The crisis in the Eurozone is
primarily a debt crisis. Debt overhang, whether public or private (as it
originally was in Ireland and Spain), impedes investment and growth (Reinhart
and Rogoff 2010). And it diminishes incentives for fiscal rigor if the benefits
accrue mainly to creditors, and aggravates the macroeconomic effects of
austerity if much of the additional saving that deleveraging requires is
transferred to creditors abroad. Low growth and capital flight reinforce the
debt problem and create a downward spiral, from which belated budgetary
austerity provides no exit.
Any strategy of dealing with
the Eurozone crisis therefore must be evaluated in light of its effectiveness
in dealing with the debt overhang problem. Two
solutions are possible.
Inflation reduces the real value of nominal debt, lowering the debt burden
both on the sovereign and all other debtors.
An unanticipated inflation
increase of three percentage points amounts to a 34% (compounded) debt relief
on a ten-year bond; little of the government debt in question is
inflation-indexed (less than 8% in Italy and none in Spain). But such relief
hits all investors alike, independent of the solvency of their respective
Or sovereign default writedowns of the face value and interest payments or
reprofiling of such payments. These can
take various forms.
For example, exchanges of
short-run debt for long-run debt and adjustments of the interest payments can
help restore sustainability to debt dynamics.
The Eurozone has so far
studiously avoided the default option, with the exception of the half-hearted
Greek restructuring, where denial of the problem was no longer possible.
Instead it has embarked on two transfer strategies that will worsen the
Eurozone crisis.
The first consists in public bailout schemes, such as the EFSF or the ESM,
which replace private credit with public credit of the still-solvent states.
The debt overhang problem of
some countries thereby becomes the debt overhang problem of all the others, without
any net relief for the Eurozone as a whole. Needless to say: private investors
do not have any confidence that this strategy will work for the Eurozone. But
they support it enthusiastically, for it allows them to transfer their credit
risk to Eurozone taxpayers. Substantial policy pressure from the US, UK, and
China supports such a risk transfer in pursuit of investor interests.
The second futile policy consists of central bank purchases of distressed
sovereigns’ bonds.
The declared goal of this programme
is to reduce yields on outstanding debt with such purchases and thus reduce the
cost of issuing new debt. But this argument contradicts the cold reality of
bond valuation. As long as distressed sovereigns continue to issue new debt,
they will still have to pay a large default premium. This premium is augmented
by the ECB’s seniority. Investors anticipate that if the issuer defaults, the
central bank would always be first in the recovery queue. ECB bond buying will
therefore have no lasting positive effect on sovereigns’ financing costs.
Why are bond purchases so
strongly advocated by southern countries in the Eurozone? It is essentially a
21st century version of beggar-thy-(Eurozone)-neighbour: Through massive bond
buying, the ECB will accumulate considerable sovereign default risk which is
then shared by all Eurozone members. Ironically, rather than reducing the risk
of sovereign default, the ECB’s bond buying will eventually produce the
opposite effect. The larger the scale of sovereign debt transfers from domestic
investors to the ECB, the less will there be domestic resistance against
default. ECB policy might delay sovereign default, but does not make it less
debt restructuring as a policy alternative
While many central bankers and
policymakers are still in denial, time is running out to address the real
problem of Europe's debt overhang. The Greek example has shown how sovereign
debt can be restructured without the market upheaval and contagion predicted by
many (Landon 2012). The legal instruments can be put in place for Spain,
Portugal, Italy, or other countries to undertake exchange offers of existing
debt with new debt which include reductions of the principal and postpone
interest payments. With primary deficits near zero, such debt restructuring is
a real policy alternative. It has proven workable in previous cases, such
Uruguay in 2003 (Buchheit and Pam 2004). The historical evidence from the large
number of previous sovereign default episodes tends to show that the economic
costs are short-lived (Borensztein and Panizza 2009).
Ultimately, the Eurozone will
have to choose between sovereign default through debt restructuring and default
on the real value of government bonds through inflation. Debt restructuring has
many advantages if it is undertaken at an early stage.
Through orderly default, investors take responsibility for their investment
decisions. This is not the case if they are bailed out via debt socialisation.
Debt restructuring in the Eurozone would typically come with onerous conditions
for borrowers, whereas excess inflation provides an easy windfall to all
debtors. Thus, moral hazard for creditors and for debtors is attenuated.
Debt restructuring puts a much larger fraction of the financial burden on
financial investors outside the Eurozone, whereas debt mutualisation bails out
financial investors worldwide at the cost of Eurozone taxpayers.
