bitter battle over gay marriage is a symptom of a broken political system
Paris: Revolutions are often sparked by an
unexpected shock to an already weakened regime. As commentators in France
remark not only on the crisis engulfing François Hollande’s government but also
on the apparent death-rattle of the country’s entire political system, it could
be that his flagship policy of legalising gay marriage — or rather, the
gigantic public reaction against it, unique in Europe — will be the last straw
that breaks the Fifth -Republic’s back.
Opposition to the
bill has electrified the middle classes, the young and much of provincial
France. On Sunday 24 March, in the freezing cold, the 4km stretch from the
Arche de la Défense to the Arc de Triomphe was full of people protesting
against the bill. On 13 January, also chilly, the Champ de Mars was similarly
crammed. When Johnny Hallyday or the World Cup got crowds like that, people
talked of two million. But the police, evidently acting under political orders,
have claimed that both demonstrations — which are without doubt the largest
public movements in French history — garnered a few hundred thousand at most.
Credible accusations surfaced in Le Figaro on
Monday night that the film taken from police helicopters on 24 March and
released by the Prefecture has been manipulated to reduce the apparent numbers
of demonstrators.
Such lies are the
sign of a rotten regime. Outbursts such as that of Elie Peillon, the son of the
Minister of Education, who on 13 January tweeted that ‘those gits’
demonstrating should be publicly hanged, make Marie-Antoinette’s seem delicate
by comparison. Had the mobilisation in Paris taken place in Tahrir Square, the
world’s media would be unanimous that a ‘French spring’ was about to sweep away
an outdated power structure, especially since the demonstrations (including the
daily ones held throughout last week, which culminated in a massive impromptu
rally of 270,000 people on Sunday afternoon) are attended by an overwhelming
number of people in their late teens and early twenties.
By the same token,
had the Moscow security forces tear-gassed children and mothers — as the CRS
did on the Champs Elysées on 24 March — or had they dragged away by their necks
youngsters who were peacefully sitting on the lawn after the demo — as the riot
police did on the night of 18 April — then the worldwide moral policemen on CNN
would be frantically firing their rhetorical revolvers. Such repression would
be interpreted as a sign that the regime was desperate. Indeed, had the
Ukrainian police removed the ‘tent village’ which formed in central Kiev at the
time of the Orange Revolution in 2004 — as the Paris police bundled more than
60 anti-gay marriage campers into detention on the night of 14 April — then one
suspects that Nato tanks would have rolled over the Dnieper to their rescue. A
dozen people were even booked by the police for wearing anti-gay-marriage
T-shirts in the Luxembourg gardens, where they were having a picnic, on the
grounds that this constituted an unauthorised political assembly.
The government may
have rushed the gay marriage law through parliament on Tuesday to try to take
the wind out of the sails of this mass movement, but police paranoia of this
kind is surely a sign that the French political system is terminally sick. The
historical background certainly confirms this. For more than 30 years, every
French government has lost every election. With a single exception, you have to
be over 50 today to have voted in the last election, in 1978, when the
incumbent majority held on to power: Nicolas Sarkozy managed to get a
conservative majority re-elected in 2007 only because he profiled himself,
dishonestly, as a new broom and as a rebel against the roi fainéant, his former mentor Jacques Chirac. Add to
this the fact that in 2005 the referendum on the European constitution produced
a ‘no ‘vote — that is, a disavowal of the entire political establishment — and
you are confronted with a bitter reality: the French electorate hates its
politicians and takes every chance to vote against them.
Hollande’s election last May was therefore not a victory but only his
predecessor’s defeat. He was elected with 48 per cent of the votes, if you
include spoilt and invalid ballots, and 39 per cent of the registered voters.
His election was especially unimpressive considering the widespread revulsion
at Sarkozy’s personal bling and at his betrayal of his own voters. But even so,
Hollande’s catastrophic poll rating has broken all records. When in March he
became the most unpopular president after ten months in office, his rating
stood at 31 per cent. Now it is 26 per cent.
The immediate
cause of the crisis lies in the dramatic alienation of sections of the
electorate who voted for Hollande in May. The overseas populations of the
Caribbean and the Indian Ocean, and regions like Brittany where the left is as
deeply entrenched as in Scotland, are in revolt over gay marriage: the largest
French daily,Ouest-France, based in Rennes, has turned against
Hollande on the issue. In addition, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the crypto-communist
who ensured Hollande’s election by throwing his support behind him immediately
after the first round last May, has now violently abandoned him, albeit over
economic policy.
But the deeper
explanation for the strength of feeling lies in the fact that, in French law,
marriage is indissociable from the right to start a family. There is currently
no gay adoption in France and no access for gays or lesbians to medically
assisted procreation. These have been legalised to general indifference in
Britain, but they are regarded as unacceptable by many in France and as an
intolerable attack on the rights of the child. The marches against gay marriage
are therefore really marches in favour of the traditional family — and in
favour of that ‘normality’ which Hollande promised to bring to presidency but
which he has betrayed in favour of the interests of a tiny minority. (Sunday’s
demonstration in favour of gay marriage at the Bastille garnered but a few
thousand militants.) Even Le Monde admits
that normally unpolitical people have been politicised by this issue, to their
own and everyone else’s surprise. The 50 per cent of French people polled
who say they are in favour of gay marriage evidently do not know what is in the
new law, because 56 to 58 per cent say they oppose gay adoption..
The issue, in
other words, has touched a nerve in France, a country divided between a
globalist elite and a conservative nation, part of which still believes in the
family and the state. Dominique Strauss-Kahn’s philandering while head of the
IMF revolted many French people precisely because such behaviour seemed to
embody the deep link between international economic liberalism and moral
collapse. Hollande’s economic orthodoxy (austerity to save the euro) coupled
with his support for gay marriage seems but a softer version of the same
phenomenon — as does the recent and severely damaging revelation that the
former Budget Minister had a secret bank account in Switzerland (and then lied
about it).
disillusionment with Hollande is also acute because this ‘socialist’ President
is such an obvious copy of his ‘conservative’ predecessor (just as all
presidents since Giscard have been carbon copies of him). Hollande, who
campaigned against austerity before the election only to introduce it
immediately after, recalls Sarkozy, who was elected with the votes of the
radical right only to appoint prominent leftists as ministers in his Blairite
‘big tent’ government. The military adventure in Mali is Hollande’s Libya.
This similarity
between the two men throws into the sharpest possible light the systemic crisis
of which the endless changes of governmental majority are the symptom: France,
like the rest of Europe and much of the industrial world, is governed by one
single political superclass which straddles not only nation-states but also
left and right. EU politicians spend more time seeing each other than their own
voters, while the range of policies actually at stake at any election narrows
with each one. This is why voters systematically reject their leaders, and this
is why the young have been so massively present in the marches. Such a
situation cannot last.
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