In the meantime the debasement of paper money continues
The last couple of weeks have been very
interesting. Remember that, certain regional differences aside, Japan has, for
the past two-plus decades, been the global trendsetter in terms of
macroeconomic deterioration and monetary policy. It was the first to have a
major housing and banking bubble, the first to see that bubble burst, to
respond with years of 1 percent interest rates, then zero rates, then various
rounds of quantitative easing. The West has been following Japan each step on
the way – usually with a lag of about ten years or so, although it seems to be
catching up of late. Now Japan is the first developed nation to go ‘all-in’, to
implement a no-holds-barred money-printing regime to (supposedly) ‘stimulate’
the economy. This is called Abenomics, after Japan’s new prime minister, Shinzo
Abe, the new poster-boy of policy hyper-activism. I expect the West to follow
soon. In fact, the UK is my prime candidate. Wait for Mr. Carney to start his
new job and embrace ‘monetary activism’. Carnenomics anybody?
But here is what is so interesting about
recent events in Japan. At first, markets did exactly what the central bankers
wanted them to do. They went up. But in May things took a remarkable and abrupt
turn for the worse. In just eight trading days the Nikkei stock market index
collapsed by 15%. And, importantly, all of this started with bonds selling off.
Are markets beginning to realize that all
these bubbles have to pop sometime and that sometime may as well be now? Are
markets beginning to refuse to dance to the tune of the central bankers and
their printing presses? Are central bankers losing control?
‘Sell in May and go away’
Let’s turn back the clock for a moment, if
only just a bit. Let’s revisit April 2013 for a moment. At the time I spoke of
central bankers enjoying a kind of ‘policy sweet spot’: they were either
pumping a lot of liquidity into markets or promising to do so if needed, and
all of them were keeping rates near zero and promising to keep them there. Some
started to consider ‘negative policy rates’. Yet, despite all this policy
accommodation, official inflation readings remained remarkably tame – indeed,
inflation marginally declined in some countries – while all asset markets were
on fire: government bonds, junk bonds, equities, almost all traded at or near
all-time highs, undeniably helped in large part by super-easy money everywhere.
Even real estate in the US was coming back with a vengeance. And then, in early
April, central bankers got an extra bonus: Their nemesis, the gold market, was
going into a tailspin. I am sure Mr. Bernanke was sleeping well at the time: financial assets
were roaring, happily playing to the tune of the monetary bureaucracy,
seemingly falling in line with his plan to save the world with new bubbles,
while the cynics and heretics in the gold market, the obnoxious nutters who
question today’s enlightened policy pragmatism, were cut off at the knees.
But then came May and everything sold off.
However, that is not quite how the media
presents it. Here, one prefers the phrase ‘volatility returned’, as that
implies that everything could be fine again tomorrow. And it certainly can.
Maybe this is just a blip. But what if it isn’t? And, more importantly, what is
driving it?
A widely debated theory is that the
prospect of the Fed ‘tapering’ its quantitative easing operation, of it oh-so
carefully, ever-so slightly removing its unprecedentedly large and more than
ever alcohol-filled punchbowl could end the party. There has for some time been
concern about and even outright opposition to never-ending QE within the Fed.
So there is, of course, a risk (a chance?) that the Fed may reduce or even halt
its asset-buying program. (As a quick reminder, since the start of the year,
the Fed has expanded the monetary base already by more than $340 billion, and at the present pace, the
Fed is on course to create $1,000 billion by the end of the year.)
Ben Bernanke – tough guy?
However, I do not think that markets have
a lot to fear from the Fed. Should a pause in QE lead to a sell-off in markets,
to rising yields and rising risk premiums, then, I believe, the Fed will
quickly revert course once more and switch on the printing press again. The critics
inside the Fed will be silenced rather quickly. Remember that most of them seem
to argue that additional QE is not needed; they do not appear to reject it on
principle. Ultimately, nobody in policy circles is willing to sit on his or her
hands when the markets seriously begin to liquidate. The ‘end’ to QE, if it is
announced at all, is likely to be just an episode.
The last central banker who had the
cojones to take on Wall Street was Paul Volcker. Ben Bernanke, as well as his
predecessor Alan Greenspan, have been nothing but nice to the speculating and
borrowing classes. Both subscribe to and have, on numerous occasions,
articulated the notion that it is part of the central bank’s remit to bring
good cheer to households and corporations by lifting their house prices and
inflating their stock prices and executive option packages. What the country
needs is optimism and what is more conducive to optimism than a rising stock
market and happy faces on CNBC? Bernanke declared that boosting financial assets
can kick-start a virtuous circle of borrowing, investing and self-sustained
growth. David Stockman has aptly called this approach ‘prosperity management’ through ‘Wall
Street coddling’. Of course, Greenspan tightened in 1994, and again very
carefully in 2005, and yes, both times financial markets caved in. But this
only serves to illustrated how unsustainably bloated and dislocated the
financial system has become, and how addicted to cheap money from the Fed. I
think the Fed will be very careful to reduce the dosage of its drug anytime
Although he didn’t quite put it in those
terms, global bond guru Bill Gross, founder and co-chief investment officer at
asset management giant PIMCO, seems to see it similarly. In an interview with Bloomberg in the middle of May, he confirmed
that he and his team saw “bubbles everywhere”, which certainly implied that
everything could go pop at the same time. He also stated that the Fed would
“not dare” to do anything drastic anytime soon as the system is so much more
leveraged now than it was in 1994, when Greenspan briefly tried to play tough
and tighten policy.
My conclusion is this: if market weakness
is the result of concerns over an end to policy accommodation, then I don’t
think markets have that much to fear. However, the largest sell-offs occurred
in Japan, and in Japan there is not only no risk of policy tightening, there
policy-makers are just at the beginning of the largest, most loudly advertised
money-printing operation in history. Japanese government bonds and Japanese
stocks are hardly nose-diving because they fear an end to QE. Have those who
deal in these assets finally realized that they are sitting on gigantic bubbles
and are they trying to exit before everybody else does? Have central bankers
there lost control over markets? After all, money printing must lead to higher
inflation at some point. The combination in Japan of a gigantic pile of
accumulated debt, high running budget deficits, an old and aging population,
near-zero interest rates and the prospect of rising inflation (indeed, that is
the official goal of Abenomics!) are a toxic mix for the bond market. It is
absurd to assume that you can destroy your currency and dispossess your bond
investors and at the same time expect them to reward you with low market
yields. Rising yields, however, will derail Abenomics and the whole economy,
for that matter.
It is, of course, too early to tell. The
whole thing could end up being just a storm in a tea cup. It could be over soon
and markets could fall back in line with what the central planners prescribe.
But somehow I doubt that this is just a blip – and interestingly, so does
Mohamed El-Erian, Bill Gross’ colleague at PIMCO and the firm’s other co-chief
investment officer. In an interesting article on CNN Money yesterday, he contemplated the possibility
that markets were beginning to lose confidence in central bankers.
If that is indeed the case it won’t be
confined to Japan but will rapidly reverberate around the world. This is a much
bigger story than a modest slowing of QE in the US. Could it be the beginning
of the end?
I think the central bankers may not be
sleeping so well now.
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