By Peter Schiff
This week
financial analysts, economists, politicians, and bank depositors from around
the world were outraged that European leaders, more specifically the Germans,
currently calling many of the shots in Brussels and Frankfurt, could be so
politically reckless, economically ignorant, and emotionally callous as to
violate the sanctity of bank deposits in order to fund a bailout of Cyprus. The
chorus of condemnation may have been the deciding factor in giving the Cypriot
parliament the confidence to unanimously vote down the measures in hopes that
Berlin will cave or Russia will swoop in with a bailout.
The decision to
inflict pain on both large and small depositors was almost universally
described as a historic blunder. But the mistake was to do so in a manner that
was not camouflaged by financial smoke and mirrors. In truth, rank and file
depositors have been paying, and will continue to pay, for all manner of
bailouts and stimulus. Whether it's through lower interest payments on
deposits, inflation, higher taxes, higher borrowing costs, or the accumulation
of unsustainable sovereign debt, Cypriots will bear the burden of past
profligacy. But the new plan for Cyprus was far too transparent, simple, and
direct to survive in a world dependent on deceit and obfuscation. It was dead
on arrival.
All over the
world, most notably in the United States, Britain and Japan, central bankers
are actively pursuing inflation targets of two to three percent. But isn't
inflation, which allows governments to pay off debt through the creation of new
money that transfers purchasing power from savers to borrowers, just a deposit
tax in disguise? (Read more about Japan's plan to do just that). British
citizens of all means have been living with such a three percent stealth tax
for the past three years, and it is expected to stay that high for at least two
more years. Yet a one-time tax of 6.75% in Cyprus is seen as the ultimate act
of betrayal?
Many are lamenting
that Cyprus' membership in the EU prevents it from devaluing its own currency
to get out of the jam. How would such a course be morally superior? Taking
actual losses on deposits is no different than taking losses through
devaluation and inflation. Both result in the loss of purchasing power. Asking
for a depositor haircut at least deals with the problem honestly and
immediately. Although it's not quite as honest, devaluation can also be
The same dynamic
holds true with bailout funds. Suppose the EU were to come through with more
funds? All that means is that Cypriots will have to pay more in future debt and
interest repayments. In so doing they would saddle future generations with a
burden that they had no hand in creating. How is that fair?
And it's not as if
depositors at Cypriot banks, many of whom are reported to be Russian citizens
seeking tax havens, were not complicit in the risk taking. Bloomberg reports that over the past five years euro
deposits at Cyprus banks returned more than 24 percent cumulatively, almost
double the returns on comparable German accounts. The banks were able to offer
such returns because they were exposed to riskier assets (i.e. Greek government
bonds). What's so wrong with asking those who took greater risks to earn
higher returns to give something back when their decisions go bad?
Cypriot citizens,
as members of the EU, had the choice to put their deposits in any EU bank. Even
after paying the taxes that had been proposed in the bailout, long-term
depositors would have made more money by keeping their savings in the high
yielding Cypriot banks than low yielding German banks. So what kind of sadistic
Rubicon are we crossing?
The predominating
fear internationally was not that mom and pop Cypriots would have trouble making
ends meet, or that Russian mobsters would have lost any of their questionable
fortunes, but that a run on banks in Cyprus would lead to similar panics in
Greece, Spain, and then the world at large. As a result, the troubles of an
insignificant economy are seen to threaten the entire global financial
edifice. This is just the latest sign that our current system rests upon
nothing but confidence...which in the end can be ephemeral.
Despite the
surmounting mathematical challenges faced by the overly indebted countries,
investors have confidence that central banks will be able to engineer a return
to sustainable economic growth without creating runaway inflation or triggering
a renewed recession through premature tightening. This would be a tall order in
even the best of circumstances. But if a small issue like Cyprus can shake that strong can it be? Read how this confidence in central bank support has been the driving
force in stock market rally.
Interestingly, the
troubles in Cyprus have encouraged many to boast about the comparative health
of American banking institutions and the superior sanctity of our own depositor
protections. Both of these strengths are illusory, and as a result, what
happens in Cyprus will not necessarily stay in Cyprus.
This month the
Federal Reserve released the results of "stress tests" that it
conducted on the major U.S. banks. While the media heralded the overwhelming
success, in which 14 of 16 institutions received gold stars, they did not
mention how the tests failed to test how the banks would perform if interest
rates were to return to their historic norms.
Currently, the
ultra-low rates provided by the Federal Reserve, which provide a low cost of
capital and sustain profits on highly leveraged bond and mortgage portfolios,
are a key element keeping banks in the black. All of that would be
threatened in a rising rate environment. And while the tests did assume that
rates would rise from the current 1.9% on the 10 year Treasury, there were no
considerations for yields surpassing 4%. They assume that interest rates will
stay near historic lows, no matter how bad (or good) the economy gets, how high
inflation rises, or how much money the government borrows.
The Fed saw yields
rising to 4% (by the end of 2015) only under their most optimistic forecast. In
the scenarios involving economic deterioration, they predicted yields would
come down dramatically from current levels. At no point did researchers ask the
most fundamental questions: What if all the money that has been created over
the past few years leads to an increase in inflation that forces interest rates
past 4% even if the economy remains weak -- do they not remember the
stagflation of the 1970s? Or what if the continued fiscal cowardice in
Washington leads to a diminishment of bond investors' enthusiasm?
Given our past
experience with bursting bubbles, would it not have been wise for the Fed to
consider whether banks could withstand the bursting of the Treasury bond
bubble, which many suggest is the biggest bubble of them all? But since
the Fed did not recognize the smaller bubbles until after they burst, it is not
surprising that they are equally blind to this one? The Fed, after all, does
not have a history of learning from its mistakes. However, I believe the
oversight is no accident. The Fed knows that major banks would fail if the bond
market crashed, but it does not want to shake the confidence that is essential
to the current economy.
This episode also
puts into starker focus the inadequacy of deposit insurance. By offering the
illusion of systemic safety in bank deposits, government guarantees encourage
recklessness by banks and depositors. They provide the same incentives that
federal flood insurance does in convincing homeowners to build on flood zones.
Consumer choice and risk aversion are powerful forces that could bring needed
discipline to banking. The FDIC in the U.S. is in the same situation as
insurance giant AIG before the crash of 2008.
While the FDIC
currently has about $25 billion available to bail out failing banks in the
event of isolated events (mainly held in U.S. treasuries that would need to be
sold), it insures more than $10 trillion in deposits. Clearly it lacks the
resources to cover major losses in a systemic failure. A failure of just
one of the nation's forty largest banks could swamp the resources of the FDIC.
I believe that a significant spike in Treasury yields, to say 6%, would result
in the failure of several major banks. Bank of America and Citibank
for example each have over $1 trillion in deposits. Where would the FDIC
get the money to make the depositors whole in such a situation? The government
would be unlikely to pass a major tax increase to fund an FDIC
bailout. More likely the Fed would print the money. In that event,
depositors may not lose their money, but their money will lose much of its
purchasing power. In the end, honest losses could prove to be much smaller.
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