by Gary North
I posted an article on my Tea Party
Economist site on the increase in the real debt of the US government over the
last year. The increase was $11 trillion.
Impossible? Not at all. The annual increase — the
deficit — will be even larger next year, and larger still the year after.
This refers to the unfunded liabilities of the
government. These are the price tags of political promises that politicians
have made over the years for which there is no money available to fulfill. The
expert here is Professor Lawrence Kotlikoff of Boston University. His most
recent report says that total unfunded liabilities went from $211 trillion a
year ago to $222 trillion this year.
How can the government pay off these obligations? It
can't. The possibility does not exist. The government needs a spare $222
trillion to invest in private companies. This investment must make a return of
at least 5 percent to provide the money needed to pay meet the government's
obligations. There is no $222 trillion available, and no capital markets large
enough to absorb $222 trillion.
Conclusion: the US government will default.
"No, no!" you may be thinking. "This
cannot be true. Why, the full faith and credit of the government lies behind
these obligations." This is the correct verb: lies. It is also the correct
It is all a pile of lies. These lies are IOUs.
Your check will not be in the mail. The Postal Service
by then will be long gone.
What about automatic deposits into your bank?
What bank?
The implications of an unfunded liability of $222
trillion are so comprehensive, so stupendous, and so frightening that voters
ignore the story. So does Congress.
There is a lot of shadow boxing going on. There is
talk of a sequestration of funds in 2013, as the 2011 law requires. There is
talk of a fiscal cliff. What is this talk all about? It is about cuts in
projected federal spending of about $120 billion a year for ten years.
At $11 trillion a year, we are talking about an
increase of $110 trillion over the next ten years. But it will not be this low.
Every time Congress kicks the can, the year's unfunded liabilities are added
onto the total obligation. As the total obligation grows, the interest payment
on the debt grows. It keeps building, like a mortgage after missed payments.
What if rates go back up to 5 percent? Then the
unfunded liabilities will really grow.
The government will default.
Social Security
Social Security has been running a deficit ever since
2010. There is no trust fund. The trust fund is a pile of IOUs from the
Treasury. Here is the wording from the 2012 report from the Trustees of Social
Security. "The Department of the Treasury currently invests all program
revenues in special non-marketable securities of the US government which earn a
market rate of interest."
Therefore, every time the trust fund sends an IOU back
to the Treasury, the Treasury must borrow money to be able to send money to
Social Security. The deficit in the general fund rises.
How much in the hole is Social Security? First, there
is the red ink from insufficient FICA tax revenues. Here is what the Trustees
of Social Security say.
Social Security's expenditures exceeded non-interest
income in 2010 and 2011, the first such occurrences since 1983, and the
Trustees estimate that these expenditures will remain greater than non-interest
income throughout the 75-year projection period. The deficit of non-interest
income relative to expenditures was about $49 billion in 2010 and $45 billion
in 2011, and the Trustees project that it will average about $66 billion
between 2012 and 2018 before rising steeply as the economy slows after the
recovery is complete and the number of beneficiaries continues to grow at a
substantially faster rate than the number of covered workers. Redemption of
trust fund assets from the General Fund of the Treasury will provide the resources
needed to offset the annual cash-flow deficits.
Second, there are interest payments on the IOUs in the
so-called trust fund. These payments go from the Treasury to Social Security.
The Trustees failed to mention this in the body of the report. That would make
things look a lot worse. To find this figure, you must do some digging. I have
done it for you. It is reported in an unnamed table about one-third of the way
into the report. Social Security's interest income from the general fund in
2011 was $106.5 billion. Add this to the $45 billion deficit, and we get $151.5
billion. That was the total deficit in the program in 2011.
We can see where this is headed: deeper into the
red-ink lake.
At some point, there will be calls in Congress for a
tax hike for FICA. My guess is that the earned income subject to the FICA tax
will go from $110,000 a year to at least $150,000. This way, the average wage
earner will not pay more than what is already scheduled. It will come out of
the pockets of the upper middle class. But this is a political issue. Members
of Congress will have to test the opposition to any increase. They will make a
cost-benefit analysis — for their careers, not the victims' income.
All of this is political. It is short term. It is
sound and fury signifying little for the total unfunded liability of all of the
federal welfare programs. The relentless growth of the unfunded liabilities
dwarfs anything that Congress is willing to discuss.
Who Will Get Stiffed First?
Congress will delay any comprehensive default on
Social Security and Medicare. The obvious solutions are to raise the age for
eligibility to both programs. But this creates havoc for Medicare's
The health-insurance industry has received its
greatest bonanza from Medicare. As soon as anyone reaches age 65, he loses
eligibility for most of the payments from his private health-insurance policy.
His company informs him that it will not cover any expenses that Medicare
covers. But the premiums do not fall.
Everyone cancels his health insurance on that day.
This lowers the risk of illness for everyone remaining in the pool of clients.
The risk of insuring sicknesses beyond age 65 is transferred to Uncle Sam in
one move. This lets health-insurance companies offer policies far cheaper to
those under age 65.
