Since 1995 the Chinese currency has either stayed the same or strengthened against the dollar
Especially during
dismal economic times, many Americans—goaded by media figures and
politicians—look with suspicion on foreigners. This tendency is most obvious in
anti-immigrant sentiment, but also manifests itself in a drive for protective
tariffs and other trade restrictions.
Over the past few
years China’s “currency manipulation” has been a particularly hot-button issue.
Pundits claim the Chinese government, by artificially suppressing the value of
its currency, unfairly subsidizes Chinese exporters while destroying American
jobs. Although there is truth to this claim it overlooks the benefits to
American consumers from the Chinese policy. Americans should stop fretting
about the Chinese currency.
To get a sense of
the accusations leveled at the Chinese, we don’t need to scour letters to the
editor written by economic illiterates. We can turn to Paul Krugman, who won a
Nobel Prize for his work on international trade theory. Krugman has been
leading the charge for punitive action against China—including retaliatory
tariffs unless its government changes its ways. In a particularly bellicose
column last year, “Taking on China,” Krugman wrote:
China’s policy of
keeping its currency undervalued has become a significant drag on global
economic recovery. Something must be done. . . . This is the most distortionary
exchange rate policy any major nation has ever followed. . . . [I]f sweet
reason won’t work, what’s the alternative? In 1971 the United States dealt with
a similar but much less severe problem of foreign undervaluation by imposing a
temporary 10 percent surcharge on imports, which was removed a few months later
after Germany, Japan and other nations raised the dollar value of their
currencies. At this point, it’s hard to see China changing its policies unless
faced with the threat of similar action—except that this time the surcharge
would have to be much larger, say 25 percent.
Before continuing
we should clarify Krugman’s charges: The Chinese government uses some of its
revenues in its own currency (collected from taxation, State-owned enterprises,
and so on) to augment its stockpile of foreign currency reserves. In other
words, in addition to spending its (yuan-denominated) revenues on tanks,
bombers, and infrastructure, the Chinese government also spends some on
acquiring more dollars, euros, and other currencies.
Just as the
Chinese government’s purchases of, say, gasoline for its military equipment
would tend to push up the yuan-price of gasoline, its efforts to buy dollars
with yuan will push up the yuan-price of a dollar. By having more yuan chase
U.S. dollars in the foreign-exchange market, the Chinese government’s purchases
tend to make the dollar appreciate against the yuan.
Because China’s
currency is weaker than it otherwise would be, Chinese exports are cheaper: The
stronger dollar allows Americans to buy more Chinese goods, and so they will
favor Chinese over domestic producers. On the other hand, Chinese consumers
will view American goods as more expensive because they ultimately are priced
in dollars and it takes more yuan to buy one dollar at the (allegedly)
distorted exchange rate.
countries with overvalued currencies (such as the United States) tend to export
less and import more, while China—having the supposedly undervalued
currency—tends to export more and import less. This disturbs some people
because it enlarges the trade imbalance between China and the United States.
Even if we
classify the Chinese government’s policies as nothing but a pure subsidy to its
exporters, they benefit Americans on net. The harm imposed on U.S.
exporters is more than offset in dollar terms by the benefits to U.S.
importers and consumers.
The standard
arguments for free trade apply, even in cases where foreign governments give
money directly to their exporters. For example, rather than using their
revenues to prop up the dollar in the foreign-exchange market, suppose instead
that the Chinese government told major Chinese exporters that they could cut
their prices to foreign customers and it would make up the shortfall with
tax-financed subsidies.
Note that this
policy too would “destroy American jobs” in particular sectors—namely, the ones
competing with the subsidized Chinese exporters—but it would generally make
Americans richer. To see why, consider the extreme case, where the Chinese
government used its tax receipts to buy TVs, cars, and computers from its own
producers, then sent the goodies to the United States for free. This would be
an unambiguous gift to the American people. If the policy persisted, the U.S.
economy would adapt itself to the new reality. Particular producers might be
worse off, but Americans would clearly be richer in general, just as surely as
if brand new cars magically fell from the sky. The American workers who
previously made the goods that we could now obtain for free would be available
to produce other items, increasing the total amount of consumption possible
from the same amount of labor and other resources.