Given the extremely high concentration of financial wealth, losses in any
sovereign default will fall mostly on wealthy investors (as bank shareholders
or bond investors typically are). By contrast, when debt is mutualised,
middle-class taxpayers, the main source of tax revenues in the Eurozone
countries, will have to bear a much larger fraction of the burden (Hau 2011).
Bailout schemes, as in the case of Greece, Portugal, Ireland, and soon
Spain, come with politically sensitive external monitoring over an extended
period of time. Orderly sovereign default in the Eurozone is likely to be
linked to external conditions as well, but by reducing the transfers from
over-indebted countries to their creditors, it removes one of the most
poisonous elements of this process.
A sovereign debt writedown
would hit undercapitalised banks. Many Spanish and Greek banks already operate
with negative equity if their balance sheet is valued at current market prices.
Spanish banks held €160 billion or 31.7% of all outstanding Spanish government
bonds as of June 2012, a dramatic increase from 13.1% a year earlier. A speedy
bank recapitalisation is needed, after forcing losses on shareholders and bank
bondholders; it is here that the ESM can put its resources to best use.
In most Eurozone countries,
national bank regulators have failed to impose sufficiently high capital
requirements. Regulatory capture in bank supervision is primarily a political
economy problem. Dysfunctional national bank regulators thus hinder Europe's
financial stability. One can only hope that centralisation of bank supervision
in the forthcoming euro-wide banking union will improve matters. The financial
tools for stabilising banks undoubtedly exist; like suspending all dividend
payments, forcing equity issuance, and converting debt into equity.
There is much fear mongering
about contagion in the banking sector and financial markets following a
European sovereign default. The Greek example has shown the opposite. As far as
banks are concerned, these fears appear exaggerated given the currently low
levels of interbank exposure. The main risk for foreign banks is the write-offs
from their sovereign bond holdings; but few foreign banks would be threatened
by insolvency according to the last bank-level data available from EBA for 2011,
and many banks have reduced their foreign bond holdings further since December
2011. Similarly, the volume of credit default swaps on southern European
sovereigns is practically negligible – for the five GIIPS countries the volume
of outstanding CDS contracts (net notional) has seen a steady fall from a
combined €66 billion in January 2010 to €42 billion in August 2012, less than
1.5% of their combined government debt; it has fallen in each of the five
countries. In all default episodes of five years of financial crisis, financial
markets have proven their resilience, with the exception of September 2008 when
there was no advanced warning and market participants had no time to adjust
their exposures.
outlook: The ECB should stop digging its own grave
Is orderly default likely to
happen? To be useful, it must come 'early': that is, before default risk is
largely transferred to the ESM or the ECB. We fear that the chances of this
happening are slim. The key actor is the ECB. It has unprecedented power to
pull the plug on any financial institution or put pressure on a sovereign by
refusing to accept its debt as collateral (Whelan 2012). Unfortunately, the
previous ECB executive board, headed by Trichet, has tried its best to slow
Greek sovereign default. The effect was only that financial investors reduced
their losses to the detriment of Eurozone taxpayers. The current ECB board and
national governments have shown little sign that they are more open to
sovereign default. Not having learned their lesson from Greece, policymakers
will insist that the next case of sovereign distress is different.
The latest push for selective
purchases of bonds issued by Spain and Italy poses the greatest threat to the
Eurozone so far. In the long run, the euro cannot survive without political
support and legitimacy among voters. Finding voter support for fiscal and
political union will be even harder. The political backlash from voters in
northern Eurozone countries could be devastating when the costs of sovereign
default eventually fall on a toxic ECB balance sheet. By forestalling timely
sovereign default, the ECB is digging the euro's grave.
Borensztein, E and U Panizza
(2009), “The Costs of Sovereign Default”, IMF Staff Papers,
Borensztein, E and U Panizza,
“What will happen if Greece defaults”,, 6 May.
Buchheit, L and J Pam (2004),
“Uruguay's Innovation”, Journal of International
Banking Law and Regulation, 19(1).
Hau, H (2011), “Europe's €200 billion reverse wealth tax explained”,, 27 July.
Landon, T (2012), “An Architect of a Deal Sees Greece as a Model”, The New York Times, Global Business, 6 March.
Reinhart and Rogoff (2010),
“Growth in a Time of Debt”, American Economic Review,
Whelan, Karl (2012), “The Secret Tool Draghi Uses to Run Europe”,, 22 July.
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