Barack Obama has returned to the White House following one of the most acrimonious, negative and ideas-free campaigns in living memoryby Sean Collins
The polls before the US
presidential election showed a tight contest, with Barack Obama edging out Mitt
Romney. And that is what happened, more or less. The nationwide vote tally was
very close, with Obama ahead by 50 per cent to 48 per cent as we go to press.
But under America’s electoral-college system, Obama won handily, currently
holding 303 votes to Romney’s 206 votes, with Florida’s 29 votes looking like
they, too, might go to Obama.
This Obama victory was rather
different to his win in 2008, and not only because Obama won by a much narrower
margin. Turnout was down from 2008, although it held up more than some had
expected. More importantly, the level of enthusiasm was significantly lower. In
2008, you could feel the excitement; this year voters went about their business
in a low-key way.
You could say that it was
inevitable that the turnout and passion would be lower, given that the novelty
of electing the first black president was no longer a factor. But the drop-off
had more to do with the character of the campaign. In 2008, Obama offered the
promise of moving beyond the old politics of petty divisions and rancor, and he
spoke in transcendent terms of ‘hope’ and ‘change’. People were genuinely
inspired – not just because Obama was black, but because he seemed to present a
way forward. In 2012, that message vanished. Where once Obama spoke of
‘transforming’ the future, he now spent most of his time attacking his
opponent, occasionally defended his record, and said very little about what he
would do if elected.
Indeed, the election put to an
end one of the most acrimonious, negative and ideas-free campaigns in living
memory. The most striking thing was how the attacks were so personal in nature.
Obama’s campaign was most guilty in this regard, spending the entire campaign
attacking Romney’s character: depicting him as a ‘vulture’ capitalist, and
suggesting he was unethical and unpatriotic. In response, Romney himself mostly
held back from retaliating, but his surrogates suggested that Obama’s failings
as president had to do with his aloof, unenergetic or vindictive nature.
While 2008 was said to be
about ‘big’ changes, the negative and petty criticisms meant that 2012 was
exceptionally ‘small’. Each day on the campaign trail seemed preoccupied with a
new phrase, like ‘You didn’t build that’, ‘47 per cent’, ‘Binders of women’,
‘Romnesia’ – all ultimately forgettable and meaningless. At a time when the
country faces huge challenges – a stagnant economy, high unemployment, lower
incomes, mounting debt, foreign conflicts – the unwillingness of the candidates
to broach these subjects, and dwell instead on the trivial, was remarkable,
decadent even. As it proceeded, the campaign itself had the opposite effect
seen in 2008: it lowered hopes and expectations, rather than raising them. It
was a contest that reeked of despair. The best that supporters of one candidate
could say was: the other guy is much worse than our guy.
In 2008, Obama appeared to be
a larger-than-life individual, charismatic and the leader of not just a party
but a social movement. He gradually lost this image over his four years in
office, as he didn’t have much to show for it (a reality that I have found many
people outside the US do not fully appreciate). Now, after an electoral contest
in which he consistently took the low road, and suffered a number of ‘emperor
has no clothes’ moments (most notably after the first debate), his stature is
further diminished. Obama may have won the election, but winning in the way he
did – with personal attacks and no agenda for the future – he emerges a lesser
This negative, ideas-free
campaign seemed to be reflected in voting patterns. Early indications were that
the various demographic groups moved strongly in their expected directions, and
divisions widened: blacks and Latinos for Obama and whites for Romney; younger
people for Obama and older people for Romney; coasts and upper Midwest for
Obama, the South and ‘middle America’ for Romney. It also appeared that views
on social issues and ‘values’ were critical in predicting which candidate
voters went for, even in an election that was supposed to be decided by the
state of the economy. These divisions meant that the victorious Democratic side
responded more like the winner of a sports championship (‘Yeah, our side
won!’), than representatives of a new, unifying movement taking the country
These trends suggest the
ascendancy of the politics of identity: who you are is more important than what
you think. In a campaign devoid of ideas, people fell back on identity. Obama’s
victory was a victory for the Democrats’ strategy of winning on social values
and cohering support among women and minorities, an approach which was very
pronounced at their national convention in September (see There’s more to politics than
values, by Helen Searls).
But demography is not destiny,
and it was not preordained that Romney would automatically lose just because
Obama and the Democrats adopted this strategy. Of course, Romney’s conservative
stance on social issues was unpopular nationally, and his lack of outreach to
Latinos in particular was a major obstacle to winning. But Obama’s unimpressive
record and lacklustre campaign meant that Romney had an opening - and he blew
it. He could not raise the level of discussion to force Obama to engage in a
battle of ideas. Romney simply tried to tag the blame for the unsatisfactory
economy on Obama, but the unemployment rate was never going to win the election
for him. Romney presented some platitudes about cutting the deficit and
reducing government, but he insulted voters’ intelligence by never putting
forward any details of what he would do. That was never going to turn around
the election result decisively.
In the end, this was a weak
incumbent versus a weak contender. In such a contest, it is not surprising that
many played it safe and went with the one they knew.
If 2008 was a ‘change’
election, 2012 is its opposite – a ‘status quo’ election. Not only will the US
have the same president, but the situation in Congress remains the same: a
Republican majority in the House of Representatives and a Democratic majority
in the Senate. After a year-and-a-half and $6 billion in spending, the election
leaves the US in a similar state. And as it stands now, there is no obvious way
to break the gridlock that has characterised Washington politics in recent
years (and Obama himself certainly did not propose a solution).
Following Obama’s victory,
some of his supporters claim he has a mandate for change. This is
wishful thinking. That’s not just because Obama won the overall vote by a
slight margin, Republicans were re-elected in the House, and the country
remains effectively split, but primarily because Obama did not campaign on an
agenda for the future. Without offering such a vision, you cannot claim that
voters were signaling support for a broader programme for change.
The US remains the world’s
largest economy and the most influential power. Many in the US think of the
nation as exceptional, and its president as the ‘leader of the free world’. You
could say it is the biggest job in the biggest country. And yet, the 2012
election has been so narrow-minded and full of trivia that it has managed to
downsize the role. When you play for small stakes, the spoils of victory are
also small.
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