The elections will paralyze
Obama domestically and reality will limit his foreign policy latitude
By George Friedman
The United States
held elections last night, and nothing changed. Barack Obama remains president.
The Democrats remain in control of the Senate with a non-filibuster-proof
majority. The Republicans remain in control of the House of Representatives.
The national
political dynamic has resulted in an extended immobilization of the government.
With the House -- a body where party discipline is the norm -- under Republican
control, passing legislation will be difficult and require compromise. Since
the Senate is in Democratic hands, the probability of it overriding any
unilateral administrative actions is small. Nevertheless, Obama does not have
enough congressional support for dramatic new initiatives, and getting
appointments through the Senate that Republicans oppose will be difficult.
There is a quote
often attributed to Thomas Jefferson: "That government is best which
governs the least because its people discipline themselves." I am not sure
that the current political climate is what was meant by the people disciplining
themselves, but it is clear that the people have imposed profound limits on
this government. Its ability to continue what is already being done has not
been curbed, but its ability to do much that is new has been blocked.
The Plan for
American Power
The gridlock sets
the stage for a shift in foreign policy that has been
under way since the U.S.-led intervention in Libya in 2011. I have argued that
presidents do not make strategies but that those strategies are imposed on them by
reality. Nevertheless, it is always helpful that the subjective wishes of a
president and necessity coincide, even if the intent is not the same.
In previous
articles and books, I have made the case that the United States emerged as the
only global power in 1991, when the Soviet Union fell. It emerged unprepared
for its role and uncertain about how to execute it. The exercise of power
requires skill and experience, and the United States had no plan for how to
operate in a world where it was not faced with a rival. It had global interests
but no global strategy.
This period began
in 1991 and is now in the process of ending. The first phase consisted of a
happy but illusory period in which it was believed that there were no serious
threats to the United States. This was replaced on 9/11 with a phase of urgent
reaction, followed by the belief that the only interest the United States had
was prosecuting a war against radical Islamists.
Both phases were
part of a process of fantasy. American power, simply by its existence, was a
threat and challenge to others, and the world remained filled with danger. On
the other hand, focusing on one thing obsessively to the exclusion of all other
matters was equally dangerous. American foreign policy was disproportionate, and understandably so.
No one was prepared for the power of the United States.
During the last
half of the past decade, the inability to end the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan,
coupled with economic problems, convinced reasonable people that the United
States had entered an age of permanent decline. The sort of power the United
States has does not dissipate that fast. The disintegration of European unity and the financial crisis
facing China have left the United States, not surprisingly, still the
unchallenged global power. The issue is what to do with that power.
The defeated
challenger in the U.S. election, Mitt Romney, had a memorable and important turn
of phrase when he said that you can't kill your way out of the problems of the
Middle East. The point that neither Romney nor Obama articulated is what you do
instead in the Middle East -- and elsewhere.
Constant use of
military force is not an option. See the example of the British Empire:
Military force was used judiciously, but the preferred course was avoiding war
in favor of political arrangements or supporting enemies of enemies
politically, economically and with military aid. That was followed by advisers
and trainers -- officers for native troops. As a last resort, when the balance
could not hold and the issue was of sufficient interest, the British would
insert overwhelming force to defeat an enemy. Until, as all empires do, they
became exhausted.
The American
strategy of the past years of inserting insufficient force to defeat an enemy
that could be managed by other means, and whose ability to harm the United
States was limited, would not have been the policy of the British Empire. Nor
is it a sustainable policy for the United States. When war comes, it must be
conducted with overwhelming force that can defeat the enemy conclusively. And
war therefore must be rare because overwhelming force is hard to come by and
enemies are not always easy to beat. The constant warfare that has
characterized the beginning of this century is strategically unsustainable.
Libya and Syria
In my view, the
last gasp of this strategy was Libya. The intervention there was poorly thought
out: The consequences of the fall of Moammar
Gadhafi were not planned for, and it was never clear why
the future of Libya mattered to the United States. The situation in Libya was
out of control long before the Sept. 11 attack in Benghazi. It was a case of
insufficient force being applied to an uncertain enemy in a war that did not
rise to the level of urgency.
The U.S. treatment
of Syria is very different. The United States' unwillingness to involve itself
directly with main military force, in spite of urgings from various directions,
is an instance in which even a potentially important strategic goal --
undermining Iranian influence in Syria -- could be achieved by depending on
regional powers to manage the problem or to live with it as they choose. Having
provided what limited aid was required to destabilize the Syrian government,
the United States was content to let the local balance of power take its
It is not clear
whether Obama saw the doctrine I am discussing -- he certainly didn't see it in
Libya, and his Syrian policy might simply have been a reaction to his
miscalculations in Libya. But the subjective intentions of a leader are not as
important as the realities he is responding to, however thoughtfully or
thoughtlessly. It was clear that the United States could not continue to
intervene with insufficient forces to achieve unclear goals in countries it
could not subdue.
Nor could the
United States withdraw from the world. It produces almost one-quarter of the
world's GDP; how could it? The historical answer was not a constant tempo of
intervention but a continual threat of intervention, rarely fulfilled, coupled
with skillful management of the balance of power in a region. Even better, when
available as a course, is to avoid even the threat of intervention or any
pretense of management and let most problems be solved by the people affected
by it.
This is not so
much a policy as a reality. The United States cannot be the global policeman or
the global social worker. The United States is responsible for pursuing its own
interests at the lowest possible cost. If withdrawal is impossible, avoiding
conflicts that do not involve fundamental American interests is a necessity
since garrison states -- nations constantly in a state of war -- have trouble
holding on to power. Knowing when to go to war is an art, the heart of which is
knowing when not to go to war.
One of the hardest
things for a young empire to master is the principle that, for the most part,
there is nothing to be done. That is the phase in which the United States finds
itself at the moment. It is coming to terms not so much with the limits of
power as the nature of power. Great power derives from the understanding of the
difference between those things that matter and those that don't, and a
ruthless indifference to those that don't. It is a hard thing to learn, but
history is teaching it to the United States.
The Domestic
The gridlock which
this election has given the U.S. government is a suitable frame for this
lesson. While Obama might want to launch major initiatives in domestic policy,
he can't. At the same time, he seems not to have the appetite for foreign
adventures. It is not clear whether this is simply a response to miscalculation
or a genuine strategic understanding, but in either case, adopting a more cautious foreign policy
will come naturally to him. This will create a framework that begins to
institutionalize two lessons: First, it is rarely necessary to go to war, and
second, when you do go to war, go with everything you have. Obama will follow
the first lesson, and there is time for the second to be learned by others. He
will practice the studied indifference that most foreign problems pose to the
United States.
There will be a
great deal of unhappiness with the second Obama administration overseas. As
much as the world condemns the United States when it does something, at least
part of the world is usually demanding some action. Obama will disappoint, but
it is not Obama. Just as the elections will paralyze him domestically, reality
will limit his foreign policy. Immobilism is something the founders would have
been comfortable with, both in domestic politics and in foreign policy. The
voters have given the republic a government that will give them both.
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