The Fed's Zero Interest Rate Policies
Amount To A War On Jobs
By Marc A. Miles
It is easy to conclude that Federal
Reserve policy has failed. Despite record low rates generated by massive
purchases of government and mortgage back securities, economic growth is stuck
below 2.5 percent and unemployment remains far from pre-recession levels.
In fact it is much worse. The Fed’s
policy has actually retarded job creation.
Fewer Job Opportunities
Understanding this perverse employment
outcome requires simply understanding employers’ incentives. To expand
production employers either hire more workers or invest in new machinery and
technology. The decision is influenced strongly by the relative cost of the
two. If the relative cost of workers falls, the employer hires more people and
spends less on investments. Conversely, a higher relative cost of workers
encourages slower hiring.
The investment/worker ratio has varied
considerably over the last 50 years. Each time the capital/labor ratio
rises, workers on average have more capital with which to work. Hence,
the marginal productivity of workers rises. Conversely, if the ratio
falls, capital at the workers’ disposal falls and workers are less productive.
Over the last half century, the U.S.
capital to worker ratio has trended upward, demonstrating that in a more
prosperous country the real capital stock expands. However, what most
influences any year’s rate of job creation is precisely where the ratio is
relative to that trend. If the ratio is above the trend line, increased
production uses more than the historical amount of capital and
technology. Job growth lags. Conversely, where the ratio is below
the trend line, job growth is unusually fast.
The blue line in the accompanying figure
isolates the amount by which the capital to worker ratio has exceeded or fallen
short of its trend line in any year. In the late 1970s and early 1980s
there was an explosion in payrolls. As inflation and interest rates rose
sharply, the capital-labor ratio fell. By 1981 yields on 3-month T-bills
reached over 15 percent and inflation exceeded 10 percent. In order to
justify capital investment, companies needed machines with a marginal
productivity greater than the ever higher cost of capital. Capital
investment fell. Simultaneously, the relative cost of workers fell,
encouraging hiring. Companies, nonprofits and government became
increasingly labor-intensive. Relatively capital-intensive industries
like autos and steel found it harder to compete and contracted or even went out
of business. Relatively labor-intensive services
As interest rates trended down in the
1980s, the process slowed as more investments were profitable at lower marginal
productivity. Workers became relatively more expensive. Employers’
switched to hiring fewer workers and investing more in machinery and
Recall the lament of workers in the early
1990s. Companies became “lean and mean.” Middle management workers
became expendable. Manufacturers found they could produce with fewer
workers. Even governments discovered that their payrolls were too high
and commenced thinning ranks. These phenomena were part of the process of
raising the capital-labor ratio throughout the economy.
As interest rates continued to fall over
the next two decades, the process continued. The use of computers became
increasingly common throughout the economy. Writers learned to compose on
a blank screen instead of a sheet of paper. Computer controls began to
dominate machinery. Police relied more on devices and software instead of
patrolmen and desk clerks. The capital-labor ratio rose towards the trend
line and then surpassed it.
The red line measures the average annual
yield on 10-year constant maturity Treasuries. The values are inverted to
make the relationship easier to assess. An upward movement in the red
line represents a decline in
interest rates, a downward move means interest rates are rising. So rates rose sharply from the mid-1970s
until 1981-82 and have mostly fallen since.
The two lines generally move together, as
the theory would predict. In recent years the continued efforts of the
Federal Reserve to push interest rates lower have nudged the capital-labor
ratio higher and higher. Rates are now so low that the ratio is far above
what the historical trend line would predict.
The Fed’s policy is a barrier to job
creation, and hurts middle class workers. The persistent, extremely low
interest rates are dampening worker demand and keeping real wages from keeping
pace with productivity. Hiring lags while wages stagnate. No wonder
unemployment stubbornly remains high, and more and more workers are simply
dropping out of the labor force. The economy may be slowly expanding, but
job opportunities refuse to keep up. The Federal Reserve is making
unemployment worse and the average American poorer.
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