cartoons in the French
magazine Charlie Hebdo, he rejected the use of violence and argued that
the way to defend the prophet was through “sharing, tolerance, forgiveness,
faith and love.” He was also against trying to take the magazine to court,
maintaining his support for freedom of expression.
This is all
welcome, though I note that he said nothing about rational argument as a way to
defend the prophet. And he also, less encouragingly, said this: “The attitude
of Charlie Hebdo is irresponsible. For days, we have been
doing all we can to appeal for calm, to ease tensions, to condemn violence; and
this journal, either unwittingly or through a desire to increase its sales, has
revived it [the atmosphere of violence that followed the anti-Islamic film in the U.S.] at the
worst moment.”
Here one would
have been tempted to ask the imam when the right time would have been for Charlie
Hebdo to publish its cartoons, but the interviewer did not. “But let
them not deceive themselves,” the imam continued. “It is for them now to accept
their part in the material damage that will be caused, and in every building
burnt, every person attacked or killed, their responsibility will be involved.”
This is surely an odd way of looking at the situation, accepting as it does the
logic of the blackmailer or the intimidator: either you do as we say, or we
will be violent.
Or perhaps the
imam thinks of his more violently inclined coreligionists in the way that the
Roman aristocrats thought of the plebs in Julius Caesar: “You
blocks, you stones, you worse than senseless things,” which is to say, as mere
material objects that don’t think or decide but merely react as water to wind
or rocks to gravity.
If a Republican
physically attacked a Democrat, or a Democrat a Republican, after one said
something with which the other strongly disagreed, would it be any defense for
the attacker to say, “He knew perfectly well that I detested his views”?
Freedom of expression requires not so much the exercise of self-control in what
is said as its exercise in reaction to what is
said. I can hardly look at a book these days without taking offense at
something that it contains, but if I smash a window in annoyance, the blame is
only mine—even if the author knows perfectly well that what he wrote will
offend many such as I.
Interestingly, the
imam did not excuse or even explain the conduct of Charlie Hebdo by
claiming that the magazine may have been provoked into publishing the cartoons
by those who reacted violently to the film made in the U.S. In other words,
Frenchmen act, violent Muslims merely react.
As far as Hassen
Chalghoumi is concerned, then, you can have any freedom you like—so long as you
don’t exercise it.
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