So if we analyze
Chinese currency policies as merely a hidden subsidy to exporters, the standard
arguments for free trade show that the U.S. government can only hurt Americans
by retaliating (by, for example, imposing tariffs on Chinese imports). This
doesn’t mean the Chinese policy is efficient on a global scale. On the
contrary, the Chinese are poorer because the losses imposed on them as
taxpayers and consumers are higher than the gains to the Chinese
exporters, as measured in terms of material output. But it is simply wrong
to conclude that “China” is hurting “America.”
In fairness,
Krugman has a sophisticated Keynesian twist to the accusations, whereby the
“classical” analysis I’ve conducted here breaks down because the whole world is
stuck in a “liquidity trap.” I’m going to ignore this subtlety of his argument,
largely because most of the people complaining about the Chinese don’t rely on
Now that we’ve
established that the “worst case” scenario is nothing to fear, we can introduce
some further complications. In the first place, the Chinese haven’t made their
own currency fall against the dollar, but have merely pegged the one currency
to the other, so that the yuan/dollar exchange rate was constant (for long
From 1995 through 2005 the yuan/dollar exchange rate was roughly
constant, and this peg was maintained by Chinese, not U.S., officials. If the
yuan started to appreciate against the dollar the Chinese would sell yuan to
buy dollars. On the other hand if the yuan started falling against the dollar
Chinese officials would sell dollars to buy yuan and restore the exchange rate to
the desired target.
To maintain their
peg the Chinese needed to have a large stockpile of dollar-denominated assets.
The safest such asset has been U.S. Treasury securities. To convince
international investors that it is safe to put their money in China—especially
after the wild currency fluctuations during the “Asian contagion” of the late
1990s—China quite understandably needed to accumulate more and more Treasury
The Dollar Standard
The situation for
China was analogous to when the United States was on the gold standard. To
reassure investors of the integrity of the dollar, the government for a long
period pegged it to gold at a constant “exchange rate” of $20.67 an ounce. To
back up the peg U.S. authorities obviously needed to accumulate large
stockpiles of gold. If there had been only one country in the world that
exported gold, the United States every year might have sent over tangible goods
in exchange for the gold.
A similar analysis
holds for China, with its “dollar standard.” To build up its reserves of
foreign currencies—a perfectly sensible defensive move after the aforementioned
Asian problems—the Chinese wanted to buy more foreign assets collectively than
the rest of the world wanted to invest in Chinese financial assets. This is referred
to as a “capital account deficit.”
As a matter of
simple accounting, if a country (such as China) runs a capital account deficit,
then it must simultaneously run a current account surplus (which is a broader
category than the more familiar “trade surplus”). Intuitively, if the Chinese
want to acquire financial assets (on net) from the rest of the world, then the
Chinese must export goods (on net) to pay for them. After all, it is a valuable
asset to have an IOU from the U.S. Treasury promising to send future streams of
dollars, and a purchaser has to give up something valuable in exchange for it.
Ιt’s important to note that since 1995 the Chinese currency has
either stayed the same or strengthened against the dollar.
When Krugman and
others complain about the Chinese keeping their currency “artificially weak,”
what they really mean is that the Federal Reserve—under both Alan Greenspan and
Ben Bernanke—has been out-inflating the rest of the world. Under those
circumstances the dollar ought to be sinking against other currencies. (Indeed,
from February 2001 to February 2011, the dollar fell 31 percent against a trade-weighted
basket of currencies.) In this context, if the Chinese stubbornly refuse to let
the dollar weaken against their own currency, they are accused of
“manipulation” to benefit themselves at the expense of the world.
To add yet more
irony to the situation, notice that since June 2010 the Chinese have in fact
been allowing their currency to steadily strengthen against the dollar. This has gone hand in
hand with their slowdown in purchases of new debt issued by the U.S. Treasury.
Yet rather than praising the Chinese for creating American jobs, most analysts
are fretting over the fate of the dollar and U.S. interest rates if the Chinese
don’t resume financing more of Uncle Sam’s deficits! If U.S. officials really
want to eliminate an “overvalued dollar,” they should tell Bernanke to stop
printing so many dollars.
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