... or how I know this ends
in tears
A week
later and everyone is a bit more nervous, with the speculation that US
sovereign debt purchases by the Federal Reserve will wind down and with the
Bank of Japan completely cornered.
anticipation to the debate on the Fed’s bond purchase tapering, on April 28th
(see here) I wrote why the Federal Reserve cannot
exit Quantitative Easing: Any tightening must be preceded by a change in policy
that addresses fiscal deficits. It has absolutely nothing to do with
unemployment or activity levels. Furthermore, it will require international
coordination. This is also not possible. The Bank of Japan is helplessly facing
the collapse of the country’s sovereign debt, the European Monetary Union is
anything but what its name indicates, with one of its members under capital
controls, and China is improvising as its credit bubble bursts.
light of this, we are now beginning to see research that incorporates the
problem of future higher inflation to the valuation of different asset classes.
One example of this, in the corporate credit space was Morgan Stanley’s “Credit
Continuum: Debt Cost and the Real Deal” published on May
17th, 2013. Upon reading it, I was uncomfortable with the notion
that inflation is the simple reflection of the change in a price index, which
implies the thesis of the neutrality of money. For instance, the said research
note discusses how standard financial metrics compare vis-à-vis a rate of
Why is
this relevant? The gap between current valuations in the capital markets (both
debt and credit) and the weak activity data releases could mistakenly be
interpreted as a reflection of the collective expectation of an imminent
recovery. The question therefore is: Can inflation bring a recovery? Can
inflation positively affect valuations?
I am
not going to comment on others’ views or recommendations, but on the underlying
method. A price index is a mental tool that has no relation to reality. In the
real world, we trade driven by relative prices. To infer economic behaviour off
changes in a price index is a mistake. The impact of inflation is more complex.
For this reason and in anticipation of future debates on this topic, I offer
you today a microeconomic analysis of such impact, on value.
suggest that a good way (but certainly not the only one) to assess the impact
of inflation on the valuation of a firm is to think of the same within the
typical free-cash flow approach. After all, what matters is not how inflation
can affect a certain component of its capital structure, but how the entire
value of a firm is impacted, before the same can be shared among the different
contributors to the said capital structure (i.e. equity, debt holders, etc.)
as far as I can recall from the times when I worked in the area of Private
Equity, the way to calculate the free cash flow of a firm for a
determined period is to obtain its operating margin, add to it depreciation
& amortization costs and subtract capital expenditures, changes in net
working capital and taxes. I show the formula below:
– Operating Costs
Operating margin
+ Depreciation & Amortization
- Capital Expenditures
- Change in net working capital
- Operating tax
Free Cash flow
follows is a discussion on the impact of inflation on each of the components of
the valuation formula above:
Revenues (= unit price x volume sold)
inflation, only those firms that have pricing power can defend the value of
their production. At the same time and because inflation brings unemployment
and the destruction of purchasing power, in general (not for all firms, of
course), sales volume drops too. This backdrop encourages consolidation, where
big players get bigger and small ones disappear. With it, the bigger firms
obtain oligopolistic to monopolistic pricing power which assures two things:
The currency zone where this development takes place loses in innovation and
prices become less flexible. This inflexibility, when fully unfolded, directly
leads to indexation, which is the stepping stone for any hyperinflationary
process. If the consolidating firms are public, it is likely that during the
consolidation process they become private via leveraged deals, as long as
credit is still available.
Operating costs (=unit cost x volume bought + factors)
regards to direct inputs, the same pricing problem described above arises.
There are those firms that have leverage with their suppliers and can force
these to delay price increases (i.e. margin contraction) and those that can’t.
Consolidation therefore pays off on this front too, carrying the same
consequences mentioned above. From an accounting perspective, when inflation is
high, firms can’t even measure the cost of their inputs and are forced to take
a Schrodinger approach, with either Last in-First
Out (LIFO) or First in – First Out (FIFO) accounting.
regards to indirect inputs, these can be segmented into labour and capital.
Labour intensive firms will struggle with a unionizing work force and inflation
always nourishes the growth of unions, to renegotiate labour contracts. All
things equal, this context simultaneously encourages higher unemployment and
illegal immigration, because while credit is available at negative real rates
(i.e. the nominal interest rate is lower than the inflation rate), firms will
find more convenient to replace labour with capital. This takes place during
the lower stages of an inflationary process. In later stages, credit disappears
and the higher interest rates make refinancing debts unfeasible, bankrupting
those firms that dared to invest in capital expenditures.
the required labour is low skilled but expensive due to social security
legislation, firms will also replace it with illegal immigration, whenever
impact of inflation on operating margins (i.e. revenues – operating costs) is
to drive consolidation, the replacement of labour by capital, indexation, price
rigidity and the loss of competitiveness. The loss of competitiveness is the
natural result of an environment that favours oligopolistic/monopolistic
structures and short-term investment opportunities. It is very common to blame
entrepreneurs or management for this outcome. However, the conditions that
drive firms to adopt these survival strategies are the exclusive responsibility
of politicians.
