Desmond Lachman
Lessons for Cyprus
1. Joining the
euro was a tragic mistake.
Before joining the
euro, Cyprus should have considered that its banking- and tourism-based economy
had nothing in common with the rest of the European economy. It should also
have recognized that if its economy got hit by a major negative external shock,
Cyprus would not be supported by fiscal transfers from the European Union or by
lower European Central Bank (ECB) interest rates. Cyprus is now paying a very
high price for this mistake, as its economy is likely to contract by at least
25 percent over the next year.
2. Allowing
unregulated banks to grow so large was a blunder.
It is bad enough
that light regulation of the Cypriot banking system allowed that system to grow
to more than seven times the size of the Cypriot economy, mainly due to large
Russian deposit inflows. However, it is unconscionable that the bank regulators
allowed Cypriot banks to buy Greek government bonds amounting to 150 percent of
the size of Cyprus’s GDP. This combination was an accident waiting to happen —
and it did happen when the Greek government defaulted on its bonds in 2012. The
net result was bank losses close to €10 billion, or 60 percent of Cyprus’s GDP.
3. Trying to tax
small insured depositors was a monumental error.
The Cypriot
government’s proposal to impose a 6.75 percent tax on small insured bank
deposits was a huge economic and political blunder. Although the proposal was
eventually withdrawn, it had a very large impact on consumer confidence. It had
an even greater cost for the new government’s credibility and popularity,
considering that the proposal would have potentially impacted 90 percent of the
Cypriot population.
4. Basic
restructuring and large fiscal tightening are not possible within the euro
By requiring a
large write-down of the biggest Russian deposits at Cypriot banks, the IMF-EU
bailout package has totally destroyed the bank business model on which the
Cypriot economy was based. At the same time, the IMF-EU bailout program is
compounding the major supply-side shock to the Cypriot economy by requiring
that Cyprus adopt budget cutting measures totaling 7.25 percent of GDP over the
next three years. The basic lesson that Cyprus is about to learn is that an
economy cannot be radically transformed away from banking and toward tourism in
a euro straitjacket without destroying the domestic economy. This is
particularly the case when an economy is also being subjected to massive cuts
in the government’s budget without the benefit of a cheaper currency to boost
the tourism and export sectors.
5. Cyprus missed a
good opportunity to leave the euro.
Countries in a
currency union generally shy away from reintroducing their own currency for
fear of precipitating a bank collapse and of being forced to impose stringent
capital controls. This makes it all the more difficult to understand why Cyprus
has delayed the inevitable reintroduction of its own currency. After all, its
IMF-EU-induced banking fiasco has already resulted in a two-week bank holiday
and the imposition of capital controls. Cyprus should have at least gotten the
benefit of a new currency out of this fiasco.
Lessons for Europe
6. Europe should
have reserved the euro for core countries only.
In 2008, Europe
made a massive error by admitting Cyprus as a euro member. By doing so, it
welcomed into the union yet another country whose basic structure differed from
that of the core European countries and whose ability to comply with the
discipline of the euro was questionable right from the start. Should Cyprus now
choose to leave the euro, it will throw into question the European mantra that
the euro is forever and there is no possibility of exit for a country once it
has joined the currency. A Cyprus exit is likely to be very unsettling for
Greece, Italy, Portugal, and Spain. It would have been better not to have
admitted Cyprus in the first place.
7. Going along
with the tax on small depositors sent a bad signal.
The ECB and the
European Commission made a grave error in allowing the Cypriot government to
introduce a bill that would have taxed small insured depositors. By going along
with the Cypriot proposal, they threw into question the security of small bank
deposits in the rest of the European periphery. This remains the case even
though the proposal was ultimately defeated in the Cypriot parliament and
statements were made by European policymakers that small insured deposits are
safe. It seems that the damage to European policymakers’ credibility has
already been done.
8. Suggesting that
bailing in large depositors could serve as a template for future bailouts will
likely be costly for the EU.
As part of the
IMF-EU bailout package for Cyprus, large deposits of over €100,000 were written
down by around 60 percent. Loose talk among European officials suggesting that
the Cypriot bailout could serve as a template for future European bailouts is
likely to prove a costly mistake. In anticipation of a possible future bailout,
capital flight will increase in the rest of the European periphery, which will
only make the next bailout more difficult to effect.
9. Cyprus should
have been encouraged to leave the euro.
By designing yet
another bailout package that has failure written all over it, the IMF, the EU,
and the ECB are about to further damage their already diminished credibility.
It would have been better for them to have faced up to Cyprus’s inevitable exit
from the euro right from the start and to have sold a Cyprus exit as a special
case, rather than associating Europe with yet another bailout program that
will fail in short order. This diminishes the ability of the troika to deal
with future European crises.
10. German
Chancellor Angela Merkel has limited room for maneuver.
Chancellor Merkel
was forced by domestic German politics to impose a draconian bailout package on
Cyprus and to severely punish the Russian bank depositors. The fact that she
went along with a program that will effectively destroy the Cypriot economy as opposed
to writing the Cypriots a blank check is a measure of how constrained Merkel
has become in her dealings with the euro zone debt crisis. This does not bode
well for the prospects that Merkel will either ease the fiscal austerity being
imposed on the European periphery or move more quickly toward a European
banking union ahead of Germany’s September 22 elections.
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