Governments do not produce wealth, they only consume it
Our Founders’ greatest fear that pure democracy
would inevitably destroy itself is being played out in two distinct dramas,
both headed toward the same ending.
Detroit’s bankruptcy bears witness to
destruction by one-party rule. Decades of unchecked corruption and incompetent
governance have come to a head, as the accumulated debts of a government
willing to buy votes from the non-productive at the expense of the productive
fall upon a dwindling populace too poor, dependent, or stubborn to flee.
Washington’s terminal gridlock bears witness
to destruction by a dysfunctional, self-serving duopoly. Politicians
representing two supposedly hostile parties fight over the frozen controls on a
runaway train, even as they remain safely ensconced in gerrymandered districts.
With massive entitlement spending growing on autopilot, the only thing
forestalling federal bankruptcy is unlimited money printing—which will only
make the day of reckoning all the more painful when it arrives.
Both tragedies are enabled by a global
financial system that insists on feeding vast sums of capital into the maw of
sovereign debtors under the false belief that such debts are “safe.” Yet, the
only thing sustaining the belief that these debts will be repaid is the
self-deluded notion that future taxpayers will make good on them—somehow.
How is that working out for the
bondholders of Detroit or Greece? Where are the taxpayers that are supposed to
come to their rescue? Why does anyone believe the outcome will be any different
in Spain, Italy, Portugal, France, and ultimately the United States? While
sophisticated investors believe they can insure themselves against losses by
buying Credit Default Swaps and other exotic instruments, how will they be paid
when trillions in capital that could have been invested in productive enterprises
have already been destroyed?
Yet in Detroit the beat goes on. Michigan
Attorney General Bill Schuette believes he can magically protect the bloated
pension and medical benefits of retired Detroit public service employees by
invoking the state constitution. If he prevails, who will foot the bill? Where
will the remaining 190,000 privately employed taxpayers left in Detroit find
$19 billion to pay the city’s creditors? And what fool would lend to Detroit,
or other similarly indebted municipalities, if its current bondholders get
wiped out in favor of pensioners? What profitable activity will generate the
returns to repay any new loans? No one can answer.
The same willful denial prevails in
Washington. President Obama speechifies that a moribund economy can be restored
by building more roads, bridges, and windmills. Paid for by whom with money that could
have otherwise been used for what?
Republicans seem to believe that they can
avert fiscal catastrophe by marginally slowing the rate of growth in federal
spending while protecting their favored constituents from cuts. They call this
fiscal rectitude. Who are they trying to kid?
Only profitable businesses can turn
today’s capital into tomorrow’s wealth, by supplying willing customers with
products and services they can sell for more than they cost to create.
Defenders of big government claim that its
manifold agencies produce many benefits, such as ensuring that our air and
water remain clean, our workplaces are fair and safe, our poor are fed, our
elderly receive medical care, and our college students are showered with loans.
Lovely. How do these “investments” generate cash to repay maturing government
bonds? Governments do not produce wealth, they only consume it. How can
consumption turn today’s capital into future wealth needed to pay back all
those loans? No one can answer.
Are government-sponsored entities like the
Post Office, Fannie Mae ,
Amtrak, and national flood and farm insurance programs supposed to make up the
slack? Have you ever seen any such government programs generate sustainable
profits rather than losses?
As long as government power remains
unchecked, allowing politicians to eat our seed corn while suppressing private
sector growth, it matters little whether this happens under one-party rule or a
dysfunctional duopoly.
Only a resurgence of America’s productive
private sector delivering a sustained economic growth rate of at least 6
percent offers any hope for the future. And only a massive reduction in city,
state, and federal government spending can stop us from digging the debt hole
more quickly than we can climb out of it.
Does 6% sound like an impossible rate of
growth for a developed economy? Why, when President Clinton delivered as much
working with a Republican Congress and Ronald Reagan did even better working
with a Democratic Congress. Ponder that as Detroit stares
into the abyss.
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