& Amortization
“…Both depreciation and amortization (as well as depletion) are methods used to prorate the cost of a specific type of asset to the asset’s life…these methods are calculated by subtracting the asset’s salvage value from its original cost…” (Investopedia)
It is
clear that any attempt to accurately portray the value and life cycle of fixed
or intangible assets under inflation becomes irrelevant. What if due to high
inflation the salvage value of an asset is higher than its original cost?
inflation there is uncertainty on the true cost of maintaining the fixed
resources involved in the operation of a business. This uncertainty forces
firms to cut back on capital expenditures. Investment demand and economic
growth therefore collapse
nothing can be reasonably forecasted under inflation and growth and
efficiencies are better served via consolidation and without innovation,
capital expenditures can only be of a very short nature, if any.
in net working capital
item is perhaps the most neglected and yet, most relevant, in my view. For
valuation purposes, an increase in net working capital means that a higher
amount of capital is tied to the operations of a firm. Therefore, a lower
amount of cash is available to the contributors of capital to the firm (i.e.
debt and equity holders). For this reason, the change in net working capital is
subtracted in the valuation formula above.
What is
net working capital? In simple terms:
Accounts receivable
+ Inventory
- Accounts payable
Net working capital
If from
one period to another the time necessary to collect on accounts receivable
increase and/or the inventory turnover necessary to run an operation
decreases, the value of the firm falls, as less cash is available to the
contributors of capital. Alternatively, if the firm manages to increase the
time necessary to honor accounts payable –all things equal- more cash is
What is
the impact of inflation on net working capital? Complete! Under inflation,
firms seek to delay any cash outflow. The higher their accounts payable, the
more debt they dilute. At the same time, bank lending quickly shrinks. At high
inflation levels, even working capital lending disappears. At this stage,
vendor financing is key and only those companies that demonstrate a steady
commitment to their suppliers can obtain credit from them. Suppliers, on the
other side, often go bankrupt precisely because they cannot collect on their
receivables. One of the painful ironies of inflation is that under it,
liquidity evaporates!
regards to inventory, this is counter intuitive, but firms will try to maximize
its amount, as long as they can get vendor financing. The accumulation of
inventory allows firms to lock in a cost of production that would otherwise be
uncertain. This is very inefficient. Just-in-time production models become
totally unfeasible. The accumulation of inventory is
more understandable when one realizes that inflation is the destruction of the
medium of indirect exchange, which forces us to barter. Under barter, inventory
is not a burden.
Just as
much as firms seek to delay cash outflows, they will want to collect as quickly
as possible. Those firms that operate at the end of the distribution chain and
can sell to a granular, cash-paying public will be at an advantage over those
that operate at earlier links of the chain (and have a concentrated customer
base which demands vendor financing). Inflation therefore leads to
consolidation on this basis too, towards the end of a distribution
example of a firm that would fit this profile, benefitting from an inflationary
context would be Costco Wholesale Corp. (and no, this is not an
investment recommendation, but a hypothetical example). As Costco sells in
bulk, its customer base would grow, since the public that seeks to escape from
a devaluing currency and lock the price of necessary staples would see an
advantage in purchasing the same in quantities, at a discount. Simultaneously,
the company would be in a privileged position to exert pricing power over its
suppliers and grow via acquisitions. As an extreme (but
illustrative) example, I recall that during the ‘80s in Argentina, when
employees were paid their salaries, many took the day off (and parents left
their kids with nannies) to go shopping. They were simply ensuring that not one
day would pass with them holding depreciating currency, which had to be exchanged
as fast as possible for all the goods that were going to be consumed until the
next wage payment. They set off in a hurry and bought, when possible, in bulk!
payments are simply one more cash outflow. Even without inflation, one tries to
minimize and delay this outflow. Under high inflation, delaying its payment is
a matter of survival and represents and additional source of
Because all hyperinflations took place before the internet era, we don’t know
how easy it will be to delay tax payments when the next hyperinflation arrives.
I imagine it will be much harder in the digital era.
inflationary policies carried out globally today, if successful will have a
considerably negative impact on economic growth. The microeconomic impact
described above brings the following unintended and unnecessary macroeconomic
- Oligopolistic/ Monopolistic structures
- Loss of innovation, competitiveness
- Indexation, price rigidities
- Unionization of labour force and higher unemployment
- Illegal migratory flows
- Destruction of public capital markets
- Higher fiscal deficits
If this
analysis is correct, the record asset values we see today cannot be interpreted
as the omen of an imminent recovery. I am not saying that these nominal values
are not justified. What I am saying is that they should not be interpreted as
an indication that economic growth is on the way.
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