One question distills the dynamics down
to their essence: cui bono, to whose benefit?
Why are asset bubbles constantly popping up around the globe? The answer
is actually quite simple. Asset bubbles are now so ubiquitous that we've
habituated to extraordinary excesses as the New Normal; the stock market of the
world's third largest economy (Japan) can rise by 60% in a matter of months and
this is met with enthusiasm rather than horror: oh goody, another bubblicious
rise to catch on the way up and then dump before it pops.
Have you seen the futures for 'roo bellies and bat guano? To the moon,
Baby! The key feature of the New Normal bubbles is that they are
finance-driven: the secular market demand for housing (new homes and rental
housing) in post-bubble markets such as Phoenix has not skyrocketed; the huge
leaps in housing valuations are driven by finance, i.e. huge pools of cheap
credit seeking a yield somewhere, anywhere:
Asset bubbles are inevitable when the pool of good investment
opportunities is much smaller than the pool of credit-money sloshing around
seeking a higher yield. It really is that simple. It's astonishingly easy
to create hot money: just create the money in a central bank and then make it
available to financiers, investment banks, global corporations and other
Financial Elites at near-zero real rates of interest.
It's considerably more difficult to create a good investment
opportunity: an investment that is worthy of the risk must have a sound base in
fundamentals such as cash flow, return on investment, etc.
With so much hot money sloshing around, the only investments left are
either highly risky (just ask the oil companies whose rigs were nationalized by
Gabon) or plays on retaining purchasing power, for example, real estate in
central London, where roughly half the buyers of tony townhouses are foreigners
who don't even occupy their luxe digs: the last thing they need is another
mansion in a global money center, but they're so desperate to park their
capital somewhere low-risk that overpaying for a London manse makes excellent
The problem is central banks have created a vast pool of credit-money
seeking a return that is far larger than the pool of sound investment
opportunities. In a world burdened by over-capacity in almost every
sector, hot money is driven to seek the next emerging asset bubble as the only
place to skim a yield. Empty flats in London, Manhattan or Shanghai, oil leases
in Gabon, 10,000 sun-baked rental homes in Arizona, The Nikkei stock market,
shares in U.S. utilities, bat guano futures--none of these asset bubbles make
any sense in a world where credit is costly and scarce.
There are two other characteristics of this New Normal Bubble Economy:
1. Everyone who doesn't have privileged access to vast sums of money at near-zero real interest rates is left out; no bubble gravy for the debt-serfs, except for those who qualify for socialized mortgages from FHA or other federal agencies. (And the idea behind these government-backed mortgages isn't to enable serfs to gamble and win in the latest housing bubble, it's to lock them into debt-serfdom where they're making mortgage payments forever on a depreciating asset.)
2. All asset bubbles pop, destroying the phantom wealth of those holding claims on the underlying assets.
Is this a healthy economic system? No. Is it sustainable? No. Is it even
capitalism? No. It's a Neofeudal Debtocracy of rentiers and debt-serfs and
hot-money driven asset bubbles that are passed off as "investments"
to the credulous and unwary.
One question distills the dynamics down to their essence: cui bono,
to whose benefit?
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