Now that Europe’s decades-long experiment with socialism is unraveling,
what keeps me up at night is when the people will get upset enough that they’ll
start demanding (and getting) a little nationalism to go with their
socialism. It’s kind of the national sport over
there, once
they eventually run out of other people’s money. Not that EU governments have
given up looking under the sofa cushions, which they apparently also hope to use
as floatation devices:
Senior advisers to Chancellor Angela Merkel are pushing for better-off
households to pay towards the cost of any future bail-outs for the weaker
members of the single currency.
The proposals, from members of Germany’s council of economic experts,
raise the prospect of taxes being imposed on property in a country like Spain
if its government was forced to seek a bail-out.
The council, known as the “Five Wise Men”, is often used to test new
policies that are later adopted officially.
as well call them the Five Wise Guys, as in, “F— you, pay me.” Government by
goodfellas is the inescapable consequence of government by best intentions. The
Beast must be fed.
notice please that this “wealth tax” proposal would fall on “better-off
households” in Germany. Which, compared to Spain or Greece, is pretty much all
of them. Or at least, pretty much all of them in the former West part of
Germany. Keep in mind that Germans have been paying a 5.5% income tax surcharge
since reunification, to pay for bringing the former East up to the standards
and wealth of the former West. It’s expected to remain in play until at least
2019. That’s a lot of spreading the wealth around already, but at least the
Deutschmarks — excuse me, euros —
have all stayed inside the family, so to speak.
much is it going to cost mittelklasse Germans to bring up 47 million Spaniards,
when 20-plus years of subsidies still haven’t brought up 17 million Ossies?
a good question. Another good question is: What the hell is Merkel thinking?
kind of proposal doesn’t just give pause to German taxpayers. It also gives a
leg up to German nationalist groups. So far, the skinheads and whatnot have
been mostly confined to frustrated young men in the former East. What happens
when similar (and more reasonable) grievances become commonplace among
middle-aged Germans along the Rhine?
what the vile progs would have you believe, Evil Fascist Heavy Industry did not
sweep Hitler into power. Nazism was largely a middle class phenomenon, with big
business eventually coming along for the only ride in town.
yeah, I worry about what might happen to German domestic politics, if all of
southern Europe is eventually yoked to the back of the German taxpayer. Merkel,
an Ossie herself, ought to realize this.
no, I don’t think Panzer divisions will be breaking out of the Ardennes on
their way to occupying Paris — as much farcical fun as that might be to watch
on CNN.
But we
are watching Merkel destroy her CDU party in a vain effort to save a doomed
currency. The left-wing (lefter-wing?) SPD might be the beneficiary, but fringe
parties could very well become Germany’s new power brokers. And given that the
SPD is no more likely to succeed at saving this fiction called “Europe,” both
major mainstream German parties could see major erosion in their support.
the German fringes would become less fringey, which didn’t exactly work out
very well for the Continent the last time around.
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