Karl Marx, were he alive today, would approve
The first view (held mostly by its detractors) is that Marxism is little
more than the politics of
resentment — a philosophical justification for the hatred of
success by those who failed to achieve it. The politics of resentment offers
three different methods for bringing its program of economic jealousy to
fruition: Under socialism,
the unsuccessful use the power of government to forcibly extract wealth and
possessions from the successful, bit by bit until there is nothing left; under
the more extreme communism,
the very notion of wealth or success is eliminated entirely, and anyone who
seeks individual achievement is punished or eliminated; and finally under anarchy, freelance
predators would be allowed to steal or destroy any existing wealth or possessions
with no interference from the state. Marx himself saw pure communism as the
ultimate goal, with socialism as a necessary precursor, and perhaps just an
occasional dash of anarchy to ignite the revolutionary fires.
there is another, more intriguing and less noxious, view of Marxist thought
that gets less attention these days because its anachronistic roots in the
Industrial Revolution seemingly render it somewhat irrelevant to modern
economics. Marx posited that factory workers should own the factory themselves
and profit from its output, since they’e the ones actually doing the work — and
the wealthy fat cat “capitalists” should be booted out of the director’s office
since they don’t really do anything except profit from other people’s labor.
Marx generalized this notion to “The workers should control the means of
production,” and then extended it further to a national scale by declaring that
the overall government itself should be “a dictatorship of the proletariat,”
with “proletariat” defined in this context as “someone who actually works for a
living.” The problem with this theory in the 21st century is that very few
people actually work in factories anymore due to exponential improvements in
automation and efficiency, and fewer still produce handicrafts, and the vast
majority of American “workers” these days don’t actually create anything
tangible. Even so, there is an attractive populist rationality to this aspect
of Marxism that appeals to everyone’s sense of fairness — even to those who
staunchly reject the rest of communist theory. Those who do the work should
reap the benefits and control the system; hard to argue with that.
the “factory” is no longer the basic building block of the American economy,
Marx’s notion that “The workers should control the means of production” can be
rescued and made freshly relevant if it is re-interpreted in a contemporary
American context.
the entire United States as one vast “company,” with citizens as employees and
politicians and bureaucrats as managers. Everybody, in theory, works together
to make the company successful. But there are two realities which shatter this
idealized theory: first, only about half the employees actually ever do any
work, while the rest seem to be on permanent vacation or sick leave; and
second, our bureaucratic “managers” — just like the wealthy fat cats in Marx’s
vision — simply benefit from the labor of others without ever producing
anything of value themselves.
this “company” known as the USA doesn’t operate in the way traditional
companies operate. In our system, we create only a single product every year, a
gigantic pile of money we call the “Federal Budget.” Each “employee” is free to
engage in any profitable activity or profession of his choice, just so long as
at the end of the year he (or she, obviously) adds his earnings to the
collective pile, setting aside a certain amount for living expenses. The
“managers” then decide how this gigantic pile of money is spent, presumably to
keep the company healthy and strong.
The formula to determine how much each employee gets
to keep for living expenses is called “the tax code,” and those who contribute
to the national product are called “taxpayers.” The managers deciding how the pile
is spent are “politicians,” who are chosen every two years in a shareholders’
meeting called an “election.”
system worked pretty well for quite a long time — until recently. It is only
within the last few years that something remarkable happened: The number of
contributing “taxpayers” in the country for the first time has fallen to
approximately 50% of the population. Meanwhile, the number of unemployed,
retired, disabled or indigent citizens grew, as did the number of citizens who
earned so little in part-time or low-paying jobs that they paid no taxes, as
did the number of people laboring in the untaxed underground economy, as did
the number of bureaucrats.
The end
result of this epochal demographic and economic shift is that for the first
time in American history, the people who actually work for a living and
contribute to the common good — the “proletariat” in Marx’s version, and the
“taxpayers” in ours — no longer control the company. Vote-wise, the scales have
tipped in favor on the non-contributors and the bureaucrats, and suddenly they are the ones making
the decisions about what to do with our collective gigantic pile of money —
while those who actually created the pile through their work and tax
contributions have become powerless.
It is
outrage over this very power shift that spawned the Tea Party, which is
essentially a movement of taxpayers angry that they no longer get to determine
how their taxes are spent. Historically speaking, the Tea Party movement can be accurately
defined as a workers’ revolution.
Marx, were he alive today, would approve.
least he would if he was able to follow his own theories to their logical
conclusion. Unfortunately, the arc of history has exposed an untenable logical
paradox at the heart of Marxist theory: What if the “workers” — the actually
productive people in society whom Marx assumed were motivated by resentment —
instead were motivated by a desire for self-determination? What if the
“parasitical class” was not merely (as Marx posited) the do-nothings at the top but the
do-nothings at the top and
the bottom?
ideologues will likely be affronted by my analysis, saying I have no right to
twist Marx’s ideas to meet my modern notions. But in truth, re-interpreting
Marx is not only commonplace but necessary,
even to his followers, since the mid-19th century framework of his arguments
was already outdated by the start of the 20th century, leading to any number of
post-Marxist theorists and revolutionaries who have put their own spin and
interpretation on his ideas. Without updating and re-interpretation, Marx would
be irrelevant by now.
No one
has a monopoly on Marxist theory. Not even Marxists.
The Tea
Party is a workers’ revolution. Modern “progressivism” is a reactionary
totalitarian movement. The sooner that honest Marxists grasp this, the sooner
“the people” can achieve liberation.
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