Big Government and Central Banks: The Real
The British government has announced that
it will be proposing legislation to have senior bankers face prison for
“reckless” risk taking. This news item underscores two dangerous trends.
The first is the largely unremarked upon
phenomenon of modern democratic governments criminalizing more and more
activities. In the U.S., for example, numerous prosecutions have been
successfully pursued against corporate managers for the activities of subordinates
that the managers didn’t order or even know about. Isn’t it a basic tenet of
law that you can’t be charged with a crime you didn’t commit?
A corollary to this is penalizing people
for offenses they didn’t know they had committed. Yes, there has always been
the axiom that ignorance of the law is no excuse. But that is for basic crimes
like thievery, which you should know is illegal. In recent years, however,
governments–especially regulators such as the EPA–have issued voluminous rules
that can easily catch the unwary. The federal tax code is notorious for this.
The frightening truth is that if the federal government wants to “get” you or
your business, it can. There’s no way for law-abiding citizens not to get
ensnared in the regulatory maw.
Noted social observer and author Charles
Murray is writing a book on what he rightfully describes as the increasing
lawlessness of the U.S. government. The blizzard of new rules, many of them
vaguely worded, undermines the basic foundation of the rule of law: simplicity
and predictability. Murray finds the phenomenon far more widespread than most
people realize. The recent Inspector General’s report on extensive, deliberate
IRS abuses is but the tip of the iceberg.
Another disturbing thing about the British
news report is its reflection of the naive belief that more regulation means a
safer, less risky financial system and economy. Big Government here and in Europe
has perpetrated the astonishing myth that the recent financial crisis was
caused by reckless and greedy private-sector bankers. No wonder the public
howls for bankers’ heads. The real villains here were governments, particularly
central banks.
Experience has demonstrated time and again
that when a country undermines the value of its currency, bad things happen.
Both in the 1970s and in the early part of the last decade the Federal Reserve
continually devalued the dollar, and other central banks followed suit with
their monies to varying degrees. The result, predictably, was a commodities
boom, a surge in prices for houses and farmland, a binge in government spending
and a drought in productive investments.
Just as a virus corrupts information in a
computer, an unstable currency distorts markets. Take housing. People really
believed that housing prices could only go up and up. No wonder lending
standards went down. If a buyer defaulted, so what? The always appreciating
asset would easily cover the mortgage. Under those circumstances purchasing a
house with debt and little or no down payment looked like a sure, easy way to
get rich. And weren’t brilliant financial engineers, like alchemists, designing
securities that were turning packages of subprime mortgages, or at least parts
of them, into gilt-edged securities?
So the government that distorted the
markets now wants to jail bankers for responding rationally to those
distortions. The U.K. says it’s “cracking down” hard because banking is so
important to its economy. This would be likeWashington deciding
to smother high tech with regulations and threats of jail if a venture failed
because high tech is so critical to the U.S. economy. London’s moves will only
drive capable talent away, causing its financial sector to wither.
For the record, let’s note that we’re not
condoning genuine wrong-doing, such as rigging markets or stealing depositors’
money. But the vague term “reckless” invites Big Government abuse of the first
One point cannot be emphasized enough: If
the Federal Reserve, with the connivance of the U.S. Treasury Department, had
not debased the dollar, the “reckless” and egregious excesses could not have
Jail bankers? Let’s start with the real
villains–central bankers and their political masters.
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