by Richard A. Epstein
One month into the second term
of the Obama administration, the economic prognosis looks mixed at best. On
growth, the U.S. Department of Commerce reports the last quarter of 2012
produced a small decline in gross domestic product, without any prospects for a
quick reversal. On income inequality, the most recent statistics (which only go
through 2011) focus on the top 1 percent.
“Incomes Flat in Recovery, But
Not for the 1%” reports Annie Lawrey of the New York
Times. Relying on a recent report prepared by the well-known economist Professor Emmanuel Saez, who is the director for the
Center of Equitable Growth at Berkeley, Lawrey reports that the income of the
top 1 percent has increased by 11.2 percent, while the overall income of the
rest of the population has decreased slightly by 0.4 percent.
Growth vs. Equality
What should we make of these
numbers? One approach is to stress the increase in wealth inequality, deploring
the gains of the top 1 percent while lamenting the decline in the income of the
remainder of the population. But this approach is only half right. We should be
uneasy about any and all income declines, period. But, by the same token, we
should collectively be pleased by increases in income at the top, so long as
they were not caused by taking, whether through taxation or regulation, from
individuals at the bottom.
This conclusion rests on the
notion of a Pareto improvement, which favors any changes in overall utility or
wealth that make at least one person better off without making anyone else
worse off. By that measure, there would be an unambiguous social improvement if
the income of the wealthy went up by 100 percent so long as the income of those
at the bottom end did not, as a consequence, go down. That same measure would,
of course, applaud gains in the income of the 99 percent so long as the income
of the top 1 percent did not fall either.
This line of thought is quite
alien to thinkers like Saez, who view the excessive concentration of income as
a harm even if it results from a Pareto improvement. Any center for “equitable
growth” has to pay as much attention to the first constraint as it does to the
second. Under Saez’s view of equity, it is better to narrow the gap between the
top and the bottom than to increase the overall wealth.
To see the limits of this
reasoning, consider two hypothetical scenarios. In the first, 99 percent of the
population has an average income of $10 and the top 1 percent has an income of
$100. In the second, we increase the income gap. Now, the 99 percent earn $12
and the top 1 percent earns $130. Which scenario is better?
This hypothetical comparison
captures several key points. First, everyone is better off
with the second distribution of wealth than with the first—a clear Pareto
improvement. Second, the gap between the rich and the poor in the second
distribution is greater in both absolute and relative terms.
The stark challenge to ardent
egalitarians is explaining why anyone should prefer the first distribution to
the second. Many will argue for some intermediate solution. But how much wealth
are they prepared to sacrifice for the sake of equality? Beyond that, they will
have a hard time finding a political mechanism that could achieve a greater
measure of equality and a program of equitable growth. The public choice
problems, which arise from self-interested intrigue in the political arena, are
hard to crack.
These unresolved tensions are
revealed by looking at a passage from Saez’s report Striking it Richer. Saez is largely indifferent
to these problems of implementation when he observes ominously that
falls in income concentration
due to economic downturns are temporary unless drastic regulation and tax
policy changes are implemented and prevent income concentration from bouncing
back. Such policy changes took place after the Great Depression during the New
Deal and permanently reduced income concentration until the 1970s. In contrast,
recent downturns, such as the 2001 recession, lead to only very temporary drops
in income concentration.
The policy changes that are
taking place coming out of the Great Recession (financial regulation and top
tax rate increase in 2013) are not negligible but they are modest relative to
the policy changes that took place coming out of the Great Depression.
Therefore, it seems unlikely that US income concentration will fall much in the
coming years.
Let’s unpack this. It is
surely true that the top 1 percent (or at least the top 1 percent of that 1
percent) is heavily invested in financial instruments, and thus will suffer a
decline in income with the regulation of the financial markets. But by the same
token, it would be absurd to praise any declines in overall capital wealth
because of its supposed contribution to greater equality for all individuals.
Nor would it make any sense to describe, as Saez does, the current situation as
one of “booming stock-prices” when the Dow Jones Industrial Average still
teeters below its 2007 high. Take into account inflation and one finds that the
real capital stock of the United States has actually declined over the last six
years, which reduces the wealth available to create private sector jobs.
