The euro crisis is back. Actually, it never left. But
there was an extended period, beginning last summer, when Europe's political,
business and media elites convinced themselves the worst had passed. The
European Central Bank (ECB) -- Europe's Federal Reserve -- had tranquilized
jittery bond markets. Italy and Spain, the two countries that might trigger a
new crisis, would be able to borrow at reasonable interest rates, because the
ECB had pledged to act as a lender of last resort. Though debtor nations still
faced hard times, matters were slowly mending. So it was said.
No more. Italy's latest election quashes this
optimism. The outcome seems a mix of absurdity and anarchy. One new political
party, headed by a professional comedian named Beppe Grillo, received 26
percent of the vote. The business tycoon and former prime minister, Silvio
Berlusconi, repeatedly pronounced politically dead, rose from the grave and
almost won. Between Berlusconi's center-right coalition and Pier Luigi
Bersani's center-left group (victor in the popular vote), there are major
policy disagreements and, therefore, not much foundation for forming a
government with a parliamentary majority.
But Italians did send a message. "The election
wasn't just anti-austerity. It was also anti-German," says David Smick,
editor of The International Economy magazine. "Berlusconi's rhetoric was
very anti-German. In Italian politics now, it's dangerous to appear being the
lapdog of [German Chancellor] Angela Merkel." In one dazzling stroke,
Italian voters rejected both Europe's main response to high government debt --
cut spending, raise taxes -- and the policy's most powerful architect,
Germany's Merkel. If Italy needs to be bailed out, the negotiations already
look tortuous.
The resentment of austerity is no mystery. The Italian
economy has contracted for six consecutive quarters; it is now 7.8 percent
below its peak in the third quarter of 2007, reports economist Martin
Schwerdtfeger of TD Economics. In 2013, the economy will shrink another 1
percent, he forecasts. Unemployment in December was 11.2 percent, up from
2007's 6.1 percent (annual average). This, too, will probably worsen in 2013.
The point: Italians haven't gotten much return on their austerity.
Taxes went up. The value added tax (a sales tax) is
scheduled to rise from 21 percent to 22 percent; there's a new tax on homes.
Welfare benefits went down. The eligibility age for pensions (once 65 for men
and 60 for women) is being raised to 67 by 2022. And yet, the debt picture
hasn't improved. Interest payments and a contracting economy (gross domestic
product) mean that the debt burden is worsening, notes Jeffrey Anderson of the
Institute of International Finance, an industry think tank. Debt rose from 120
percent of GDP in 2011 to 127 percent in 2012, says the Organization for
Economic Cooperation and Development.
Without stronger economic growth, Italy can't generate
jobs and the tax revenues to shave the debt. Even before the financial crisis,
growth was dismal, averaging less than 1 percent annually from 2001 to 2008.
What obstructs it, many economists argue, are protections for firms and workers
that provide privileges for some but discourage -- or prevent -- expansion. One
example is Article 18 of Italy's labor law that makes it hard for firms to fire
workers. "If you can't fire, you won't hire," says Matthew Melchiorre
of the Competitive Enterprise Institute, a free-market think tank. Firms have an
incentive to stay small. Italy has the largest share of employment in
micro-firms (under 10 workers) in the European Union, he says.
At least 28 service sectors -- taxi drivers,
pharmacists, lawyers, accountants -- enjoy licensing and other restrictions
that limit competition. Rome has 2.2 taxis for each 1,000 people, much fewer
less than Paris (7.7) or London (8.1), says Melchiorre. Italy's recent
government under Mario Monti curbed some of these restrictions but was stymied
in enacting more sweeping overhauls. Some economists believe that major
"structural" changes would accelerate growth, but estimates of how
much are mostly guesswork.
The day after the election, the rate on Italy's
10-year government bonds rose from 4.5 percent to 4.9 percent -- a large
one-day move. That's still well below last summer's peak of 6.6 percent, but if
financial markets decide that Italy's situation is slipping out of control, it
will slip out of control. Interest rates will rise; the debt burden will
increase. At some point, Italy -- the eurozone's third largest economy -- might
need a bailout. Spain -- the fourth largest -- might too.
The amounts required would dwarf the rescues of
Greece, Portugal and Ireland. Agreement would be hardly guaranteed. As
conditions for aid, the ECB and Germany have insisted on precisely the
austerity and structural changes that Italian voters just rejected. Could
Italy, backed by other debtor nations, force changes in old policies and, if
not, what happens? Europe's future remains in play.
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