If Medicare's age of eligibility were raised, the
premiums of all health-insurance policy owners would rise. This will be fought
by the insurance industry. It will also be fought by the geezer lobbies. These
are powerful lobbies. The biggest one is the AARP, formerly the American
Association of Retired People. When the AARP says no, Congress listens.
The budget killer is Medicare. This is because the
subsidy is the largest: almost $12,000 a year. As the baby boomers start
getting added to the rolls, the cost to the government will become
unsustainable. Then what?
Congress will start looking for politically acceptable
sacrificial lambs. This means rich people.
Means Testing
At some point, there will be means-testing. The
politicians will decide that anyone with an income above a certain rate will
have his payments reduced. The more his income, the greater the reductions. At
first, this cap will apply to earned income. Then it will be applied to all
We are already seeing this in other federal welfare
programs. The means testing has not begun, but politicians are discussing it.
The most recent case is unemployment insurance. This
is a sacred cow in Congress. The payments now extend to 99 weeks. About 7 million people
are "99ers."
Rich people are eligible for unemployment insurance
payments. Rich people do get fired. In 2009, about $20
million was paid to 2,362 millionaires.
This story is great for news sites. It is all over the
Web. Search for millionaires, unemployment benefits, 2009.
Someone in Congress requested that the Congressional
Research Service produce a report. It was released on August 2, 2012. Title:
Receipt of Unemployment Insurance by Higher-Income Unemployed Workers
That gets right to the
point, politically speaking. The law does not distinguish between rich fired
workers and non-rich fired workers, any more than it distinguishes rich Social
Security recipients and not-rich. But the very existence of $20 million in payouts
in a $3.5 trillion federal budget (2009) annoys people who are envy-driven.

In the introduction to the CRS report, we read this.
Several other bills have been introduced in the 112th
Congress that would restrict unemployment benefit receipt based on income
(i.e., they would change the current requirement to provide unemployment
benefits to all workers without income restrictions). S. 1944 would impose an
income tax on unemployment benefit income for certain high-income tax filers,
among other provisions. S. 1931 includes the same provisions for a tax on
unemployment benefits received by high-income individuals as H.R. 3630. H.R.
235 and S. 310 would prohibit the use of federal funds to pay UI benefits to
certain high-income individuals, among other provisions. While the recent
debate in Congress commonly referred to restricting "millionaires"
from receiving UI benefits, the various proposals specify different income
thresholds at which the restrictions would apply (i.e., they vary in how they
define high-income individuals).
To inform the policy debate, this report provides
information relevant to proposals that would restrict the payment of
unemployment benefits to individuals with high incomes. Three primary areas
that may be of interest to lawmakers are addressed: (1) the current US
Department of Labor (DOL) opinion on means-testing UI benefits; (2) the
potential number of people who would be affected by such proposals; and (3)
policy considerations such as the potential savings associated with such proposals,
particularly in terms of federal expenditures. The latter two issues are
discussed because a small percentage (approximately 0.02%) of tax filers
receiving unemployment benefit income had AGI of $1 million or more in tax year
2009 based on Internal Revenue Service (IRS) data.
There is no question what the motivation of such
legislation is: envy. No one imagines that $20 million a year will affect the
deficit. In all of the cabinet-level bureaucracies, it is not possible to
detect an error of $20 million. So, this legislation is symbolic. It is a way
to cut the rich down to size.
It is clear what will happen when the expenditures are
far more than $20 million a year. When it is clear that rich people who have
paid into Social Security are costing the taxpayers billions of dollars, there
will be bills introduced into Congress similar to the ones introduced on
unemployment insurance payments to millionaires. At some point, one of them
will be signed into law.
Most voters will not know of this. Of those who know,
most will cheer silently: "Serves them right!"
Congress will start at the top and work down. That
will be more acceptable politically. This will keep most voters unaware of what
is happening.
The effect on total payments will not be much. There are
not enough people at the top to stiff.
Medicare is the program that offers the great
challenge to Congress. How will the rich be cut off, when the healthcare
industry has no provision for them? If the industry begins to offer special
policies for the rich, the premiums will be high, unless they have
million-dollar deductibles.
Will Medicare offer high-deductible policies? That
would be economically attainable, but would it be politically acceptable? I
doubt it.
The rich will be sacrificed first. Then, income
quintile by income quintile, the means-testing will be applied until the voters
The US government has promised more than it can
deliver. There will come a point when it will have to renege. It will start at
the top of the income brackets and work down. Politicians will seek to delay an
across-the-board reduction of payments. But the magnitude of the unfunded
liabilities is so vast that Congress will be trapped. It will default in
stages, but it will default.
The welfare state's Ponzi scheme economics will catch
up with the politicians. It will catch up with everyone who is dependent on the
welfare state. All over the Western world, this is statistically inevitable.
We wonder why people begin Ponzi schemes. The schemes
always blow up. They cannot survive. The numbers tell us that. Why don't the
initiators see what must inevitably hit them?
The financial world was amazed at Bernie Madoff. How
did he fool smart rich people for so long, and for so much money?
Simple. He copied Congress.
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