Nor, moreover, is there
anything permanent about the 2012 gain in income at the top. As Saez himself notes,
some portion of the recent income surge has resulted from a “re-timing of
income,” by which high-income taxpayers accelerate income to 2012 to avoid the
higher 2013 tax rates. Accordingly, we can expect that real incomes at the top
will be lower in 2013 than otherwise would have been the case. Indeed, it is
possible that these “modestly” higher taxes could produce the worst of both
worlds, by depressing government revenues and reducing the
income of the rich.
Saez’s own qualification is
best read as a backhanded recognition of the perverse incentives that rapid
changes in the tax structure create. It is a pity that he does not go one step
further to accept the sound position that low, flat, and steady tax rates offer
the only way—the only equitable way—to sustainable overall growth.
A Return to the New Deal?
Unfortunately, Saez would
rather move our system precisely in the opposite direction. He praises the
dramatic shifts that took place during the Great Depression, when marginal tax
rates at the federal level reached 62 percent under Hoover’s Revenue Act of
1932, and stayed high during Roosevelt’s New Deal period. The anemic
economic performance of the Roosevelt New Deal arose in large part from a
combination of high taxation and destructive national policies that strangled
free trade, increased union power, and reduced overall agricultural production.
Today, Saez concentrates on the income growth of the top 1 percent. He does not
address the feeble levels of economic growth over the last five years.
Saez may think that the latest
round of tax increases and financial regulations are “modest” in the grand
scheme of things. But their effects have been predictable. The declines in
productivity have translated into lower levels of income and well-being for all
affected groups.
The blunt truth remains that
any government-mandated leveling in society will be a leveling down.
There is no sustainable way to make the poor richer by making the rich poorer.
But increased regulation and taxation will make both groups poorer. Negative
growth hardly becomes equitable if a larger fraction of the decline is
concentrated at the top earners.
The Middle Class and the
Minimum Wage
The effort to promote
equitable growth at the expense of the top 1 percent has serious consequences
for current policy. It is no accident that in his recent State of the Union Address, President Obama once again
called for increases in taxes on “the wealthiest and the most powerful.” If
adopted, these changes would make the tax system more progressive and the
economy more sluggish.
Indeed the President goes
further. He pushes for the adoption of other wrong-headed policies that would
also hurt the very people whom they are intended to help. Consider that the
Lowrey story featured a picture of President Obama appearing before a crowd at
the Linamar Corporation in Arden, N.C., seeking to make good on his promise to
raise the minimum wage to $9.00—to advance, of course, the interests of the
middle class to whom the President pays undying allegiance.
The President thinks he can
redistribute income without stifling economic growth. The simple rules of
supply and demand dictate that any increase in the minimum wage that expands
the gap between the market wage and the statutory wage will increase the level
of unemployment. The jobs that potential employees desperately need will disappear
from the marketplace. In a weak economy, a jump in the minimum wage is likely,
as the Wall Street Journal has noted, to reduce
total jobs, with unskilled minority workers bearing the brunt of the losses.
Unfortunately, the President
displays his resolute economic ignorance by proclaiming, “Employers may get a
more stable workforce due to reduced turnover and increased productivity.” But they
can get that stability benefit unilaterally, without new legislation that
throttles other employers for whom the proposition is false. Only higher
productivity secures long-term higher wages.
Indeed, the best thing the
President could do is to just get out of the way. After over four years of his
failed policies,Mortimer Zuckerman reports that unemployment rates
still hover at 8 percent, and 6.4 million fewer people have jobs today than in
2007. That’s an overall jobs decline of 4.9 percent in the face of a population
growth of 12.5 million people from July 2007 to July of 2012. The same period
has registered sharp increases in the number of people on disability insurance
(to 11 million people) and food stamps (to some 48 million).
There is a deep irony in all
of these dismal consequences. The President’s State of the Union Address
targeted the plight of the middle class. That appeal always makes political
sense—but it also makes for horrific economic policy. All too often, the calls
for equitable growth yield anything but the desired outcome.
Rather than focus on
“equitable growth,” the President should focus on flattening the income tax and
deregulating labor markets. Today’s constant emphasis on progressive taxation
and government intervention in labor markets will continue to lead the country,
especially the middle class, on a downward path.
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